HCDE 301: Sustainability and Ethics Letter Report

Goals and Audience
For this assignment, consider the following goals and audience.
●    Explore the sustainability and ensuing ethical issues (or the ethical and ensuing sustainability issues) of a contemporary HCDE product, practice, or technology stemming from product and design decisions related to materials, design in of itself, recycling policies, product life cycle, energy use, workplace standards, urban planning, marketing strategies, etc. You may focus on apps, social media, transportation, urban design, etc.
●    Conduct research into the social, economic, and environmental challenges that relate to the problem. Note that the UN Sustainable Development Goals will give you more details regarding these three broad areas (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300). 
●    Formulate a solution to the problem that presents a persuasive course of action.
●    Analyze and communicate persuasively in writing. 
●    Master the letter report format, using effective content selection, organization, document design, and style and grammar.

You will write a letter (do not send it) to the company / institution / agency that has created or is responsible for the sustainability and related ethical problem (or vice versa-ethical problem sustainability problem). Your report should explore the problem, its many facets (bullet two above), and your proposed solution (bullet three above).  
Submission Criteria
The assignment is due at the beginning of class on the due date listed on the syllabus. Please turn in each assignment (1) as a hard copy document in class and (2) as an MS Word doc in Canvas. Your assignment should be about 1,250-1,500 words and be formatted as follows: 12 point font, 14-15 point line spacing, with page numbers. Use at least three sources-one published within the last three months. 
Your letter should contain the following sections and content.

Introductory section (no introduction heading needed) introducing yourself and explaining why you are writing to them on this topic, and an overview of the sustainability and ethics problem. Provide some background on the problem and its greater significance and why it merits being solved. (See WB Ch.7). 
o Your reader should quickly grasp your letter's purpose / thesis / claim, and the positive attempt behind your suggested solution.
o End the introduction with an overview of the main headings in the report written in present tense.
● Problem section that contains at least two sub-headed subsections concerning the related sustainability and ethical issues. This section should include citations from current literature.
● Solution section containing your proposed solution and course of action. This section will also include citations from current literature. 
● Conclusions and Recommendations that summarize in a broad sense the sustainability / ethics problems you have described and the solutions you proposed. Use two paragraphs for this section. 
● References section done through footnotes. In the letter report body, use in-text citations from at least three published sources, of which at least one published within the past three months. Refereed journals and conference proceedings are valuable sources. Google how to use footnotes.
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