Archive for January 16th, 2018

Week 8 Research Paper

Unit VIII Research Paper

Conclusion and Abstract

Follow the directions below for the completion of the conclusion and abstract assignment for Unit VIII. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to complete your academic argumentative research paper. Description: In this assignment, you will first write your conclusion; then, you will write your abstract. The following

components are requirements of the assignment:

Conclusion (150-200 words):

Revisit the controversy.

Emphasize the seriousness of the controversy. Answer the “So what?” question.

Suggest a general solution (optional).

Call for awareness/action.

Leave the reader with a final thought.

Abstract (200 words or less): For this assignment, you may not exceed 200 words.

Restatement of the controversy (one to two sentences) Your thesis (one sentence)

Reasons (three to four sentences)

Conclusion sentence (one sentence)

Add the conclusion and abstract to the rest of your paper so that you are turning in a complete research paper. The paper should include all of the following components (in order):

Title page Abstract Introduction Literature review Body paragraphs Conclusion References page

You may also seek out the guidance of the Success Center; the specialists are always there to assist you with your writing and comprehension.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

APA Guidelines

Evaluation And Reflection Essay

Your reflection should fall between 3-4 pages and must follow usual


Your portfolio will consist of a neatly arranged collection containing:

 A cover page/table of contents that lists each item in the portfolio in the order it


 A detailed, Reflexive Essay discussing your progress as a writer, thinker, student,

and person.

This should also address each part of the portfolio, discussing what

the various assignments show about your progress and efforts.

 It is necessary to cite your own papers in order to precisely analyze how your

writing and thinking have evolved over time.

Essay On “The Civil Action” Movie

Larry Bodine took the following quotes from the book, “The Essential Little Book of Great Lawyering”.  Choose one of the quotes, and by making specific reference (events and/or quotes) to the movie, examine how the character’s actions in A Civil Action either prove or disprove the quote you chose.

  1. Good lawyers are in the courts changing the law.  Great lawyers are in the street changing society. 
  2. Good lawyers are reasonably comfortable in most settings.  Great lawyers project confidence, but not arrogance or pride, in any setting, including the courtroom.
  3. Good lawyers are thought of as “capable,” and expected to do a good job.  Great lawyers own the client’s problem and engender a belief that they will do everything possible to help the client succeed at their goal.
  4. Good lawyers care about clients.  Great lawyers are loyal to them.
  5. Good lawyers treat the client professionally.  Great lawyers personalize the relationship by recognizing the needs of the individuals involved.
  6. Good lawyers go to law school to practice law.  Great lawyers go to law school to make a difference.
  7. Good lawyers are compassionate.  Great lawyers act on their compassion.
  8. Good lawyers know the law.  Great lawyers know the judge.

Film Viewing Worksheet

Read the questions on this file viewing worksheet before you watch Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life (2009) so that you will know what to look for while you watch. (The link to Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life is on the first page of this module.) I recommend that you take notes while you watch, or right after. However, make sure that your note taking doesn't interfere with carefully watching the film, and you should not write down every detail from the film.

After you finish viewing the film, answer each question on the Film Viewing Worksheet in paragraph form with complete sentences. (Type your answers right after the question using as much space as you need.) Answers need to be complete and comprehensive, demonstrating that you paid attention to the film and thought about what was shown on the screen.  You may use more than one paragraph if necessary. Many students find it helps them to use key words from the question in their answer – especially in their topic sentences.

Diverse Social Groups

Diverse Social Groups

Identify two social groups or populations with identifiable similarities and differences (for example, two different religious groups, two different Hispanic groups, two different family structure groups). Provide an overview of the similarities and differences between the two groups and how a social worker would engage with them differently. Support your discussion with the text, articles, and other literature.

FBA Assessment Report

Using one of the following referral case studies, develop and outline a comprehensive Functional Behavioral Assessment Report. The specific objective of your Functional Behavioral Assessment Report is to demonstrate synthesis of the course material related to FBA’s as they have been presented in the course. The FBA Report should be specifically related to only one of the following case scenarios. 


Please Use the Template and FOLLOW the Rubric attached.


Include references from : 

Steege, M.W. and Watson, T.S. (2009). Conducting school-based functional behavioral assessment: a practitioner’s guide (2nd ed.). New York , NY: The Guilford Press.


  1. A third grade student in a public elementary school has been referred for behavior problems continuously for the past three months. This student is demonstrating consistently disruptive behaviors in this classroom and in other settings within the school (lunch, recess, specials, etc.). Disruptive behaviors have been termed “aggressive” and “non-compliant” by school staff.
  2. The parents of a four-year-old have asked for help in “getting control” of their child's behavior. The child has been consistently throwing “temper tantrums” at home and out in the community. The “tantrums” have become so frequent and intense, that the child has no virtually no demands placed on him or her and is frequently left to do whatever he or she wants to do. The family has become more or less homebound for fear of experiencing the “tantrums” out in public places.
  3. Johnny is a six-year-old child with autism. His communication skills are significantly deficient and he demonstrates a wide variety of problem behaviors. Most concerning is the tendency for him to demonstrate self-injurious behavior that has recently increased in frequency and intensity. An ER visit was necessitated by a recent incident of this behavior. Some of Johnny's more intense characteristics related to autism spectrum disorders include repetitive and ritualistic behavior patterns and an apparent need to collect and acquire a variety of specific tangible items such as Hot Wheels cars and Legos. Johnny is generally only “well behaved” when access to these items is free and frequent.
  4. A 35-year-old resident in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities has been knocking out windows in the house over the past several months. He or she has required medical attention for injuries sustained by this behavior and placement at the group home is now in jeopardy. This group home has three other residents. All residents in this group home are expected to complete various tasks around the house, participate in social interaction activities, and work two days a week at a workshop. So far, the behaviors have only been reported at the group home.

Assignment Expectations


  • Utilize the Unit 9 assignment template as a model for your report.
  • At a minimum, your FBA Report must include discussion of the required components as reviewed at the beginning of chapter 12.
  • For each of those components, you should include specific details as they would be related to the referral scenario you are addressing. Details would include descriptions of the assessment tools, forms, and procedures that would have been implemented.
  • It is not necessary to report actual scores or responses of completed assessment forms and tools, but there should be in inclusion of some detailed information that could have been gained by utilizing such tools and procedures within the context of the case scenario you are working on. DO NOT simply list items.
  • It is not necessary, nor appropriate, to include ALL of the assessment tools, forms, and procedures reviewed in the course. Be judicious in your choices and make good clinical decisions on what assessment procedures you are including.
  • Develop hypotheses related to the function of the target behavior based on fictional specifics of the tools and procedures you have described in your report.
  • All tools, forms, and procedures reviewed in Units 4–9 should be considered when developing the components to be included in your FBA Report, but, as stated above, not necessary to include all of them.
  • It is expected that you will need to demonstrate “creativity” and/or “dramatic license” when outlining the steps of the Functional Behavioral Assessment you are reporting on.

Assignment Guidelines


  • Assignment should be a minimum of 5-7 pages not including the title and reference pages.
  • Use APA Format.
  • Utilize the readings and other course material from the course.
  • If you feel you must find outside resources for assistance, please utilize academically legitimate resources. (DO NOT use websites and Wiki’s that are not peer-reviewed)
  • DO NOT focus on the use of diagnoses or labels.
  • Be specific and detailed; do not just list items and facts.

Social Work With Target Populations

Social Work With Target Populations

Write a short paper (maximum three pages, double-spaced) choosing a population in our society that is viewed as disadvantaged or discriminated against, such as persons living in poverty, people with a disability, individuals with mental illness, immigrants, a minority ethnic or religious group, native peoples, children or youth, or members of the LGBT community.


How are social problems defined or viewed by society in relation to this population?

How are social justice issues framed in relation to this population?

What do social workers do when working with this population (this is a micro system perspective)? Explain and evaluate:

How do they assess needs, engage clients, and design and deliver interventions?

How do they validate their processes and practices (how do they know their interventions work)?

How do social beliefs influence the way this group or population is viewed and supported by the social work profession? (This is a macro system perspective.)

What is your appraisal of the relationship between the philosophical intentions of social work, the United States mindset regarding this population, and society in general?

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.


To successfully complete this assignment, you must meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (sixth edition) style and formatting.

Number of resources: Minimum of 4 resources.

Length of paper: 3 pages, double-spaced, not counting cover page and references.

Font and font size: Arial or Times New Roman, 12-point.


Social Work With Target Populations Scoring Guide.

Writing Feedback Tool.

How to Search the Library: The Basics.

How Do I Find Peer Reviewed Articles?.

APA Style and Format.

Families And Children

Families and Children

For this discussion, answer the questions that follow. Consider the intentions and philosophy of social work when formulating your response. Provide examples to illustrate and references to support your claims. Rely on both your readings and the film as an intellectual foundation for your response and avoid giving your personal opinions based on any personal observations or experiences.


Why do families and children occupy a central place in social work?

How have social problems concerning families and children changed or remained stable over time?

What is the American mindset about families? How are families defined in American society, and how does this influence what social workers do with families?

Community Empowerment

Community Empowerment

Choose one community population that may be supported by social work advocacy programs (education, community agencies, elders, persons with disabilities, nonprofit organizations, et cetera). Explain how this population fits into the domain of social work, and discuss the social justice issues social workers should be aware of in these systems.


How do underrepresented populations rely on community social work advocacy programs?

How are social justice issues and social advocacy processes addressed by social workers for underrepresented populations?

Model Treatment Or Service Plan

Model Treatment or Service Plan

Using the attached template, fill in each section making sure that there is sufficient information to demonstrate the objectives are measurable, related to the identified problem or community service plan objective, and that there are included target dates. The plan must have an introduction defining the client or the community population and a summary that identifies the differences and similarities between an individual client treatment plan and a community action or service plan.

Use the Riverbend City case studies, or another client or population you are familiar with, to develop the treatment plan or organizational service plan. In the Riverbend cases, you can work with an individual or family plan (micro level) or an organizational plan for the servicing organization (macro level) interventions.

The treatment or service plan must include the following components:

  1. Identified issue, situation, or problem.
  2. Objectives to be achieved (2–3).
  3. Measurable goals for each objective (1–2).
  4. Target completion dates.
  5. Indicators of successful completion.

Define the similarities and differences between an individual treatment plan and a community, organization, or group service plan.

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