Buying Behavior
Answer in a min of 150 words
How do purchase situations impact your buying behavior?
Buying Behavior
Answer in a min of 150 words
How do purchase situations impact your buying behavior?
ASSIGNEMNT 1. Choose a particular culture/ subculture or Generational Group (GENXers, Millennial, Baby Boomers, etc.) in the United States or choose your own culture or subculture. Then, describe two or three major cultural values that influence your consumer behavior as a result of this cultural influence. Finally, choose a business this culture or subculture would be unlikely to frequent or patronize based on these values.
ASSIGNEMNT 2. Make an entry that analyzes your purchases of the week from the perspective of the topic of this week’s reading. Be sure to note what drove your decision-making process (social or other digital media messages, sponsorships, mass media, etc.). Do not include purchases of an intimate or highly personal nature. Please include at least one web link (reference) into your blog, and link this using Blackboard. If you need guidance on how to do this, refer to this Blackboard tutorial and access "How to create a web link". Please be sure to list all purchases and provide insights into these purchases based on the reading and content for this week. Each journal entry should be between 300-500 word
Implementing A Marketing Database
Every company gathers information on customer preferences and buying history in order to improve their long-term customer relationships. Maintaining a customer database requires protecting the confidentiality of the information.
Consider the following scenario:
Sara is the marketing manager of a small human resource (HR) consultancy firm. She wants to address improving customer relations and understanding and managing consumer behavior.
She would like to implement a process of using a database to assist her company in its marketing efforts. She is also concerned about online privacy versus off-line privacy.
Now, respond to the following:
How would you address Sara’s concern about the level of privacy in an online versus off-line database?
What are ways in which she might be able to use the database for better understanding consumer behavior and building customer relationships?
Provide at least five such ways.
Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Buying Behavior
Answer in a min of 150 words
How do purchase situations impact your buying behavior?
Credible Information
Answer in a min of 150 words
How can consumers ensure the information they are researching or cross-referencing is credible information?
Literary Response Assignment
4 pages double spaced. 12 point font Times New Roman.
– MLA citation
– You need to include quotes from the reading
Assignment Description:
– How the story reveals something about the time in which it was written/published
– How the story connects to ideas about gender as a social or biological construction
– How the story portrays a theme (how we learn to understand the world, how technology may save us, how technology will undo us, how the world will end) (These are over-simplified, but hopefully you are starting to understand.)
– How the story reveals a universal and timeless characteristic about people
– How the story offers a social or political commentary on [insert specific topic]
– How does the main character change by the end of the story? Is it for better or worse?
– How the author develops a particular character or idea throughout the story
– How symbols and literary devices are used within the story
– What the story says about [insert topic (some common ones are race relations, gender relations, people’s fears of technology, people’s memories, etc.]
Atheism 02
Atheism is defined as the absence of belief in divine beings. Can atheism be thought of as a religion? Answer this question by applying the ideas discussed in chapter 1 of Religions of the West Today. More specifically, consider the "key elements" of religious practice identified on p. 8 of the text. Does atheism manifest any of these? In what ways? Be specific about the patterns found in religious stories discussed on pp. 16 – 20 of the text. Does atheism imply a mythic structure similar to any of the four types discussed there? Be specific as you consider the features of religious experience and traditions identified throughout chapter 1.
There is no correct answer to this question. This assignment does not require that you do any research on atheism or atheist groups, and research like that is likely to distract you from answering the question in your own words. To do well on this assignment you should carefully reread chapter 1 of the textbook and then thoughtfully apply the ideas discussed there to the general idea of atheism understood as the absence of belief in divine beings.
Notice that you're being asked whether atheism can be thought of as a religion. So as you consider the general idea of not believing in divine beings, ask yourself whether a person who affirms that general belief can a) experience anything as sacred, b) be affected by any mythic or symbolic story that provides them with a general sense of their place in the universe, c) participate in anything like ritual actions that provide them with a rhythm of meaningful activity in their lives, d) feel tied in any way to a community held together (at least in part) by a narrative expressing basic beliefs, e) feel bound in any sense by a set of moral principles related to such basic beliefs, or f) recognize and submit themselves to authoritative knowledge about reality held by individuals who possess that knowledge.
History Assignments
1- Download Women Pilgrims PDF file and after reading the attached article, and answer to the three following questions:
-What were the conditions pilgrims had to operate within, and what specific groups (if these restrictions are not universal) had to follow these limitations?
-How were women on a pilgrimage treated by men during the middle ages?
-What did women on a pilgrimage fear?
2-Go to the website link below and answer to the three following questions
-Urban equates good Christians with a shepherd. How should a good Christian behave?
-What is the bigger issue he is discussing with this (and the other examples) in regards to Christianity?
-How does Urban explain the argument that a Crusade is something that can, and should be, done?
3-Go to the website link below and answer to the three following questions
– What does Crosby mean when he says, "The Columbian Exchange"?
– How did corn (maize) change the world?
– How did having horses in the New World change things?
4- Go to the website link below and answer to the two following questions
-What is the substance of Luther's main complaint to the Archbishop?
-What reasons does he give why this church practice is incorrect?
5- Go to the website link below and answer to the three following questions
-Who passed this act?
-Why was this done?
-Why did this happen at this time (and not 1400 or 1600)?
Art History- Baroque-20th Century: French Revolution
The Crazy Times of the French Revolution and Beyond
For this week's assignment you'll be doing some readings and viewing a video on Romanticism, and writing about your findings
Read the articles found at the following links:
Part One: (5 sentences for each paragraph)
In paragraphs 1and 2, you will summarize the required video that you have viewed. What did you learn about this particular period in France's history? What was one (or some) of the artworks that stood out for you in particular? Did the art that came out of France (or England) somehow reflect a country so embroiled in constant war and revolution? Were artists just documenting and making money, or were they making political statements? Or both?
In paragraph 3, you will choose a single work of art from this period (this can be anything mentioned in the video or discussed in the articles), and specifically analyze its place in history. Describe it in detail visually, and give your opinion on what it makes you think, how it makes you feel, and how it may have affected viewers in the time it was produced. Make sure to include an image of the artwork you have chosen, using the "embed image" feature.
Part Two:
Respond to one of your classmates' posts, specifically their last paragraph in which they analyze a work of art that stood out for them.
Write at least two paragraphs in which you briefly recap your own response to the work you chose (this can be just two or three sentences), and then compare and contrast it to their work. Feel free to use a conversational tone in this part of the assignment if you wish. Really focus on the similarities and differences of the two works, and above all, what you learn by comparing them. Make sure to post a picture of your work in your response.
Here is two classmates' posts, just choose one to respond. (I uploaded the artworks they chose and indicated with A and B in the title.)
Classmate A: The piece I chose for this post is the "Raft of the Medusa" because of its importance and impact during the Romantic movement in France. It's colors are dark and blended. No bright or distracting colors are used, making the painting seem surreal and scary. It's interesting how their enemy in this portrait is the water itself and that they are clinging onto this poorly made raft like its their last hope. The struggle to survive and the visible perseverance to be rescued makes this painting both an emotional journey and an inspiration to not lose hope.
Classmate B: The paining I chose for this discussion is Death of Marat, 1793 by Jacques-Louis David. I chose this painting because it just stands out so much to me. The painting depicts the murdered French revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat. The outspoken journalist, Jean-Paul Marat would never see the French Revolution's conclusion in 1799. On July 13th of 1793, the 50-year-old writer was murdered by 24-year-old Charlotte Corday, who was either a supporter of the monarchy or a supporter of the less radical Girondins, and blamed Marat for the escalating violence of the revolution. Corday was apprehended and executed by guillotine just four days later.
According to Socrates, must one heed popular opinion about moral matters?
According to Socrates, must one heed popular opinion about moral matters? Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried and convicted? Would Socrates have been wrong to escape?
5-6 page essay, MLA style. Title page and works cited page does not count