The competitiveness of Nations
Advanced Business Economics
Term 1-Assignment
Brunei Darussalam
You will select one of these countries, and discuss how well it is integrated in the globalised economy.
Your essay must be clearly organized
You will analyse its trade pattern
You will show what are the impediments to trade for this particular country
You will conclude by reflecting of the integration of this country in the world trade system and what it could do to improve its position.
2000 words / Deadline 15/12/2017
Introduce the topic, show its importance in general and for the country
Give some general economic characteristics of the country of your choice
Present your plan
Part 1: Trade patterns
Use data on import and export, present them in a clear manner (tables or graphs)
Always comment the data you are presenting
Try to link this part to the models of trade you have seen
Ex: export in primary resources / import of manufactures => HO model of trade
Part 2: Trade impediments
Use data on barriers to trade (tables or graphs)
Always comments the data you are presenting
Explain clearly the relation between trade impediments and your previous findings on trade,
Try to reflect on the origins of these trade barriers
Wrap up your analysis with a focus on the successes:
Several elements can be taken in consideration: progression in the ranking related to trade openness, date of access to the WTO, number and size of multinationals originated from the country chosen
compare the trade policy of the country you have chosen with the one of Singapore and reflect on the solutions available for the country you have chosen and their applicability
World limit:
2000 words
Including bibliography
More is not always better! Your arguments need to be coherent
In your essay, you should show that you can understand and apply some of the theories that we have discussed in the lectures
Stick to the word limit
You are not being judged on the elegance of your English, but your paragraphs must have a structure:
beginning, middle and end
clear leading sentence, and concluding sentence to each paragraph
It is good to discuss matters with others in preparing the essay, but write everything yourself
Leave yourself time to proofread before submitting
Make sure you use your own words when writing the essay
All sources need to be correctly referenced
Do not copy and paste: this is the best way to avoid plagiarism
Use direct quotes only when absolutely necessary
Beware of collusion: working closely with a friend on a similar topic and writing very similar essays
Your essay will be checked for plagiarism
Consequences can be significant
You can use the different resources seen in class to gather and present data about the country you have selected
MIT – Observatory of Economic Complexity
World Bank – Doing Business
World Bank – World Development Indicators
CIA – World Fact Book
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