Your second assignment is your research paper. It needs to be 8-10 pages in length (double-spaced text with one-inch margins utilizing a 12 point font) and it needs to follow the MLA research style format as taught in our textbook. The paper requires you to use a minimum of six sources – all must be cited within the paper. You can also use an online supplemental websites. In preparation of this paper, you will be exposed to a series of lectures utilizing our textbook, chapters 4 (“Finding Resources through Secondary Research”) and 13 (“MLA Citation Style Guidelines”). It is crucial that you strictly adhere to the MLA format with the addition that your paper will also include a title page and an outline (Table of Contents). Please note that your final grade for the research paper will also include the notes you took in preparing the paper (the notes will be collected with the paper on the due date).
Archive for November 28th, 2017
Coming of Age in Mississippi
Coming of Age in Mississippi paper
Student will write a 2 to 3 page paper on the Autobiography Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody
Compare Anne Moody's experiences with the history we have discussed in our class so far.
How were her experiences typical of the period? How might they have been different?
Discuss her involvement in the Civil Rights Movement. Be sure to include some specific examples. What events was she a part of? What did she think of the leadership of the Movement?
Paper must use at least 1 primary source and 1 secondary source. You can include sources from our reading materials in addition to the Autobiography.
Paper must use APA formatting.
Describe the basic values of American political culture
Prompt: Describe the basic values of American political culture. Then, explore different perspectives on U.S. national political processes, including the role of third party candidates in elections and the roles of the federal and state governments.
Key themes: ethics violations, Congress, third party candidates, Presidential election, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Federal authority, State authority, Constitution
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which the student addresses the following three (3) items:
Congressional Ethics. Identify one (1) member of Congress who has been charged with ethics violations. Briefly discuss the reason for the charges and provide two (2) reasons why you agree or disagree with the verdict and any penalties. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how the verdict and penalties impacts your trust of the members of Congress.
Third Party Candidates. Discuss two (2) political reasons why a third party candidate has never been successful in winning a presidential election. Provide examples to support the answer. Note: Consider the political impact of the Republican and Democratic Party if a third party was successful.
Federal and State Authority. Identify one (1) current issue facing the United States today. Analyze the respective roles of Federal and state authorities in addressing the issue. Determine whether the U. S. Constitution constrains the Federal and state responses to the issue. Explain.
In your research, you cannot use Wikipedia, online dictionaries, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, or any other Website do that do not qualify as an academic resource.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are to:
Identify informed opinions on issues and questions involving the U.S. government, national political processes, policy making, and the notion of democracy.
Employ terminology used to study political science and American government.
Develop reasoned written and spoken presentations on issues and questions involving the U.S. government and national political processes using information in the course.
Describe the basic values of American political culture.
Explain how the federal system of government works.
Explore different perspectives on issues and questions about the U.S. government and national political processes.
Describe the importance of an informed, effective citizenship for the national government and political processes.
Use concepts from our study of U.S. national government and politics (such as models of democracy) to discuss government and politics in state, local, and international contexts.
Examine the evolution of presidential power in military affairs.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in the field of U.S. government and politics.
Write clearly and concisely about U.S. government and politics using proper writing mechanics.
Culture, Remedies, and Legends of Hispanic Culture
In two double spaced pages, you should identify at least two folk remedies and one legend that is common in one of the folk groups you fall into. In your write up, you want to discuss the folk remedy, how it works, when it should be used, if you have used it, and in which of your folk groups is this remedy popular. Don't use the same folk groups for all of your examples. In other words, maybe you can discuss one remedy from one folk group, and another from another folk group. Then the legend might be from the same folk group as the first remedy. (DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY SOURCES)
Commemorative Speech
This is a 2-5 page manuscript speech in which you pay tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution or an idea. This speech must make use of advanced rhetorical techniques in language, structure, and organization. Decide on a hypothetical or real occasion when a commemorative speech would help bring people together in a special way. Determine what could be the topic or the theme of such a speech. Write a manuscript (written only) speech suitable for this occasion. You speech should be between 2 and 5 double-spaced pages in length. Generally, it takes 1 minute to deliver 1 page of double-spaced text, so this would be a brief (2-5) minute speech. 0 sources required
Promotional Message
Your Professional Experience assignment is to develop a promotional message. This can be an email, letter, info graphic, image,
or any other relevant material that answers why should students take a Professional Communications course.
1. In order to receive credit for completing this task you must:
- Create a self-contained one-page document
- Upload it to the OneDrive folder
- Effectively answer the presented question
- Submit the file to Blackboard’s Professional Experience #5 link.
This is a pass/fail assignment. All elements must be completed (simulating the workplace where incomplete work is unacceptable) for credit. You cannot receive partial credit.
2. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
- Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar, mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation.
- Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
- Learn communication fundamentals and execute various professional tasks in a collaborative manner.
- Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision.
Unsure of legal obligations in designing a total compensation plan, a client has asked you, as a human resources consultant, to explain how certain laws and regulations affect total compensation in their organization. The client's organization employs 200 people, is a federal contractor, and operates in the biotech industry.
Write a 700 word paper (in third person voice) which provides examples of laws and regulations that influence total compensation.
Analyze similarities and differences in total compensation between this organization and other organizations in different external markets.
Discuss at least two examples that illustrate such similarities and differences.
Assignment : The Implications of Managed Care on the U.S. Healthcare System
Managed health care emerged in the early 19th century in response to the growing cost of medical services in the United States. It is an ever-evolving approach to combining the financing and delivery of health care that seeks to manage costs, increase access, and ensure or improve quality of care through a variety of methods, including provider network management, utilization management, and quality assurance.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
1.Describe the evolution of managed care and the forces that have driven its evolution.
2.Explain how managed care influences access to and utilization of healthcare services within the current healthcare system.
3.Evaluate the efficacy of managed care plans in containing healthcare costs.
4.Differentiate and compare at least three (3) models of managed care organizations.
5.Summarize at least one (1) managed care trend (i.e., evolving mixed models, managed Medicaid, managed Medicare) and appraise how this trend will affect managed care’s overall goal of managing costs, increasing access, and ensuring quality in the delivery of healthcare.
6.Use at least three (3) recent (i.e., last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Use at least three (3) recent (i.e., last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Assembly Language
Every question need as asm type.
1. Celo – write a program to throw three dice, 100 times. Add each triplet and count how many times each occurred. Print the results as a bar graph. EC Determine which total appeared the most.
2. Write a program to create 120 random numbers from 1 to 15. Count how many times each appeared. Print out the each number and its counts.
After you print them out, print them out in order. (Think, this is jokingly easy)
3. Create a method called multiply. Use it to multiply read in to integers and multiply them and the print out: 13*6 = 78 (assume the ints were 3 and 6)
Hint, use ecx and adding only.
Professional Networking
A discussion, one page only
Discuss three (3) reasons for utilizing professional networking during the job-hunting process. Note: Some potential points to consider include: developing a professional network, experiences you had presenting your resume at a job fair, or interaction on professional networking websites such as LinkedIn.
If you do not have experience with professional networking, you should do some light research into your intended career field and discuss three (3) relevant professional organizations that may be a benefit to you when looking for a job following graduation.