SPO102 – Sports Marketing Assessment Contemporary Sport Issues Critical Argument

Subject Code and Title SPO102 – Sports Marketing
Assessment Contemporary Sport Issues Critical Argument Individual / Group Individual Length 1,000 words Learning Outcomes b Submission By 11:55 pm AEST / AEDT Sunday of Module 5 (End of Week 10) Weighting 30% Total Total Marks 100 Marks Context:Sport Issues Critical Argument

11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5 (End of Week 10)

This assessment item will require students to take a position or stance by creating a critical argument (Click here for academic writing guide https://laureateau.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/xid-6079350_1) of a current controversial International or domestic issue in sports and / or recreation examining the marketing implications of using sound theory and reasoning as support. Each issue below has some media (videos and website links) links to help you in creating your argument. You also need to search for additional information on your chosen topic. Choose one of these topics to complete your argument.
Detailed instructions for the assessment include the following
😕 Introduction or background information on topic
? A stance is required as part of the argument
? Identification of issues and marketing implications for a Sports Person, Organization or Industry
? Critical and ethical perspectives of these issues and marketing implications for a Sports Organization ? Minimum 5 Academic References with APA Referencing required SPO102_Assessment Brief 2_Critical Argument_Module 5 Page 1 of 6 1. Mad Mondays A term commonly used in Australia to refer to the traditional end-of-season celebrations for professional players of various codes of football.perspectives of these issues and marketing implications for a Sports Organisation

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