Archive for December 29th, 2017

HISTORY 170 – Why do we see a strong conservative political

HISTORY 170 – Why do we see a strong conservative political

Why do we see a strong conservative political resurgence beginning the 1960s? To what extent did this wave of political activism change the basic direction of government?

After women gained the vote in 1920, many females

After women gained the vote in 1920, many females

QUESTION 6 24-22: After women gained the vote in 1920, many females a.began to retreat from further invovement in challenges to the status quo b.began demanding that women be treated as adult individuals c.retreated to traditional roles and behaviors d.demanded that Congress pass an Equal Rights Amendment 1.66 points QUESTION 7 26-3: Friction existed between Japan and the United States because of all EXCEPT a.the segregation of Japanese school children by the San Francisco Board of Education b.negative stories about the "yellow peril" in the Hearst press c.Unisted States support of Korea during the Korean-Japanese War d.Japan's occupation of Manchria and the U.S. response 1.66 points QUESTION 8 28-8: The "I Have a Dream" speech by Reverand Martin Luther King, Jr. helped: a.persuade President Kennedy to propose a new civil rights law b.break a filibuster by southern Democrats against a civil rights law public support for passage of a civil rights law in 1964 d.Dixiecrats portray civil rights as a fringe issue


HIS 101 – How does Las Casas compare and contrast the classical

HIS 101 – How does Las Casas compare and contrast the classical

How does Las Casas compare and contrast the classical Roman conquest of Spain with his contemporary Spaniards' treatment of the people of the New World?

HIST2 – America Since the Civil War

HIST2 – America Since the Civil War

America Since the Civil War CHAPTERS 23, 24 AND 25 ASSIGNMENTS: Trace the major events in Europe between 1933 and the German invasion of Poland in 1939 that led to war and discuss the efforts of President Roosevelt to help the Allied Powers prior to America's entry in 1941. Trace the events between 1937 and 1941 that led to war between the United States and Japan. Discuss the general economic conditions on the United States in the decade and a half after the end of WW II. What impact did these conditions have on corporate America? Imagine that you are a typical consumer of the post-war era. Describe your activities abundance. Discuss the political, economic and social origins of the Cold War. Your analysis should include the characterizations of each nation's leaders and worldviews as well as references to political troubles that arose in the post war er

HIST 8650 – Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson

HIST 8650 – Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson have their dreams after American Revolution. By the end of the Reconstruction in 1877, whose vision of America's future was closer to reality? Give me three support ideas and brief summar


Describe the Cold War in detail

Describe the Cold War in detail

Describe the Cold War in detail. Is this a conflict in the traditional sense? Why or why not? How did it get its name? How did this conflict begin? Who were the major players beside the United States and Soviet Union? Outline the positions of each side. Give a timeline of the major events and describe them in detail. Be sure to include where these events took place and who were the major players. What impact did they have on the counties of Western Europe? How did the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam factor into the Cold War? What role did the United Nations play? How did the formation of the United Nations and the creation of the Security Council factor into the Cold War? How did the war end?


HIST2 – Discuss the reasons the United States government

HIST2 – Discuss the reasons the United States government

CHAPTER 20, 21 AND 22 ASSIGNMENTS: Discuss the reasons the United States government announced a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914, as well as the difficulties the United States had in maintaining such a policy prior to its entry into the war in 1917. Discuss the factors that motivated American foreign policy in Latin America during the Wilson Administration and evaluate the success of that policy in dealing with Mexico. After WW I, fear of communism generally permeated attitudes among American People. Explain the reasons for the development of this fear and discuss the events that reflect this fear in American society during the 1920's. Discuss the major technological and business innovations that promoted economic prosperity in the United States during the 1920's. Imagine yourself a member of the Bonus Army that marched on Washington in May 1932. Explain why you participated in the march and describe your reaction to the events that occurred during the march. Discuss FDR's general approach to dealing with the problems of the Great Depression and give appropriate examples from his programs implemented in the first 100 days to illustrate your analysis.



HIST2 – Discuss the major problems of American society

HIST2 – Discuss the major problems of American society

CHAPTER 19 ASSIGNMENTS: Discuss the major problems of American society that concerned the social justice progressives and explain how they tried to confront these issues. Suppose you were a factory worker during the Progressive Era in American history. Describe the environment in which you would be working. Discuss the attempts to unionize American workers during the Progressive Era and analyze the problems that unions faced in their attempts to organize the workers. Discuss Wilson's approach to handling the major domestic issues confronting the United States during his administration and analyze how consistently he adhered to the principles of his New Freedom concept.

HIST 307 – How did the invention and spread of printing

HIST 307 – How did the invention and spread of printing

How did the invention and spread of printing affect the development of the natural sciences? What forms of communication did it enable, both in the Renaissance and subsequently?

In the 1950 book The Lonely Crowd, David Riesman

In the 1950 book The Lonely Crowd, David Riesman

QUESTION 2 27-1: In the 1950 book The Lonely Crowd, David Riesman, Reuel Denney, and nathan Glazer concluded that most Americans: a.were "inner-directed" with a good sense of personal direction b.were "other-directed," depending on others to determine what to say and do c.were socially aware of problems such as nuelar war and poverty d.were uninformed about problems such as nuclear war and poverty 1.66 points QUESTION 3 28-30: In the election of 1968, Republican Richard M. Nixon a.won by a landslide, beating Hubert Humphrey everhwere but Massachusetts and Minnesota b.almost lost to Hubert Humphrey, who made several political blunders near the end of the campaign c.won in a three-way election, partly due to voter outrage against social excesses of the the time 1.66 points QUESTION 4 28-23: "Hippies: became the main followers of the counterculture lifestyle of the 1960s. Which is FALSE" Hippies a.showed contempt for the middle-class values of parents b.were opposed to accumulating more material possessions c.participated enthusiastically in college campus and national politics d.emphasized natural things, such as flowers, in docoration and adornment



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