Archive for February 11th, 2018

Discounted cash flow

Discounted cash flow

Calculate the discounted cash flow (DCF) for 4 FTSE 100 companies (BP, United Utilities, Marks and Spencer, Barclays) to value and compare their assets performance from the period October 2017 to January 2018 and explain why this may deviate with it. Using your judgment explain how confident you are with the input used in each of the calculation (e.g. growth rate, number of years, WACC, etc) and provide a table with the formula and input. (Use GBP as a currency and convert dollars to pounds if necessary)

The Field Of Sociology

The Field Of Sociology

 Identify the three major sociological theoretical paradigms. For each, what are its core questions? Which one do you relate to best? How can you use this particular paradigm to explain your decision to attend college? 

    HRD Assignment

    HRD Assignment

    In this assessment task you are required to write a short essay of no more than 1500 words to critically discuss and address the following questions: 

     How are trends in the business environment impacting on human resource development (HRD)? Please choose one trend (e.g. globalisation, skills shortages, the ageing workforce, new technology, or another) and discuss it in detail. 

     What opportunities and challenges does this trend present for HRD professionals? What recommendations would you give to HRD professionals so that we are up for the opportunities and challenges presented by this trend? 

    This assessment requires you to be strategic in choosing an area that you are most comfortable with and then engage in substantial and independent literature searches to address the questions. The assessment also requires you to structure your essay well to make it clear and engaging for the reader. Furthermore, your arguments need to be evidence-based. We ask you to make reference to at least 5 high-quality research articles relevant to the human resources field, but referencing to more relevant and high-quality articles are strongly encouraged. You are welcome to draw on personal experiences and observations whenever appropriate in answering the questions. 




    1. Which of the FCS Core Concepts – as defined in the Body of Knowledge (see files that I have attach on this order), do you feel somehow relates to this habit?.. please explain.

    2. What do you consider to be the most important take aways of this habit?……please explain.

    3. In your personal life, how can you use the information that this habit imparts?……please explain.

    Address one of the six key areas of health care discussed in the ANA Social Policy Statement

    Address one of the six key areas of health care discussed in the ANA Social Policy Statement

    Address one of the six key areas of health care discussed in the ANA Social Policy Statement. Explain how you will shape the future for nursing to fulfill nursing’s social responsibilities.

    Required Readings
    Bradbury-Jones, C., & Taylor, J. (2014). Applying social impact assessment to nursing research. Nursing Standard, 28(48), 45–49. 

    Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

    This article discusses the important influence of research on the social health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities and on the improved performance of relevant services. It also proposes that social impact should be considered from the beginning of a research project. Nursing research should be useful and should have a positive effect on practice. Focusing on social impact can increase the chances that this desirable outcome will occur.

    Fowler, M. D. M. (2015a). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements: Development, interpretation, and application (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.

    Note: You will access the book from the Walden Library databases.

    Fowler, M. D. M. (2015b). Guide to nursing’s social policy statement: Understanding the profession from social contract to social covenant. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.

    Note: You will access the book from the Walden Library databases.

    Gilmartin, M. J. (2013). Principles and practices of social entrepreneurship for nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 52(11), 641–644.

    Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

    Although social justice and action for change are among the nursing profession's core values, curricular content on social entrepreneurship for nurses is not well developed. This article describes an undergraduate honors elective course in social entrepreneurship offered at New York University College of Nursing. The goal of the course is to promote participants' understanding of the sources of inequality in the United States and providing the requisite skills to promote effective nursing action for social change.



    Summarize the article and describe the group dynamic of the agency. Conclude with a reaction



    Part 1: Naturalistic observation or interview 

    Students will be expected to engage in a naturalistic observation of one of the stages of the lifespan to gain a first-hand view of the developmental issues and milestones encountered during this stage. You have the following two options for this assignment:

    Option 1:

    Observe infants, toddlers, school-aged children, or adolescents. This could be done in a daycare setting, in school, in church, or even in a public place such as at the playground. Note the child’s biological, cognitive, and psychological development using the theories and information outlined in your text. If possible, also pay attention to how the child interacts with other children and any interaction between the child and caregivers. Consider what social and cultural factors appear to be impacting the child’s development. Identify challenges in development for your observed age group. You need to spend enough time in your observations to be able to understand the points outlined above. 

    Option 2:

    Interview someone currently in late adulthood about their life; allow him or her to share the story of their family, faith, career and memories with you. Note information about this person’s physical, cognitive, and psychological health. What major events seemed to shape his or her development? Does this person seem to express Ego Integrity or Despair according to Erikson? In what ways has this person coped with loss? What role has religion played in his or her life?

    Part 2: Reflective Journal

    The paper for this assignment will be a written description of your observations. Although the journal should report your personal experiences, impressions, and emotional reactions to your experience, it should also clearly integrate specific concepts from the text and from research, and should be written in an academic style of language, rather than a conversational or informal style. You are expected to reference a minimum of 2 scholarly sources in your journal. 

    The journal should be 3-5 pages (in addition to a cover and reference page), should be in proper APA format 


    VoIP Part 2 (Gantt and PERT Charts)

    VoIP Part 2 (Gantt and PERT Charts)

    Update the Microsoft Project file you created in Assignment 3: VoIP Part 2 (Work Breakdown Structure) with the following changes:

    • Set property values to denote progress in at least fifteen (15) of the line items. 
    • Set properties so that at least one (1) of the main tasks is behind schedule.
    • Create a Gantt chart for your project.
    • Take a screenshot of the Gantt chart which can later be inserted into your written paper.
    • Create a PERT diagram that identifies the critical path.
    • Take a screenshot of the PERT chart which can later be inserted into your written paper.

    Note: If you need a tutorial on taking a screen shot, visit one of the following locations: (PC users: (MAC users:

    Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

    1. Compare and contrast the information that one receives from a Gantt chart, versus that of a PERT diagram.
    2. Examine the advantages of using a Gantt chart over a PERT chart and vice versa. Determine when it is appropriate to use one over the other. Justify your response.
    3. Assess the importance of the critical path in project management.
    4. Insert the screenshots of the Gantt and PERT charts you created based on the provided criteria. Elaborate on the status of the VoIP deployment project based on the updated information.  Note: The graphical representations do not count toward the overall page requirement.
    5. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
    • Import completed diagrams, charts, or screenshots into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Distinguish among various time management techniques such as CPM, Gantt charts, and the PERT method.
    • Use project management and graphic software to plan and manage a project throughout the project life cycle.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues in IT project management.
    • Write clearly and concisely about issues in IT project management using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


    Group Interaction Response

    Group Interaction Response

    Create a conversation with your group by answering the questions below. If one of your group mates has a question or concern, be sure to address it. You will be graded on your interaction with each other. Try to have a conversation about the course material.

    my post:

    1.What did you learn in this unit?

    I learnt that all when we write or talk we apply language and tone and pay attention to the audience. Depending on the person we are speaking to, we usually adjust our behavior, speech, and the actions. This can be confirmed by looking at the way we address our parents and our friends. For instance, in the case we talk to our parents disrespectfully, they will always tell us not to use that tone again.

    2. How did you learn it? What techniques or strategies did you find most helpful? Have those techniques changed from previous units?

    I used to choose the words, create the tone and convey to the reader that we are being conversational to either, sarcastic, formal or even humorous. I usually do a lot of practice, at least in each day I have to do something. Learning with friends have also guided me a lot because whenever I feel like am not comfortable I can always consult my friends or they do the same to me. That strategy has been of great benefit to me and my group as a whole.

    This has not had any change from the previous units. The words I choose, enable me to say what I want to say. This words can evoke a particular mood or to effectively express the ideas.

    3. What else would you like to learn related to the topics covered in this unit?

    One thing that I would like to learn in this particular unit is how to develop the rich and extensive vocabulary which will enable me to develop or create a variety in my writing. Additionally, I would like to understand the colloquial language that is usually used in situations involving informal writing and in conversational tone creation. I have come to realize that everyday language my writing an effect that is casual and also relaxed. I do not understand whether colloquial language is wrong or is trying to make a conversation and informality.

    4. Do you have any questions or concerns about anything related to the course?

    As far as am concerned, everything has been well covered in this unit and it remains my responsibility to polish my language.


    The FreeMasons Society

    The FreeMasons Society

    Summarize the article and describe the group dynamic of the association/society/agency -conclude with a reaction

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