“Employee Reaction”

"Employee Reaction"  Please respond to the following:

  • For a job you know well, create a questionnaire of five items that elicits employee reaction to the employees’ levels of compensation. Identify what information should be included in a job analysis and job evaluation in order to develop a job structure.
  • Compare and contrast the features of exempt and non-exempt employee status in a table format. Speculate how employers benefit from having one type or another. Develop a recommendation for your organization about how to increase the probability that it is meeting all employment regulations.

Unit 1: Classification

Unit 1: Classification

Our study of anatomy and physiology starts with some basic classifications, so we'll begin by defining cell, tissue, organ, and organ systems and give examples of each.



    Write a 75-word response for each of the following questions:

    1. Describe the principles of yang and yin.

    2. The main scripture in Daoism is the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching). What is the history and importance of this text for the tradition?


    Integumentary System Structure

    Integumentary System Structure

    Our skin is a multilayered structure, the largest organ of our body. It provides a multitude of services to the delicate balance of our systems. Get out your microscopes and let's examine the structure of our skin.

    Include in your discussion the definition of the cutaneous membrane.

    List the strata/layers of the epidermis, describe the dermis. What type of tissue is the dermis? What is the name of stratum of the epidermis that has black granules?  

    what is the "hallmark feature" of the subdermis/hypodermis that lets you know you are now in the subQ?


    Anatomy & Physiology

    Anatomy & Physiology


    Provide in your own words, not as a copy and paste from other sources, a short paragraph, of no more than 200 words, with your discussion about the main differences among the 4 macromolecules, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.


    Anatomy BMI

    Anatomy BMI

    Matt is a 21 year old male who is 6’1” tall and weighs 250 pounds. Maria is a 19 year old female who is 5’8” and weighs 140 pounds. Matt has a family history of diabetes mellitus. Matt and Maria are close friends and do most things together.  On this given day, they were heading out very early in the morning to eat breakfast so that they could get to UCF for their classes before the parking lots filled up. On their way, they stopped at IHOP for breakfast and Matt had the Chicken & Waffles for breakfast, Banana Crepes with Nutella, and one cup of coffee.  Maria had BaconTemptation Omelette, a side of Buttered toast, and a 16 oz. of Tropicana Premium Orange Juice. 

    After their morning classes they met up again for lunch. This time they went to Burger King for a quick bite before heading back to an afternoon in the library. For lunch, Matt had the Whopper w/ cheese, a Dr. Pepper (medium) and a side order of the 9 piece Chicken Nuggets. Maria had the Bacon and cheese crispy chicken sandwich w/o mayo, and a side order of large French fries, and a Coke (large).

    They studied until late into the afternoon. On the way home they decided they did not have time to cook, so they stopped at Subway to pick up dinner. At Subway Matt had 12" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki, a bag of Lay’s classic chips and a Coca Cola (21 oz. with no ice). Maria selected the 6" Chicken & Bacon Ranch Melt, a Chocolate Chip Cookie and yet again, a Sprite (21 oz. with no ice)

    Well into the evening’s feature movie on TV, they both decided that a pizza would be just the right thing to have to finish off the evening. They ordered a 12 ‘’ Medium Pan Pizza: Meat Lover’s Pizza from Pizza Hut. They each had three slices along with a glass of water (they wanted to save the remaining slices for lunch the following day).

    The movie ended and they drifted off to bed to rest up to face yet another day tomorrow as UCF students.

    This is a typical day for Matt and Maria. Other than their usual study, eat and sleep routine, they do manage to get to the gym about 3 days a week. At the gym they usually manage to get in a good 2.5 miles run at an average of 4.26 mph on the treadmill during each visit.

    Assignment 1:

    Your responsibility for this report is to:

    1. Determine if Matt and Maria are about the correct weight based on their height. To do this, you can compare their BMI to published medical tables related to ideal values.
    2. Evaluate their diet to determine how many calories they both managed to consumed on this particular day. (Keep track of where you find the information, for we will revisit this data later in the semester for a more detailed analysis). 
    3. Being that this is a typical routine for Matt and Maria, would you expect them to be heavier or lighterat the end of one year and by about how many pounds? You might need to consider their Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in determining the total caloric expenditure.
    4. Would Matt’s eating lifestyle affect his chance of having diabetes mellitus?
    5. Discuss the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and comment on the statement that eating too much sugar causes diabetes.  


    Assignment 1 Anatomy

    Assignment 1 Anatomy

    Provide in your own words, not as a copy and paste from other sources, a short paragraph, of no more than 200 words, witha description of:The magnetic resonance imaging system, the fundamental principles, the main applications and the advantages or disadvantages, compared to other image systems in medicine

      Anatomy & Physiology Discussion Question

      Anatomy & Physiology Discussion Question

      Chapter 1 – Discussion Question.Main Themes in Anatomy & Physiology. History. Scientific Method.Holism and Holistic Medicine.
      Your discussion about Holism and Holistic Medicine, should contain your point of view in favor of this concept and the use of alternative medicine, or against it, and the reasons for your decision or opinion, advantages or disadvantages, risk and consequences, specific examples, etc.
      Requirements:• Your discussion should be approximately 200 words.• Read and respond in approximately 100 words to one of your classmates in the discussion area.• Check spelling.

      Body Tissue

      Body Tissue

      Fertilization starts with a single undifferentiated cell. As our cells divide and multiply, they begin to group together with other cells similar in size, structure, and function, forming tissues. Let's discuss our various bodily tissues, beginning with  epithelial tissue.ts with a single undifferentiated cell. As our cells divide and multiply, they begin to group together with other cells similar in size, structure, and function, forming tissues. Let's discuss our various bodily tissues, beginning with  epithelial tissue.