Archive for November 13th, 2018

Week 7 Discussion

Farm workers had been in dispute with Sakuma Brother’s Berry Farm  for the past several years before reaching a contract in June of 2017.  While the workers won a settlement in court in 2014, the workers claim  Sakuma Brothers did not made good on those promises and continue to  violate work contracts. Their demands included: a fair wage, better  working conditions, and better living conditions for migrant workers.  Sakuma Brothers insisted that their wages are fair and in line or higher  than industry standards. Many of the workers organized under a new  union called Familias Unidas por la Justicia (FUJ) to increase their  collective bargaining power and negotiate the current collective  bargaining agreement. 


What Do You Think About Business Ethics??

Want a chance to BOOST your grade! Tell me what YOU think about business ethics!


Write a 400-500 word paper about ethics that includes the following:


What is the definition of ethics in YOUR OWN words?Why are business ethics important?


This should all be in your own words. No outside sources are needed or should be used.   



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Finance-Cost Of Capital

Photochronograph Corporation (PC) manufactures time series photographic equipment. It is currently at its target debt-equity ratio of .60. It’s considering building a new $65 million manufacturing facility. This new plant is expected to generate aftertax cash flows of $9.4 million in perpetuity. The company raises all equity from outside financing. There are three financing options:



A new issue of common stock: The flotation costs of the new common stock would be 8 percent of the amount raised. The required return on the company’s new equity is 14 percent.



A new issue of 20-year bonds: The flotation costs of the new bonds would be 4 percent of the proceeds. If the company issues these new bonds at an annual coupon rate of 8 percent, they will sell at par.



Increased use of accounts payable financing: Because this financing is part of the company’s ongoing daily business, it has no flotation costs, and the company assigns it a cost that is the same as the overall firm WACC. Management has a target ratio of accounts payable to long-term debt of .15. (Assume there is no difference between the pretax and aftertax accounts payable cost.)

The Lingering Impact Of Lehman Brothers’ Bankruptcy

– Describe how the crisis impacted other businesses.



– Choose an industry that was hit the hardest or one that benefited from the collapse and describe how managers in that industry responded to the events.



– Provide examples of lessons managers need to keep in mind in the post-2008 business environment.



– Explain whether or not an event of this magnitude could occur again, given regulations implemented after the crisis.



– Explain if the American economy is weaker or stronger today as a result of the Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy and resulting reforms and provide an explanation.



– Provide an example of how this monumental bankruptcy and the resulting credit crisis affected you or someone you know. For instance, you could share a decision you made about your career or investments, or how someone you knew or their business or management decisions were affected.



– Use five quality academic resources, three of which must come from your Week 3 Literature Review. Cannot be Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. Usage of the Strayer University Library is strongly recommended.

Weekly Assignment 3

Weekly assignments will consist of each student briefly sharing (on Thursdays) of an example from a retail context (real world, scholarly, and/or otherwise) that is tied directly to the readings/lectures. Think of it as a sort of a weekly upper-division course content show-and-tell. A ½ page write up that highlights the key concept/idea from the previous week’s reading[s] coupled with a link/reference to resource will also be turned in to the instructor at the beginning of Thursday’s class as part of this weekly assignment.


Critical Thinking: Saudi Arabia’s Currency and the U.S. Dollar

While Saudi Arabia seeks to diversify its economy, the Saudi economy is dominated by the petroleum sector. In addition, the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) is pegged to the U.S. Dollar.


In a critical essay, indicate the main considerations Saudi Arabia faces from a currency perspective (e.g., currency values, interest rates, inflation, and trade issues) that ensue given two scenarios:


The first scenario is a dramatically declining world oil price.


The second scenario is a dramatically increasing world oil price.




Your essay is required to be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.


Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.


Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.


Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Why Business Models Matter

Please, answer for your INITIAL posting and discuss ALL the following questions in great detail:


Executive Summary for this reading.


Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …


Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail

Which are the three most important BEST PRACTICES for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Putting the Puzzle Together

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Putting the Puzzle Together


Every group, whether social or professional, has roles that need to be filled in order for the group to function effectively. Sometimes, people choose the role they want to play. At other times, people may naturally fall into a role without even realizing it. Research group roles or group dynamics using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Write an essay on the topic. Address the following:


What types of group roles are there? Name and describe at least six different roles.  Also, note that similar roles are known by different names, for example, leader and facilitator. What you call a role is not as important as doing a good job of explaining the purpose and duties of each role.


Can some roles have more than one person in that role in one group? If so, which roles are they? Which roles, if any, cannot have more than one person in the role in one group? Why?


Can you rank the roles in order of importance? If yes, do so and explain your ranking. If you could not rank the roles, explain why. Is it because all roles are equally important?


What role do you tend to play in groups? Is it a role you choose because you enjoy it or because you are just naturally good at it?


We have all had to struggle with some roles we were required to play. Describe such an experience from your personal or professional life. Explain the difficulty and how you solved it.


In a summary paragraph, discuss the value or constraint that you find with group roles. Discuss how knowledge of group roles will help a group communicate and work together.


Write a 4-5 page essay in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Include a References page for any articles and websites used in your research.

Hotel Technology Research

The company and crave part. Write the company that used the tablets and crave. Talk a little bit about market/competitives. Around 500 words. 


Body & Headings


The body and headings of your paper should be carefully constructed, guiding the reader from one section to another in a logical order. You have freedom to structure your assignment as you wish, but the body of your paper must include:


Detailed summary of your hotel department. Illustrate the its dynamics, operational challenges (must incorporate course textbook) and the problem your technology will address.  


Applications for your technology or trend in your hotel department. Explain how it will address the problem: who will benefit from it and how? You must validate arguments with sources. We need evidence, not your personal opinion. 


Outline the challenges and costs (if available) associated with implementing this technology in your hotel department. To make an educated decision, investors must understand the risk.


Your group will synthesize this information and propose recommendations to the hotel group on how to effectively implement or use this technology in their hotel.

Case Study 5 Consumer Behavior

Please Follow the example case and complete the following case study.  Please note that all sections must be complete.  The key issues section is critical.  Look for the terms and concepts that we have learned and apply them to the case.  Do not define the key issues.  What in the case makes them the key issue? 


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