write a two pages essay about industrial revolution and focus on the social impact.
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write a two pages essay about industrial revolution and focus on the social impact.
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Apply Kotter’s eight (8) steps of change management to an HR situation you have selected for change. You will address all eight (8) of the Kotter steps, developing an action plan for each step, submit a four to six (4-6) page paper instead of the video submission.
Title: Your First Name, Your Last Name – Managing Organizational Change
Tags: HRM560, Organizational Change
Description: First Name, Last Name – HRM560 Assignment 3 write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
Note: If you choose to submit a video presentation, please also submit a one (1) page summary of your presentation.
If you choose the written paper, your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
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For this part of the assignment you will need to submit an annotated bibliography.
An annotated bibliography is a notated list of the references you plan to use in your essay. In an annotated bibliography you need to include a brief summary of the source (3-5 sentences), how you will use the source in your paper (1-2 sentences) and the appropriate citation (in this case APA). See a sample here by scrolling down to the APA example:
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Human services administration is a broad and interesting field with many important aspects to explore. This course provided a dynamic array of practices and competencies that should prove useful to you if you decide to pursue a career in human services administration. For this, the final Discussion of the course, you review the Roundtable Discussion in this week's Resources, "Social Change." You will also select a human services administrator and an example of social change outlined in the Roundtable Discussion. Then you will think about how human services organizations contribute to social change. Finally, given all the information presented in the course, you will consider how you might influence social change.
Post in your Journal a brief description of the human services administrator and the example of social change you selected from this week's video. Then, based on the example you selected, explain how human services organizations can contribute to social change. Finally, given the information presented in this course about human services administration, explain how you personally influence social change
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Human services administration is a broad and interesting field with many important aspects to explore. This course provided a dynamic array of practices and competencies that should prove useful to you if you decide to pursue a career in human services administration. For this, the final Discussion of the course, you review the Roundtable Discussion in this week’s Resources, “Social Change.” You also will select a human services administrator and an example of social change outlined in the Roundtable Discussion. Then you will think about the how human services organizations contribute to social change. Finally, given all the information presented in the course, you will consider how you personally might influence social change.
Post in your Journal a brief description of the human services administrator and the example of social change you selected from this week’s video. Then, based on the example you selected, explain how human services organizations can contribute to social change. Finally, given the information presented in this course about human services administration, explain how you personally might influence social change
Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Social change [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
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Hurricane Katrina
Read article "Katrina & the Core Challenges of Disaster Response" (Download Here)
Read article "The Disasters Inside the Disaster: Hurricane Sandy and Post-Crisis Development" (Download here)
Submit a 3-5 paper addressing the following:
Explain the emergency response disaster from Hurricane Katrina and describe how these changes in emergency management affected the planning and response toward Hurricane Sandy.
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Looking Through a Different Lens
Chapter 2 of your text discusses deviant behavior. Using a minimum of three (3) external references, do you agree or disagree with the how theorists conflict view the police and what their role is in social control?
In detail, explain why or why not agree with the social control theory.
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Prepare analytical paper selecting a contemporary figure, celebrity, story, film, music video, television program, novel, etc. and make an argument that this figure IS OR IS NOT FEMINIST or empowering for women based on arguments presented in 3rd wave feminism.
Make an argument on a controversial topic using evidence and textual support
THE INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH SHOULD CONTAIN A CLEAR THESIS STATEMENT which names your chosen text and chooses one position which a brief indication of why
Underline Thesis
Paper should contain a detailed explanation (1-2 paragraphs) of what version of 3rd wave feminism you are using to make assessment of "feminist" or "not feminist". It is not sufficient to quote the dictionary that says "Feminism means equality for women". Rather, take a position based on one of the key ideas in 3rd wave feminism.
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Earth has physiology as if it were living organism . . Argue this statement
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Why did Google and Walmart join together?
Why are they trying to slow down Amazon?
Peer Reviewed Articles ?
Main purpose and How can we relate ?
must be Peer Reviewed Articles .
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