1) General information on the country (such as geographic location, population, life expectancy, primary language(s), religion)
2) Government and history – several key historical events and current political system
3) Economy, including but not limited to GDP, average annual economic growth, per capita income, unemployment rate, inflation rate, and leading industries
4) Comparison of Hofstede's cultural dimensions – US and your selected country
5) Business practices, what’s it like to work in your selected country (business etiquette, communication, dress code, etc.,) and
6) When you go – identify three cultural sites/events you recommend every student see/do when they visit and discuss their importance.
Missing or
Does Not Meet
62% or below
Superior Work
The presentation does not capture the audience’s attention, and there is no clear focus of presentation or an introduction is missing.
The presentation lacks a clear focus: Greeting, purpose, preview topics
The topic has a clear focus: Greeting, purpose, preview topics
Captures the
audience’s attention, and the topic has a clear focus: Greeting, purpose, preview topics
Body of Presentation
Content areas are not addressed at the level of detail required.
Several required content areas may be missing or some areas could be expanded upon.
Content areas of general information, government and history, the economy, cultural dimensions, business practices and when you go are all adequately addressed.
Content areas of general information, government and history, the economy, cultural dimensions, business practices and when you go are all addressed in great detail.
Summary is missing.
Does not reflect content of the presentation
Adequately reflects content of the presentation
Masterful reflection of the presentation’s content
Presentation Design
No graphical elements. Slides are
cluttered and the appropriate fonts and colors are not used.
Lacks graphical elements. Slides are
cluttered or the appropriate fonts and colors are not used.
Appealing graphic elements are
included appropriately. Some slides may be cluttered with varying fonts and colors or are difficult to read.
Appealing graphic elements are included appropriately. Slides are easy to read and are not cluttered, appropriate fonts and colors.
and background; use of graphics.
Organization and Flow
Information is not organized in a clear, logical way. It is not easy to anticipate the next slide, no transitions
Information is somewhat organized but difficult to follow. It is not easy to anticipate the next slide, little or no transitions
Information is organized. It is easy to anticipate the next slide, good use of transitions
Information is highly organized in a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the next slide, excellent use of transitions.
Does not communicate effectively to show competency of oral communication with targeted audience. Body language, gestures, or eye contact are lacking.
Somewhat communicates effectively demonstrating limited competency in oral communication with targeted audience or body language, gestures, or eye contact may be lacking.
Communicates effectively demonstrating competency
of oral communication with targeted audience. Also includes appropriate body language, gestures, and eye contact.
Communicates effectively demonstrating mastery
of oral communication with targeted audience. Also includes exemplary body language, gestures, and eye contact.
Lack of business casual dress and presentation falls well short of minimum 8 minutes.
Lack of business casual dress or presentation falls short of minimum 8 minutes.
Business casual dress and within 8-12 minute timeframe.
Business professional dress and within 8-12 minute timeframe.