Speech Assignment: Communicate on Your Feet, an Expository Speech

 Follow the speech plan Action Steps to prepare a five to eight minute informative speech in which you present carefully researched, in-depth information about a complex topic. You may choose one of the topics from Figure 16.2 in the textbook, or a topic suggested by your coursework; or a topic about which you are interested; or a topic suggested by your instructor. Your instructor must approve your topic. 

Criteria for evaluation include all the general criteria of topic and purpose, content, organization, and presentation, but special emphasis will be placed on how intellectually stimulating the topic is made for the audience, how creatively ideas are presented, and how clearly the important information is emphasized. Use the Expository Speech Evaluation Checklist, Figure 16.3 in the textbook to critique yourself as you practice your speech. 

Prior to presenting your speech, prepare an outline, a source list in APA format, and a written plan for adapting your speech to the audience. Your adaptation plan should describe both verbal and visual strategies and should address how you will: 


Establish common ground 

Build and maintain audience interest 

Adjust to the audiences knowledge and sophistication 

Build speaker credibility 

Adapt to the audiences attitudes toward your speech goal 

Adapt to audiences from different cultures and language communities (if relevant for you in this speech) 

Use visual aids to enhance audience understanding and memory 

If you have used Speech Builder Express to complete the action step activities online, you will be able to print out a copy of your completed outline and source list.

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