please answer the Second scenario in the assignment only, check the attachment file
, elaborate your answers,
more explanation
size 12, Time New Roman
Archive for November 21st, 2017
Management Accounting
Research a topic about business communications
Research a topic about business communications and write one paragraph explaining the importance of the topic you selected and how it impacts business communications.
Include two (2) videos and one news report related to your topic.
How little things can make a big difference.
1st-I have uploaded a picture of instruction from professor.So please follow these instructions specially the questions listed .We have to answer each questions and put them in review paper and plz put the answers in BOLD form so that prof can see all the answers clearly.I️ only need 5pages .
2nd-I need 10 slides of PowerPoint on the same topic for my presentation .So for each slide,can u write a brief speech so that I can explain telling what that slides mean.
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The Mexican American War and the role zachary taylor played
Paper must include endnotes and bibliography. Must follow Chicago style with footnotes at the bottom, 12 point font and Times New Roman. Paragraphs should not be more than a page long. Must be quoted sources preferably from the books K. Jack Bauer The Mexican War. K. Jack Bauer Zachary Taylor. So far From God The U.S. War with Mexico 1846- 1848 John S.D. Eisnhower.
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Greek and Hindu heritage are base on the oriental culture and the Cuban heritage in occidental
1. Greek and Hindu heritage are based on the eastern culture and the Cuban heritage in western. Please discuss the beliefs of these three cultures and how they influence the delivery of health care.are base on the oriental culture and the Cuban heritage in occidental. Please discuss the beliefs of these three cultures and how they influence the delivery of health care.
2. Compare these three culture and how disease and prevention it is influenced by the cultural practices.these three culture and how disease and prevention it is influence by the cultural practices.
APA word Arial 12 font
A minimum of 2 evidence based references are required. evidence based references are required.
minimum of 500 words are required.are required.
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Assignment 3: Secure Encrypted Communications
The requirements for this paper are in the enclosed document.
Please include the question as the header to the answer to the question.
The school uses safeassign so no plagarism.
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W8 “Final Paper”
Write a 2,000–3,000 word paper in APA format incorporating the feedback from your instructor throughout the course using the Business Design outline below. Apply an overview of the foundations examined throughout the course to a specific industry or company in the business sector and describe the implications for organizational leaders. Include a minimum of 7–10 scholarly sources using, Grantham’s Library, or the textbook. Be sure to include in-text citations supporting your research to include statements of fact, figures, and dates.
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Vocabulary Strategies
This activity builds upon the Proficiency Level Analysis assignment from Topic 3. You will use the groups that you created in that topic for this assignment.
Select one of the seventh grade passages from the New K-8 Reading Passages website. Create a 5-8 slide PowerPoint that could be used to demonstrate vocabulary strategies to your colleagues. Your PowerPoint should include the following:
- Key vocabulary that you would pre-teach the students in Ms. Jensen’s class;
- One strategy you would use to pre-teach this vocabulary to this group of students; and
- One strategy to practice this vocabulary later in the lesson.
In addition, include a reference slide with 3-5 references from the required readings or other sources to support the reasons for choosing these strategies.
Unit 3 Introduction To Management
This week’s assignment consists of envisioning a business idea and submitting a one page minimum paper in which you identify the business including its mission, vision, primary product or service, and describe a SWOT analysis relative to its planned expansion.
You are the owner and CEO of a business. Your business has eight locations. Each location has a location manager (who is the middle manager), a supervisor (who is the frontline level manager), and four employees. Your strategic goal for the business over the next five years is to expand into a new geographic region and to increase the number and types of products or services your business provides.
Choose a product or service that you would like your business to primarily provide. Compose a paper that begins by identifying the business type, stating your primary vision and mission for this business, and briefly describe (in one paragraph or less) the product or service your business provides to its customers.
Then, referring to your assigned readings and other classroom preparatory materials regarding SWOT analysis, type a paper of at least one full double-spaced page, describing at least one potential strength, one potential weakness, one potential opportunity, and one potential threat that could influence or affect your strategic goal of expanding your business over the next five years.
Write your Assignment in paragraph form, using Microsoft Word. Your document should be at least 1 double-spaced page in length, using size 12-point type size. This Assignment should be free of spelling and punctuation errors.
Submission Instructions:
Draft your Assignment paper at least 1 double-spaced page in length, using size 12 point font in MS Word format. Be sure your paper is well written in paragraph form, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Be sure to name your file according to the file-naming convention.
Submit to the Unit 3 Assignment Dropbox.
For additional help submitting to the Dropbox, please see the Dropbox Guide under Academic Tools.
This Assignment addresses the following unit outcome:
•Interpret the elements of a basic SWOT analysis.
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Implementing Risk Management
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
- Summarize the selected project and describe the primary failures of traditional project risk management.
- Describe the levels of uncertainty and complexity for the project.
- Determine what the project manager should communicate to the customers about the project unknowns.
- Relating to the selected project, identify and discuss the risk identification for selectionism and learning.
- Discuss the contingency planning approach and the management challenges of informing stakeholders.
- Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
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