Archive for November 7th, 2018

Assignment 2: The Hiring Process and Managing a Diverse Workforce

Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:


Develop three (3) recruitment methods for the job opportunity in question, and suggest two (2) ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Justify your response.


Outline an application process that details the organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job opportunity.


Develop a five- (5) step procedure for the HR Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’ records in case a discriminatory charge occurs.


Decide on three (3) background checks that the HR Department must utilize, and justify the relevance of each background check for the job opportunity.


Choose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests, medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs, honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests, and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use. Justify the relevance of each selected employment test to the job requirements.


Formulate a policy for making both the hiring and promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Specify the major challenges and potential adverse impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Next, suggest one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Justify your suggestion.


Recommend two (2) types of reasonable accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants needing special religious considerations. Argue two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable accommodation for each group.


Select one (1) case in which a court charged an organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1) case in which a court charged the organization with not managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Recommend an action plan geared toward preventing the issues addressed in both cases within your selected organization. Justify your recommendation.


Choose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director should consider within the selected organization. Then, outline a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use of related employment laws. Justify your response.


Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:


Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


Determine employment laws that apply to the selection, development, and management of employees.


Evaluate policies and processes that promote a diverse workforce.


Use technology and information resources to research issues in employment law.


Write clearly and concisely about employment law using proper writing mechanic.

NUR-513 Week 2 Assignment Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer

 Use the “Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template” to differentiate how advanced registered nurse roles relate to and collaborate with different areas of nursing practice. Compare your future role with one of the following: nurse educator; nurse leader; family nurse practitioner; acute care nurse practitioner; graduate nurse with an emphasis/specialty in public health, health care administration, business, or informatics; clinical nurse specialist; doctor of nursing practice. Indicate in the appropriate columns on the template which roles you are comparing. 


Pay Rewards And Incentives

Option #1 Thread Prompt: Pay vs. Rewards and Incentives


Do you agree/ disagree that a Company’s culture is largely defined by Pay and Incentives? Draw your analysis from the assigned readings toshape what you write. You are also welcome to research other sources related to this Option #1 topic and cite those sources.


Abnormal Psychology

 For Week 3, you developed an Annotated Bibliography of research on two disorders. For this assignment you will pick one of the disorders and write a term paper on that disorder. Your paper should address information on the following areas:


Describe the origins or history of the mental disorders.


Describe the psychological theory or theories that relate to the mental disorders especially in the areas of diagnosis and treatment.


Describe the difference if any in age of onset and diagnostic criteria based on gender.


Explain the potential impact of the mental disorders on the individual and his or her family.


Explain the social perceptions of the mental disorders from stigma to advocacy.


The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:  

For the main sections it should have a:


Title page






Literature review






Reference page(s)

Explain the basic functions and sources of minerals and water in the body

Write an essay of at least 350 words that explains the basic functions and sources of minerals and water in the body. Include what you learned about minerals, water, and dehydration from the article. Provide responses to the following:


Mention two major and two minor minerals. State their functions, sources and deficiency conditions.


Research information about one of the following: osteoporosis, anemia or iodine deficiency disorders. For your selection, indicate symptoms, required minerals and food sources, people or areas affected, and how the disease is managed or treated.


What are the functions of water in the body?


What is the general effect of dehydration on the body?


Include references with citations in APA format.


Stress In Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers face all types of stress during their daily activities.  How does stress affect officers?  After watching officer stress videos on Youtube, what effect does burst stress have on officers?  What effect does stress have on officers over a 20 to 30-year career? What would you recommend for stress management that officers might be accepting of?  Support your statements with professional studies from Google Scholar.


Law Enforcement Training

Law enforcement training has evolved over time.  Discuss the need for training, both in the academy and in the field.  How important is perishable skills training (firearms, driving, defensive tactics) for officers?  What role does ethics training play in perishable skills training?  What other areas do you believe officers should receive training in?  Use studies from Google Scholar and the Police Executive Research Forum report to support your recommendations.

Police Executive Research Foundation- use of force

S Corporations Memorandum

Jones and Turner are interested in possibly changing the structure of their business to an S Corporation and would like to know more about this entity. They are excited by the fact that the S Corporation is a “flow through entity” and the fact that they don’t pay income tax.


They also heard that if they pay themselves dividends as S Corporation shareholders, they won’t have to pay any Social Security or Medicare tax (payroll taxes).


Prepare a memorandum for the business owners using a minimum of 800 words explaining the following;


What are the requirements for structuring a business as an S Corporation?


Discuss at least two advantages to structuring a business as an S Corporation


Explain how income from the S Corporation taxed; include in your discussion on taxation of S Corporation income, the forms (including their names and numbers) utilized in reporting income and paying tax to the IRS.


Finally, explain to the business owners what the requirement is for corporate officers who work in their own S Corporations.


How are Corporate Officers required to be compensated and why?


Explain both the ethical and legal issue regarding their suggestion that they be paid in dividends thus eliminating the requirement that they pay Social Security tax. 


Correctional Management

You have been hired by a private corrections company. The company has operated several jails but now is planning to build its first medium-security prison. Some of the company’s leaders are unclear on what their new endeavor will require, so you have been given the task of preparing a 4- to 5-page report in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:


Describe the key differences between operating a jail and operating a prison. Focus on the personnel requirements, training, daily tasks of the officers, etc. Apply the management concepts from this course to this section of the report.


Identify the other organizations, both inside and outside the criminal justice system, that the facility will need to interact with (and how) in order to perform its key functions.


Discuss the key functions that will need to be performed in the prison. For example, the facility will need to provide medical care and meals for the inmates.


Explain the unique supervisory challenges that will exist in a prison. What types of employee misbehavior are possible, and how can management guard against them?


Support your responses with examples.


Cite any sources using the APA format on a separate page.

Nursing Informatics

As healthcare providers, we look more and more to technology to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and lower costs. Sometimes, technology can be used in ways that have ethical, moral, and legal considerations too. You will be writing about the use of personal devices and social media and its use in healthcare. We can do it, but dare we?



This is a “think outside the box” assignment in which there is not necessarily only one right answer. Still, you are required to find sources that support your opinions. Be sure to cite and reference them in your paper. The running head of the paper will be—We can do it, but dare we?



The length of the paper should be four to five pages, excluding the title page and reference page. Limit the references to minimum of 4 to 5 references. The Paper will contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader, states the purpose of the paper, and provides a narrative outline of what will follow (i.e,the assignment criteria).



In the body of the paper discuss the scenario in relation to HIPAA, legal and other regulatory requirement that apply to the scenario and the ending you choose. Demonstrate support from sources of evidence included as in- text citation.



Choose and identify one of the four possible endings provided for the scenario and construct your paper based on its implications to the scenario. Make recommendations about what should have been done and what could be done to correct the problems caused by the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support from sources of evidence included as in-text citations.



Present the advantages and disadvantages of using smart phones and social media in health care and describe professional and ethical principles to the appropriate use of this technology, base on the facts from supporting sources of evidence, which must be included as in-text citations.



The paper’s conclusion should summarize what you learned and make reflections about them to your practice.


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