Assignment 2:Case Study AnalysisâCase 3: Hospital Debt
To complete this assignment review the following Web resource:
Christianson, J. B., Bond, A. M., Carrier, E., Cunningham, P. J., Samuel, D. R., & Stark, L. B. (2011, September). Economic downturn strains Miami health care system (Community Report No. 11). Retrieved from
Complete a detailed case study analysis of the given case, using the process described in Appendix A of your textbookStrategic Management of Health Care Organizations.
Your completed Case Study Analysis Report will include the following sections:
- Executive summary
- Body of the case report
- Key issues
- Situational analysis
- Strategy formulation
- Recommendation
- Implementation strategies
- Benchmarks for success and contingency plans
Where not all pertinent information is given in the case itself, search for that information through the South University online library, or perform a Web search for the required information. Note: Do not search for information beyond the date of the case.
For the Situational Analysis you are encouraged to provide visual presentation of data in your situational analysis and use the analysis tools from your textbook and other analysis tools you have used in your program, such as trend analysis, stakeholder analysis, etc.
Present your Case Study Analysis report in a Word document, formatted in the headings and sub-headings given above.
Submit your report in two steps: First, a preliminary report with the key issues, situational analysis, and strategy formulation. Then the complete report with recommendation, implementation strategies, benchmarks, and the executive summary.
Name your document as:LastnameFirstInitial_W3_A2_Preliminary.docandLastnameFirstInitial_W3_A2_Complete.doc.
For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be namedSmithJ_W3_A2_Preliminary.docandSmithJ_W3_A2_Complete.doc
ByMonday, February 24, 2014, submit the preliminary report to theW3: Assignment 2 Dropbox. ByWednesday, February 26, 2014, submit the complete report to theW3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria |
Maximum Points |
Key Issues: Key issues are complete and clearly explained. |
12 |
Situational Analysis |
External environment analysis includes detailed service area competitive analysis. |
12 |
Internal environment analysis includes strengths and weaknesses with respect to resources, competencies, an capabilities. |
12 |
Directional strategies are defined. |
12 |
Strategy Formulation: Adaptive, market entry, and competitive strategies are developed and supported with rationale.
12 |
Recommendation:Alternatives are practical, specific, and related to key issues.
12 |
Implementation Strategies:Service delivery and support strategies are linked to directional, adaptive, and market entry and competitive strategies.
12 |
Benchmarks for Success:Measurements for success are clearly identified.
12 |
Expressed ideas clearly in writing, used appropriate visual presentation of data, and presented the case study analysis report in the specified format.
12 |
Applied the correct APA style, usage, grammar, and punctuation.
12 |
120 |
I have attached the paper I submitted. The professor told me I needed the following:1.The Key issue section requires additional information in the areas of finance and the realtionship with the University of Miami school of medicine. Additionally you must discuss in detail the recent bond issue passed in Miami which provided huge amounts of money for JMH. Please discuss the Miami Dade County Board of Commisioners and their role in the control of JMH. Additionally your SWOT analysis requires additional development
2.your O and T section of your SWOT also required much further development. The Strategy Formulation section speaks to the ways in which the organization will meet its goals and this section was underdeveloped
The week 3 document is one that I purchased here with the same requirements listed minus the professors additional comments of what I needed.