Archive for May, 2018

Eng:122 week 1

Part1:Think about your own natural communication style and your typical behavior in an argument. Are you typically calm and logical when making an argument? Do you tend to appeal to emotion? Do you often get frustrated when trying to prove your point? Think critically about your personal communication style and its effectiveness in an academic setting. Write (due Thursday, Day 3) In 200 to 300 words, describe argument in your own words. Include the roles of the four basic elements of an argument in your description. Give an example of an argument you have experienced and identify the claims, evidence, counterargument, and rebuttal used. If you cannot think of an example from your own life, you may analyze the persuasive student paper,Flag Burning, from the Ashford Writing Center instead. You must identify claims, evidence, counterarguments, and rebuttals present in the student paper.Be sure to include any questions or confusion you have regarding rhetoric, argument, and the Classic/Rogerian styles.Part 2:Choose a topic that is interesting, has a clear argument, and allows you to remain objective. We will be using research and logic to support our arguments in this class. It may be difficult to remain objective if you feel emotionally or spiritually connected to the subject. Write (due Thursday, Day 3) In 200 to 300 words, share your chosen research topic for this class and write a few sentences on each of the following: Share the kind of argument you hope to make and why. Identify five to ten keywords for your library research and explain your choices.Write a single-sentence thesis statement for your research paper and compare it to the Thesis Checklist.Include any areas of confusion or questions you have for the class and/or your instructor.
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In almost every sphere of life we are sometime faced with a situation involving an argument. In this regard I must convey that if often becomes difficult for me to remain thoroughly calm during the phases of fiery debates but usually I am a person who tries to keep a cool head and calmness in course of an argument.But I am very much watchful about the proper implementation of the four basic elements of an argument while getting involved in one either verbally or in a written form.

Write an essay on a Muckraker/ Choices are below

Muckrakers Under the Microscope Muckrakers were investigative journalists who exposed corruption in business or government, or examined serious societal issues. Several of the most well-known muckrakers worked for McClures Magazine, where they wrote exposs on large companies, meat slaughtering houses, and city governments. These prominent and influential reporters included Ida M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sinclair, and Ray Stannard Baker. Now suppose that you, too, are an investigative journalist. Instead of choosing a business or government, you have been asked to write a piece on one of the muckrakers. Which muckraker will you investigate? And how much information will you be able to provide? (100 points) Score 1. Write a well-constructed article on one muckraker using the outline you created during your website research. Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay: Include important biographical information about the individuals life. Give specific examples of articles and books that were written. What businesses or government offices were targeted in theexposs? What reforms or changes took place as a result of the individuals writings?
INTRODUCTION :The term muckraker refers to those set of journalists who were reform minded and wrote for all popular magazinesand their writing were based on investigative journalism,which means that they carried our investigations and exposed the work of organisations,who were practising social ills and political corruption. The magazine was popularly known as MCCLURE’S and its publisher was SSMCCLURE and hence,they are named after the name of publisher… They normally took on corporate monopolies and crooked political machines and even lead to the raising of public awareness,brought out the unsafe working conditions and even addressed social issues like CHILD LABOUR. ORIGIN :The MUCKRAKERS are mostly associated with progressive era of American history.The movement of journalist emerged in the U.S after1900 and continued to influence people till world war1. The movement had a very disappointed Ending because of combination of boycotts,dirty tricks and patriotism. The journalism profession under muckrakers was also referred to as WATCHDOG JOURNALISM. The president of U.S. THEODORE ROOSEVELT once addressed to the character of MUCKRAKERS and said “THE MEN WITH THE MUCK RAKES ARE OFTEN INDISPENSABLE TO THE WELL BEING OF SOCIETY,BUT ONLY IF THEY KNOW WHEN TO STOP RAKING THE MUCK,,,,,” SOME WORK THAT PREDATE THE MUCKRAKERS 1.HELEN HUNT JACKSON(1831-1885) – A CENTURY OF DISHONOUR, and he exposed the U.S policy regarding native americans. 2

Managing energy sources

Identify two geographical regions in the world where energy demand is growing. Analyse how the different energy sources supply this demand. Evaluate which region will be able to adequately supply their demand internally versus importing energy sources.
Introduction Over the last few years, the demand for energy has significantly enhanced all across the world (Energy Report, 2011). Further, energy management even needs to be a lot more sustainable as well as less dependent on continuously scarce fossil fuels (Energy Report, 2011). Today, energy is recognized as an important and essential component of the global economy (Energy Report, 2011). Users and customers need to be supported with a constant supply of energy and that too at extremely competitive rates. With this in consideration, this brief paper attempts to consider the case of Asia and Europe in terms of their growing energy demands. The paper also analyses the way the different energy sources supply the demands in these regions. Further, a comparative evaluation is made to determine the region that will be adequately able to supply their demand internally versus importing energy sources. The Case of Asia To start with the Asia here includes East Asia, South and Central Asia and lastly, Southeast Asia and Pacific. Asia is one of those regions that has seen rapid and strong and economic growth, especially in China and India. This is due to increasing population, rising uncertainty and political instability (WEC, 2013). As per WEC, the overall economy of the Asian nations is further going to enhance with enhanced demand and supply of energy atleast till 2050 (WEC, 2013)

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