1 Its no use going on about whether this law is just. It was passed democratical

1 Its no use going on about whether this law is just. It was passed democratically. A) Valid B) Strong C) Cant be made either valid or strong 2 How can you be so critical of Pride and Prejudice? You never read it. A) Valid B) Strong C) Cant be made either valid or strong 3 I wouldnt call her reliable. She was late with her last rent check. A) Valid B) Strong C) Cant be made either valid or strong 4 Its not safe to let Dave drive you home. He just had a furious argument with his boss. A) Valid B) Strong C) Cant be made either valid or strong 5 Look its snowing. The air will be warmer today. A) Valid B) Strong C) Cant be made either valid or strong 6 We didnt miss the bus. It isnt 8:04 yet. A) Valid B) Strong C) Cant be made either valid or strong 7 That isnt art. A child could do it. A) Valid B) Strong C) Cant be made either valid or strong

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