Journal Article (Reading Assignment)
Attached is the prompt for the essay, as well as the journal article that you have to read. Please read the whole article and answer all the questions on the prompt.
Write just 1 and a 1/2 page maximum.
Journal Article (Reading Assignment)
Attached is the prompt for the essay, as well as the journal article that you have to read. Please read the whole article and answer all the questions on the prompt.
Write just 1 and a 1/2 page maximum.
Unobstrusive Measures And Evaluation
Week Discussion 1&2
Discussion 1 – Week 11 Attachment Collapse Discussion 1: Policy Analysis and Application According to the NASW Code of Ethics section 6.04 (NASW, 2008), social workers are ethically bound to work for policies that support the healthy development of individuals, guarantee equal access to services, and promote social and economic justice. For this Discussion, review this week’s resources, including Working with Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Rita and The Johnson Family. Consider what change you might make to the policies that affect the client in your case. Finally, think about how you might evaluate the success of the policy changes. Post by Day 3 an explanation of one change you might make to the policies that affect the client in the case. Be sure to reference the case you selected in your post. Finally, explain how you might evaluate the success of the policy changes. Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Discussion 2: The Social Work Advocate in Politics Social workers often have commitments to specific policies, laws, or funding of programs that are vital to the population they serve or an issue that they strongly support. Such commitments often lead social workers to become involved in political issues and the campaigns of specific candidates. Being a social worker, such campaign experiences, the outcomes of your efforts, and how effective you felt you were may affect your view of the political process and the likelihood of becoming involved in similar campaigns in the future. For this Discussion, reflect on your experiences if you have ever participated in a political campaign. What was the outcome of your participation? If you have not participated in a campaign, choose a campaign topic you support or oppose and consider the ways you might like to participate in that campaign. Likewise, think about your experiences if you have ever lobbied on a topic. If you have not, choose a topic for which you might like to lobby in favor or against. Finally, consider how you think social workers might have a powerful and positive effect as elected officials. Post by Day 4 an explanation of the role of lobbying and campaigning in social work practice. Then, explain how you think social workers might have a powerful and positive effect as elected officials. Finally, explain of the impact, if any, the experiences and opinions of your colleagues have had on your own experiences and opinions. Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Respond by Day 6 to at least two colleagues by offering a suggestion for how your colleague might gain political and/or lobbying experience for the political issue your colleagues described. Also, explain the steps you might take to incorporate policy advocacy in your practice based on insights, experiences, and/or opinions your colleagues described. Be sure your explanation takes the perspective of a social work professional with a responsibility to uphold professional ethics. Support your response with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Social Science 111
Post your answer to the following:
400 words
Singer, J. B., & Slovak, K. (2011). School social workers’ experiences with youth suicidal behavior: An exploratory study. Children & Schools, 33(4), 215–228.
Russell, S. T., & Joyner, K. (2001). Adolescent sexual orientation and suicide risk: Evidence from a natural study. American Journal of Public Health,91(8), 1276–1281
Miers, D, Abbott, D., & Springer, P. R. (2012). A phenomenological study of family needs following the suicide of a teenager. Death Studies, 36(2), 118–133.
Assignment 2: LASA 1: Analysis Of An Environmental Disaster
Recent environmental disasters have significantly impacted the human population in multiple ways. In this assignment, you will identify a recent environmental disaster and discuss potential correlated health impacts.
Begin this assignment by identifying one recent example of an environmental disaster. For example, the BP oil spill or the earthquakes in Haiti or Japan.
Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online resources, and the Internet, write a research paper including the following:
Be sure to use a minimum of four external, peer-reviewed journal articles or reliable Internet resources.
Write a 2-3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Employment Analysis Assignment
This assignment provides you an opportunity to recognize problems in the employment sector for young people in the United States today.
Reaction 1
1. Two pages 600-650 words (double space, Times New Roman 12pt font) You MUST show your understanding of the concepts by discussing them in your own words, synthesizing class concepts to make your own argument/point
2. In the first half of your assignment (approximately 1 page), discuss the concept(s) you are focusing on in the paper, including the definitions and a comprehensive explanation, or a “critical summary.” This explanation can include the importance, usefulness, or strengths of the concept(s). This should be in your own words. You will not receive full credit if you simply change a few words from the textbook. You will receive no credit if you copy the text, especially if you do not cite it (page numbers in parentheses at the end of sentences that include information from the text). Even when in your own words, include the source. This helps me to grade your work and to help you get in the practice of citing your work.
3. In the second half (approximately 1 pages), you will need to apply your topic of choice (what you covered in the first half) to a current article from the popular press. In this application, you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses (a critique) of the topic of choice.
* The purpose of this section is to show that you not only understand the definitions, but can apply the concepts and use them in different contexts (i.e. how alienation can apply to a current organizational setting). Because of this, you cannot only rely on personal opinions and/or experiences here – you will not receive full credit.
4. You must cite at least one outside source – generally, this should be a news article or some other piece from the popular press (online is accepted, of course). In this, always keep in mind if there may be a bias to the source (an article from "World Class Travelers" may have a different perspective than "Parents in Support of Staying at Home"). Feel free to discuss this perspective in your paper and/or draw from multiple sources.
5. You must include: (1) parenthetical citations and (2) a list of references. I use ASA style (American Sociological Association), so the citation style guides I include reflect that. However, you may use the style you are most comfortable with. I will only deduct points if I cannot find your source because the references are not thorough enough.
Evaluating My Social Class
This assignment provides you an opportunity to identify what factors determine social class in the United States.
Now that you have learned about social class and stratification of society, it is time to evaluate your own social standing and your family as well.
Using the link below from the New York Times interactive website, scroll over the four columns and choose the following
your occupation (career that you want to have)-Anything in Criminal Justice or Homeland Security field.
the education level you want to attain,
the income that you estimate making (you may need to research this column since you are not yet in the occupation), and
the amount of wealth you expect to have according to saving.
REMEMBER: the equation for wealth is: wealth = income -debt +assets. So, this means what you have as assets once your house and car are fully paid for and the money you have in the bank and assets. When you have chosen categories for each column, the interactive site will tell you where you fit percentage wise compared to the rest of society. For example, having a doctorate degree ranks you in the 99%. Meaning that 99% of other people in society do not have this degree. Notice how prestigious your occupation is considered by others in society.
After you have evaluated yourself, try a parent or close friend and input his or her information. Make notes on the results of all of these for your journal assignment.
In your journal entry, please include the following,an evaluation of your social class including predicted occupation, education, income, and wealth. I would like to see the results of the one other person you evaluated (a parent or a friend).
Where do you rank on the prestige scale for occupation? How do you and your parent rank on the social class scale? Discuss reasons why you think your choices place you in this position on the social class scale?
Finally, what will your concerns be as a middle or upper-class citizen?
You may use this website to look up growth potential and median salary range for your chosen occupation.
Conduct An Interview Or An Observation Out In The Field
Pick the observation or the interview and follow the instructions for the one you picked bellow. Instructions have been attached for each of them below.
In a 7- 10 page paper (not including title page and reference section) with a minimum of 10 references, select a condition that has been examined during the course. My condition selected is HYPERTENSION!!!!! Discuss the following:
1. History/background/introduction into the condition.
2. Pathophysiology or proposed origin of the condition.
3. Signs/symptoms/hallmarks of the condition.
4. Monitoring parameters of the condition.
5. Identify the available treatment options for this condition.
6. Discuss the mechanism of action of the available treatments (drug classes).
7. Indicate one nationally or internationally recognized treatment guidelines for the condition (if application); First line, second line, third line treatment options.
8. Identify and evaluate any recent research findings (within the last five years) about the future direction of treating the conditions. Are there any significant changes or has it remained the same?
9. Discuss new treatments in the pipeline (if any).
10. Conclusion: Answer the following:
a. Do you think the treatment of this condition is moving in the right direction for improving people's quality of life? Why or why not?
b. Do you feel there are benefits versus risks or vice versa when it comes to the treatment of this condition?
c. Summarize or provide a take home message regarding your discussion of this condition.
Your paper must include the following elements:
* Cover page
* An argumentative thesis statement
* Headings for the above requirements
* Relevant and specific evidence
* Paraphrase and quotations from outside sources
* A conclusion