. The median is often a better representative of the central value of a data set

. The median is often a better representative of the central value of a data set when the data set:Source Is bimodal. Has a high standard deviation. Is highly skewed. 2. The data in the Excel spreadsheet linked below provide information on the nutritional content (in grams per serving) of some leading breakfast cereals. For which nutrients is the mean nutrient content per serving greater than the median nutrient content per serving?Breakfast CerealsSource Proteins only. Complex carbohydrates only. Both nutrients. Neither nutrient. Has no outliers. 3 The histogram below plots the carbon monoxide (CO) emissions (in pounds/minute) of 40 different airplane models at take-off. The distribution is best described as is:Source Uniform. Heteroskedastic. Normal. Skewed right.4.4. The histogram below plots the carbon monoxide (CO) emissions (in pounds/minute) of 40 different airplane models at take-off. Which of the following statements is the best inference that can be drawn from this histogram?Source The mean amount of carbon monoxide emissions is greater than the median amount of carbon monoxide emissions. The mean amount of carbon monoxide emissions is less than the median amount of carbon monoxide emissions. The mean and median amounts of carbon monoxide emissions are about equal. The relative sizes of the mean and median amounts of carbon monoxide emissions cannot be inferred from the histogramand other quest

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