Archive for May 7th, 2019

Threat and Hazard Identification Assignment

Threat and Hazard Identification Assignment

Begin this assignment by selecting an Institute of Higher Education. This IHE may be one you are familiar with / employed by, or a completely separate one. Using the tools provided in this course and your own research, conduct a threat and hazard identification analysis for the selected IHE. This assignment must include the following items (at minimum):

• Introduction / Purpose

• List of Threats and Hazards

• Ranked List (based on likelihood/probability and significance/consequence)

• Context Description

• Mitigation and Vulnerability Reduction Recommendations

• Special Considerations for Emergency Operations Plan Development (i.e. special needs populations on campus, institution geography, availability of internal and external resources)

• References

Your sources of information must be properly cited using American Psychological Association (APA) format. It is anticipated that this assignment will be approximately 3000-4000 words. There is no page requirement but rather a guideline to properly scope the thoroughness of your analysis.

See “Threat and Hazard Identification Grading Matrix” in the Syllabus for the detailed rubric which will be used to evaluate this assignment.

Business Ethics And Law

Business Ethics And Law

Watch the following ABC news program video that debunks the theory that racial discrimination is rare in the U.S. The video shows discrimination in work, housing, and consumer affairs using hidden cameras. It compares how two 28-year old males with the same education, income, and marital status are treated in various walks of life. The hidden cameras and camera crew followed the two “testers” around St. Louis for 22 weeks (a Black man named Glenn, and a White man named John). 

What is the best way to motivate a millennial?

What is the best way to motivate a millennial?

You may answer one of the questions below or pose your own question and answer it. Thought papers should be between 250-500 words long. Generally, the papers should NOT summarize the readings. Rather, they should extend or critique the arguments made in the readings, illustrate the points with examples drawn from your own experience, draw connections to other concepts covered inside or outside the class, or relate to the week’s topic or assigned readings in other ways.


• What is employee motivation? What is employee engagement?

• What is the best way to design a job (or YOUR job)?

• What is the best way to motivate a millennial?

Below is a link to videos that can also be used within the paper. 

Case Study Or Analysis

Case Study Or Analysis

select article or case in the last 3-5 years on a legal topic and write a paper between 1000 to 1500words analyzing the legal issues raised by the article or case , the implication of the case for business manager.

Management Essay

Based on the readings related to the “Majority View” (what you believe the majority of people would do), “Feelings,” (do you feel it is right or wrong thing to do?) and “Conscience”, describe the ethical dilemma presented by these scenarios and explain which of these factors would influence how you would respond to the following scenarios:


If you found something at a yard sale that was far more valuable than the posted price, would you let the seller know?

Is it considered stealing to take pens from a bank? What about extra napkins from a fast-food restaurant?

If someone tells an offensive joke, is it my responsibility to speak up about it?

Is it ever ok to sneak a peek at your significant other’s email?

My boss asked me to cover for him on his expense report by saying I was at a meal when I wasn’t . Should I do it?

Recommendation And An Implementation

Recommendation And An Implementation


Principle 6: Labour 


Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Compare and contrast meiosis with mitosis

Compare and contrast meiosis with mitosis to complete the following table.

Table 2. Comparison of key characteristics between meiosis and mitosis.

Characteristics Mitosis Meiosis

Tell us your current understanding of what gender is in communication

250 words

Tell us your current understanding of what gender is in communication, and whether it is or is not worth studying–write what you really think, not what you think I want to hear.

What does the word gender mean to you? How do you define it? What did you take away from the readings for this week?

Adolescent to Parent Face Negotiation Regarding Depression

Adolescent to Parent Face Negotiation Regarding Depression

I. Rationale: In this section, let the reader know why you have chosen this area of study and why it is an important area for interpersonal communication scholars to study. Give the reader an idea of your general purpose. Develop a warrant (or argument) for studying what you chose.

Advance some hypotheses or pose a research question(s) which your scholarly review of literature will ultimately justify testing. End this section with your Research Question(s). 

II. Database & Key Words: Describe online databases you used to conduct your library research (i.e. discuss all on-line indexes searched and be specific, e.g., Communication Source, Psych Lit, etc.) and what key words you used. You may use scholarly journals, books, and book chapters, or internet-based sources for which you can demonstrate scholarly credibility.

III. Bibliography: Present a minimum of 20-25 relevant sources (articles, books, book chapters from anthologies). This bibliography list constitutes an argument that you did a thorough search and are presenting the most important, relevant, and central sources available out there. 

At least half of your sources must be data-based research reports. Focus your sources in communication as much as possible. References must be presented in correct APA 6th edition style with DOI number.

IV. Outline. Present a detailed outline of the major headings and topics that will appear in your Paper #2. 

V. Sample literature review pages. From the draft outline of your paper, turn in 2-3 pages of your written-up literature review prose; probably it will cover one of the topic areas. Start with a subheading. Within these pages be sure you are synthesizing (drawing together) the ideas from at least six sources. Treat them as a group of information rather than separate articles. 

Adolescent to Parent Face Negotiation Regarding Depression

Adolescent to Parent Face Negotiation Regarding Depression

I. Rationale: In this section, let the reader know why you have chosen this area of study and why it is an important area for interpersonal communication scholars to study. Give the reader an idea of your general purpose. Develop a warrant (or argument) for studying what you chose.

Advance some hypotheses or pose a research question(s) which your scholarly review of literature will ultimately justify testing. End this section with your Research Question(s). 

II. Database & Key Words: Describe online databases you used to conduct your library research (i.e. discuss all on-line indexes searched and be specific, e.g., Communication Source, Psych Lit, etc.) and what key words you used. You may use scholarly journals, books, and book chapters, or internet-based sources for which you can demonstrate scholarly credibility.

III. Bibliography: Present a minimum of 20-25 relevant sources (articles, books, book chapters from anthologies). This bibliography list constitutes an argument that you did a thorough search and are presenting the most important, relevant, and central sources available out there. 

At least half of your sources must be data-based research reports. Focus your sources in communication as much as possible. References must be presented in correct APA 6th edition style with DOI number.

IV. Outline. Present a detailed outline of the major headings and topics that will appear in your Paper #2. 

V. Sample literature review pages. From the draft outline of your paper, turn in 2-3 pages of your written-up literature review prose; probably it will cover one of the topic areas. Start with a subheading. Within these pages be sure you are synthesizing (drawing together) the ideas from at least six sources. Treat them as a group of information rather than separate articles. 

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