Listed below are several transactions that took place during the first two years

Listed below are several transactions that took place during the first two years of operations for the law firm of Pete Pete and Roy. Year 1 Year 2 Amounts billed to customers for services rendered $ 170000 $ 220000 Cash collected from customers 160000 190000 Cash disbursements: Salaries paid to employees for services rendered during the year 90000 100000 Utilities 30000 40000 Purchase of insurance policy 60000 0 In addition you learn that the company incurred utility costs of $35000 in year 1 that there were no liabilities at the end of year 2 no anticipated bad debts on receivables and that the insurance policy covers a three-year period.Calculate the net operating cash flow for years 1 and 2. (Net cash outflows should be indicated by a minus sign.)

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