Our hypothesis is therefore H(0): Average response rate will begreater than or e

Our hypothesis is therefore H(0): Average response rate will begreater than or equal to 3. Our alternative hypothesis is H(1):Average response rate will be less than 3. H(0) is the hypothesiswe need to prove to be false whereas the alternative hypothesisH(1) is what we need to prove to be true. We will accept or rejectthe null based on critical value of 1.645. According to therejection region of a statistical test is the set of possiblevalues of the test statistics for which the researcher will rejectH(0) in favor of H(1) (McClave Benson & Sincich2011p. 322).Ifzis greaterthan critical value 1.645 we will reject the null because thehypothesized mean is not greater than or equal to 3 and thereforethe hypothesis is false based on test statisticz.Furthermore we will be testing at a 95% confidence level where a= .05. One the null hypothesis is rejected; the alternativehypothesis will have to be accepted because of the chance that itis 95% true.

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