Archive for January 30th, 2018

ACCT 212 Midterm Exam

ACCT 212 Midterm Exam

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1. Question : (TCO 1) The Accounting Equation is used to develop the organization's financial reports. (1) Describe what assets value would be if Liabilities are $12,000 and Owners' Equity is $50,000 by showing the Accounting Equation (10 points), and (2) provide an example of two asset accounts that could contain the value. (10 points)

2. Question : (TCO 1) The financial statements present a company to the public in financial terms. (1) Which financial statement requires input from the Income Statement and Statement of Retained Earnings (10 points), and (2) explain what information this financial statement provides. (10 points)

3. Question : (TCO 1) The accounting profession follows a set of guidelines for measurement and disclosure of financial information called the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). (1) Explain what the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are (10 points) and (2) provide an example of its application. (10 points)

4. Question : (TCO 2) Transaction analysis results in the development of a journal entry. Supplies are purchased on account agreeing to pay $500 within 30 days. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how to use the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points), and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points)

5. Question : (TCO 3) Adjusting Entries are required at the end of the period to ensure that accrual accounting principles are applied. The building that houses the business is depreciated at an annual rate of $14,000. Develop the adjusting entry for year end. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how to use the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points), and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points)


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1. Question : (TCO 5) Internal Controls are required to safeguard assets and to ensure ethical business practices. (1) Identify and explain the reason for any two of the five components of internal control (10 points) and (2) provide examples of how your two selected components of internal control will meet the goal of safeguarding assets and promoting ethical business practices. (15 points)

2. Question : (TCO 5) The bank account as a control device helps to protect cash. One of the requirements is to conduct periodic bank statement reconciliations. Using the following data, complete the bank statement reconciliation. (Use the format shown on page 251 of your textbook.) (25 points)

Financial Regulation Policy

Financial Regulation Policy



  1. Identify three policy problems in banking and securities markets, and discuss measures to address these problems.
  2. Discuss the main advantages/disadvantages of financial regulations.
  3. What is the significance of the SEC and the FCM for the financial market?

Week 7 Discussion

Week 7 Discussion

Go to one of your favorite stores and take a picture of something that catches your eye—the front entrance from the street, a display rack inside, a sign on the wall, etc. Upload the photo to the discussion thread and provide a summary of the following:

1. The products offered by the store you visited and why you like shopping there

2. What the photo shows us about the decisions the store has made regarding one or more of the 4 P's

3. How these 4 P's work together to keep you coming back again and again


Science Paper

Science Paper

Your paper may be about any topic that interests you within the area of biopsychology. However, the focus of your paper must be on brain function. For example, if you elect to write an essay on schizophrenia, the focus should be on what we know about the biological basis of schizophrenia and NOT on the symptoms of the disorder. Information cited in your paper must be appropriately referenced and based upon textbook and internet material such as journal articles or Government web sites such as NIH, NIDA, etc. WIKIPEDIA IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE REFERENCE


Your paper must include at least 4 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles. These are papers that present original research findings. They typically have the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. They will cover theory and background, present a detailed methodology, present data and statistics, and then make some conclusions about the findings. THESE are the papers that will count toward the 4-paper minimum for Peer Reviewed Journal Articles. You can find an example of a peerreviewed research article here: html. Please note the sections mentioned above. These are the markings of a good empirical paper. All sources should be investigations of brain/biological phenomena. All cited work should be referenced on the References page, and each reference should be cited in the body of the paper.  1) title page, (2) abstract, (3) an introductory paragraph that includes your thesis statement, (4) body of the essay that includes a review of literature that explains, supports, interprets, and analyses your thesis, (5) concluding paragraph that summarizes your thesis, interpretations, and original conclusion, and (6) reference page. All references must be cited in the body of the paper. All cited works must be referenced. Advice on the Body of the Essay: Each paragraph of the body should be about a BRAIN (or expressly BIOLOGICAL: genes, hormones, etc.) mechanism and how it relates to the topic. Each paragraph should start with a topic statement about the involvement of this mechanism in the phenomenon. The paragraph should describe the methods and findings of the source(s), and explain how the findings provide support for the thesis statement and the topic sentence of the paragraph. An adequate analysis of each source will include a discussion of the methods (procedures and measures), the significant findings, the relationship of the findings to the thesis, and potential limits of the findings.


Integumentary System Structure

Integumentary System Structure

Our skin is a multilayered structure, the largest organ of our body. It provides a multitude of services to the delicate balance of our systems. Get out your microscopes and let's examine the structure of our skin.

Include in your discussion the definition of the cutaneous membrane.

List the strata/layers of the epidermis, describe the dermis. What type of tissue is the dermis? What is the name of stratum of the epidermis that has black granules?  

what is the "hallmark feature" of the subdermis/hypodermis that lets you know you are now in the subQ?


Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

What are some of the main justifications used to support the retentionist and abolitionist positions of capital punishment?  Given the economic concerns and error rates associated with capital punishment, do you think it is a practice that can be morally justified?  Why/why not?  Explain your answers in detail.


Unit VIII Final Project

Unit VIII Final Project

Unit VIII Final Project    Your task is to create an argument for both sides of a debate. You are to create “notecards” that you would use in your debate. You should have three “for” notecards and three “against” notecards. Each notecard should have one statement that supports one side of the argument along with three supports from a credible source. Click here for a template of the “notecard” format. (The format looks like an outline—but the concept is that you are creating notecards for a verbal debate. This means you need to write in complete sentences, but you do not need the introduction, conclusion, and transitions of a formal paper.) Debate Topic Options:    1. Is it possible to believe in both science and Christianity?  2. Is Buddhism truly compatible with science?    Research tip: Use various combinations of the keys words religion, Christianity, Buddhism, science, theology, technology, and evolution within the Academic OneFile or Academic Search Complete databases in the CSU Online Library. At least two of your sources must come from the CSU Online Library.    Include a title page and a separate reference page. The title of your debate should be the question you are answering. No abstract is needed.




You are the pilot of a small commuter plane flying at 25,000 ft, when all of a sudden one of your passengers goes into cardiac arrest. Knowing what you now know about in flight emergencies, what actions or actions should you take? Is there a situation where you would deviate from these actions?



    Analyze and evaluate one major drawback to air traffic control automation. Then discuss the degradation in operational safety that could result from this drawback. Finally, creatively apply the knowledge of improving liveware and hardware that you developed in Modules 6 and 7 to that analysis, and develop a proposed means for mitigating this drawback. As always, support your work with a reliable source (s).

      Interview Questions

      Interview Questions

      Interview Questions    Imagine that you have been granted an interview by a world-renowned, female religious leader. What would you like to know concerning her beliefs, her struggles, and her successes? Two of the suggested readings would be excellent sources for choosing a religious leader for this project. (You will not actually interview this person, so feel free to choose any well-known, female religious leader.)    Compile a list of 10 questions that would tell you more about her religion and why she chose to be a leader in it. Do not ask any “yes/no” questions. Good interview questions take just as much critical thinking to develop as answering the questions does. Your questions should demonstrate that you have some knowledge of her religious tradition. Your questions should dig deeper to get to information that cannot be found in the textbook or on the internet, but use that research to guide “the digging” in the interview.     Below are some possible topics for exploration in your research and in forming your questions. You are not limited to these topics:    • Textual interpretations/misunderstandings  • Cultural expectations of women  • Influence of globalization  • Influence of other religions  • Religious traditions/practices  • Effects on her personal life  • Pressures of being a pioneer  • Support system    Click here for a list of tips for writing interview questions.    As this interview is for an academic setting, you must use APA citations and references to support the research you conducted to create the 10 questions. You do not need a title page, running head or page numbers for this assignment, but be sure to put your name in the top left hand corner along with the date. Your interview title should include the name of the potential interviewee, and your references should be on a separate page. Use double spacing and Times New Roman size 12 font.

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