Archive for January, 2018

Employment Analysis Assignment

Employment Analysis Assignment

This assignment provides you an opportunity to recognize problems in the employment sector for young people in the United States today. 



  1. The short opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal dated June 10, 2014. See attached PDF document below.
  2. The article addresses the current and grim statistics for young people like yourselves finding work. The author also addresses the consequences of raising the minimum wage and the Affordable Care Act. The assignment for this unit will be based on this article.
  3. Download the document economicanalysis.rtf and save it on your computer.
  4. Answer all of the questions and save it as "Employment Analysis_Your Last Name.docx."


Discussion Chapter 4: Essay Question

Discussion Chapter 4: Essay Question

Instructions: Please post directly into Discussion board. Please remember to proofread for grammar and spelling errors, and answer question in essay format (no numbering, bullets, outline, half or incomplete sentences). Please refer to the syllabus for assignment requirements and the discussion rubric for additional support. 

When Essay Questions contain multiple parts (Ex: Part a, Part b, etc.) – the length is still 400 words for the entire essay answers (400 words for a + b together). Some questions have short replies, some have longer. Be sure to have an Introduction in the paper that introduces each question/topic in the essay you will be discussing so the reader (and Instructor can identify your answer specifically). Remember the guidelines in the Syllabus: No numbering, bulleting or outlining. So do not write "Essay question 2a" and then discuss it, and then write "Essay question 2b" and then discuss it as if they are two short answerquestions. When the two questions correspond with each other begin your essay answer with an Introduction statement that indicates what you will be discussing in the short paper (1-2 pages). Then transition the two essay answers smoothly with a statement or two at the beginning of the paragraph; and always wrap things up with a conclusion. For this course, 2-3 sentences restating your main points is enough.

Alternatively, students can choose to write a 400 word count essay for each question part (400 words for Part a and 400 words for Part b), which means 2 separate essays; instead of combining the question parts into one 400 word essay as discussed above. Most of time, one essay can be used to answer multiple questions because the concepts relate. This is a choice each student will have to make when the questions have multiple parts. Some students may want to present the topics in separate essays when they do not cover similar concepts from the text (2 totally different topics) and the questions are vastly different. I highly recommend using 2 essay replies when the topics differ.

Lastly, please do not forget to address each question in the assignment. Students often answer only 1 or 2 questions in each part thinking this is sufficient. I am reading and grading for answers to each question I have included; when a part is left out points are lost. 


Chapter 4: Socialization and Social Interaction

  1. What are agents of socialization? What agents of socialization do sociologists identify as particularly important and why? Which of these would you say have the most profound effects on the construction of our social selves? Make a case to support your choices. 


Global East Asia Response Paper

Global East Asia Response Paper

In your response paper, identify an important concept, theory, or insight about globalization that you learned in Steger Chap. 1 and discuss it in relation to the assigned readings by Brownell "Beijing Olympics" and Taylor "North Korean Mass Games." (maximum 400 words; approximately three paragraphs)

Working With Communities To Design Public Health Interventions

Working With Communities To Design Public Health Interventions

Designing interventions to serve communities is the heart of public health practice. Community level models and frameworks suggest strategies and initiatives that are planned and led by organizations and infrastructures. Their mission is to promote and improve health including, but not limited to, schools, worksites, healthcare organizations, community groups, and government agencies. Public health workers must work with these agencies and organizations to promote the best practices for public health.


Using the Internet and online library resources, respond to the following question:

  • How does population or community-based health promotion differ from traditional presentations provided by guest speakers in schools or community events?

Write your initial response in approximately 200 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


Grading Criteria

1. Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions: 16

2. Reference to supporting readings and other materials: 4

3. Language and grammar: 4


Qualitative Field Research And Ethics

Qualitative Field Research And Ethics

Identify a sociological topic of interest to you.  Discuss how THREE of the six qualitative field research paradigms could be used to study this topic.  

Are some paradigms better suited for certain topics?  

Which paradigm(s) raise the biggest ethical concerns?

250 + words

APA format


Email Revisions

Email Revisions

Scenario 1:

Susan is unhappy with her grade in her college class. She wants to  clarify what she can do to improve in the course. She also feels like  venting her frustrations to her professor due to the many hours she is  spending studying and writing papers (which may or may not be a good  idea). She decides to email her professor; however, before she hits  SEND, she asks you, her friend, to take a look at the email.


Reading the email, you note a lack of civility, polarizing language,  and other unethical language (given the context). Help Susan rewrite her  email, so she can express her concerns over her poor grade politely and  ask for help from the professor.


Susan’s Email:

(No greeting) I want to know why my grade was so bad. I spent hours  finding sources and writing that paper and it was graded unfair. My  friend wrote her paper the night before it was due and got a better  grade. I know most professors grade hard but this is ridiculous. I felt  good when I submitted the paper but now I feel like crap. I guess I am  going to fail. (No closing)


Scenario 2:

Don is worried about passing his college class due to some low  grades. He wants to ask his professor for help to pass the class. He  decides to email his professor; however, before he hits SEND, he decides  to ask you, his friend, to take a look at the email.


Reading the email, you note a lack of civility, poor manners, and  poor grammar in Don’s email. Help Don rewrite the email, so he can  express his concerns and appropriately seek help from the professor.


Don’s Email:

(No greeting) Yo teach. I dunno no way to pass this class. What I gotta do to pass? (No closing)


Instructions:  Please follow these instructions verbatim.

1. Revise both emails: 

2. Create two (2) new email messages of one to two (1-2) paragraphs each for a total of two to four (2-4) paragraphs.

3. Create an appropriate greeting and closing for each email.

4. Target the appropriate professional audience.

5. Use appropriate language for professional audience.

6. Use appropriate email formatting.

7. Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication.

8. Meet the 100-to-200-word minimum requirement for each email revision.

9. Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:


Be typed, single-spaced, using Times New Roman font  (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor  for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment,  student’s name, professor’s name, course, and date. (The cover page is  not included in the required page count.)


Paper- Homelessness

Paper- Homelessness

Your  Paper should include a problem statement or  description of the social problem you have selected, a discussion of the  scope and consequences of the problem, and an assessment of society’s  responses to the problem (including public policies and other less  formal responses). Papers should also present a clearly reasoned  alternative that is supported by scholarly research.

While  the following example can be modified to suit your needs, using this  outline as a guide will likely result in a high quality final paper:


  1. Title
  2. Describe the social problem.
  3. Explain why this problem qualifies as a social problem.
  4. Indicate the sociological theory or theories that may explain this social problem.
  5. Discuss the individual and social implications of this problem. Your  discussion of implications should be supported by accurate research  data.
  6. Summarize what social science experts have to say about this social problem. Are their conclusions methodologically sound?
  7. Explain what we, as a society, have done about this problem, considering public policies and other less formal responses.
  8. Explain how well societal efforts to solve the social problem are working.
  9. Describe an alternative.
  10. Discuss why the alternative is, or can be, an effective response to  the problem. Remember to consider negative consequences of the  alternative response.
  11. Conclude with reflections and thoughts about your chosen social problem.
  12. References

Writing the Final Paper
The Paper:


  1. Must be five to seven double-spaced pages in length, and formatted  according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:  
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly resources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


“Creating Effective Health Systems “

"Creating Effective Health Systems "

"Creating Effective Health Systems " Please respond to the following:

  • From the first and second e-Activities, summarize the key features of the HITECH Act. Next, specify the overall impact of the adoption of The HITECH Act for health care organizations within the United States.
  • From the third e-Activity, analyze the primary manner in which EHR technology ensures improvement in the quality of patient care. Next, speculate on the overall impact that the health care information system standards have on the adoption of EHR technology within health care organizations. Provide a rationale for your response.

Ethics In Finacial Responsibilities And Evaluate Ethical Considerations Essay

Ethics In Finacial Responsibilities And Evaluate Ethical Considerations Essay

500 word essay APA format answering the following questions on the attachment.

Analysis Of The “American Red Cross Case

Analysis Of The “American Red Cross Case

Develop an analysis of the “American Red Cross Case” (Case 18) provided in Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell (2013, pp. 485-493). (See the Case Analysis Guidelines and Rubric document for more detail.)

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