Consider the differences between targeted marketing and mass marketing and what led to the rise of each. Do you think one is more effective than the other? Why, or why not? Are you currently the target market for any goods or services? What compels you to choose one brand over another?
Archive for June 16th, 2019
Only Professionals In English (American Literature)
Who is a professional in English (American Literature)
Unit 1 Exam
- Due Jun 16 at 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Questions 16
- Available Jun 13 at 12:01am – Jun 16 at 11:59pm 4 days
For the first part of the exam, use short answers only. Complete sentences are not required. You may use a bulleted list for your answers. You should NOT develop a lengthy paragraph.
Your answers must:
- ID authors
- ID titles of works
- ID the significance/meaning of each selection–enough to clearly show you’ve read and comprehend
Part B –ESSAY QUESTIONS (12 pts. per each)
Answer each essay question with at least one fully developed paragraph per each. You must include specific detail and follow all rules of standard English grammar and punctuation.
On all sections of this exam, DO NOT CUT AND PASTE or otherwise plagiarize from online sites, your homework, or any section of our class. Your writing and analysis must be your own.
Summary Paper
As we look at Principles of Action, there is not enough time in the course to utilize all of Dr. Bambrick-Santoyo’s tools, but we will briefly look at the first page (top part) of the North Star Assessment Analysis Sheet and Instructional Plan for Teacher.” This can certainly be a tool for you as an administrator when designing a plan of action for teachers.
Go to the CD-ROM that accompanies your textbook. Pull up “03 Sample Results Grid: Middle School Math.” Also, find the North Star Assessment Analysis Sheet and Instruction Plan for Teacher, page 1 only.
As you look at all the results for Middle School Math, compare what you see to the Standard Analysis column on the Assessment Analysis Sheet (What standards warrant more time for whole-class instruction, re-teaching and review, Whole Class Instruction.) Note that on the Sample Results page for Middle School Math, the class has repeated 6-1 Standards and 6-2 Standards. Standards 6-3 have not been repeated.
Look at the Small Group Instruction column and respond to the question: “What standards warrant more time for small-group instruction and review?” List and explain your rationale.
Once you complete the Whole Class Instruction column, move to the second column and the “Analysis of Why Students Did Not Learn Standard.” What, in your opinion, might be some reasons as to why students did not learn the standards you have chosen.
As you move to the third column, “Instructional Plan – What Techniques Will You Use to Address These Standards” briefly list what you believe would be some strategies to help students. For example for the standard “Fraction of Whole,” you might want to talk about how the use of manipulatives might help.
Finally, move to the bottom column and respond to “How or When Will You Structure Small Group Instruction?
Submit a two page summary paper in response to the questions above.
PowerPoint Presentation Injuries Related To Hazardous Conditions
In Chapter 2 facilities and equipment are discussed. Injuries often occur because of poor facility maintenance and faulty equipment. These types of injuries can easily be prevented. In this activity you will consider issues created by hazards common to facilities and equipment used in a sport you would like to coach. Please develop a power point that describes the sport chosen, the type of facility and equipment used, and at least 2 injuries that are directly related to hazardous conditions, poorly maintained facilities, or damaged equipment–do NOT describe ill-fitting shoes, poorly-sized helmets, choosing to not use safety equipment, etc.--these are human errors and not appropriate for this assignment. You must clearly link the facility/equipment hazards to specific injuries common to participation in that sport. Lastly, describe how you would address these issues (hazards) as a coach to prevent the injuries chosen. The injuries and prevention strategies chosen must clearly relate to the physical hazards described–this connection is the entire point of the assignment. Your PPT should also include a minimum of 3 graphics. I will be looking for the correct use of anatomical terms when describing the injuries (don’t just write their names), a detailed look at potential hazards chosen, and your method of preventing injuries. If you are unsure if you’ve chosen “good” hazards, send me a message and ask. Upload the assignment as a PDF file.
Short Answer
You are going to create a Journal in a WORD document. The Journal will have 10 entries over the semester. Each entry piece should be 3/4 -1 page in length.
I will review your Journal at half term and the end of the semester. Do each one in the week it is assigned as part of class activities. Be prepared to share your Journal in class at any time.
You will keep the Word document. Make sure to make a copy and update it weekly so it is not lost. Close to the end of term you will hand in the Journal for marking. The Journal will contain your 10 Journal entries.
Journal Entry 1 – What do you want to achieve?
Go to the link …….watch the first video…then write a reflection in the journal. Think about it where are you in your life? What do you want? How will you achieve it?
Have a look at the information in the links below and write a short reflection on how you view the use of technology to assist the selling process.
Journal Entry 2 – Importance of Listening and communicating
The presenter is discussing the importance of listening in your personal and business life. How would you rate your listening skills:
At home:
At school:
At work:
Review the above in some detail with examples (It is important)
You are given some ideas about how to improve your listening skills and demonstrate to the friend/client you are listening. What are they?
Are you ready to improve your listening skills? If yes, how will you do it?
In the second video there is a review of communication skills and why they are important. What are the six pillars?
What are your strengths?
Which pillars are areas of weakness in your communications?
What have been the consequences of your areas of weakness in your communications?
What strategies will you adopt to improve your areas of weakness in your communication skills?
Journal Entry 3 – Exploring how to develop your use of Linked In
Choose one video and expand your knowledge
Report in your Journal the principles of what you have learned and how you might apply this to selling yourself. Also reflect on how you might use the technique to prospect, identifying new customers( for any product or service you might sell)
Journal Entry 4 – Customer value propositions.
It serves to summarize and repeat the concept we have been talking about in class.
Please write about your understanding (in your own words) of what you have learned.
Please take your learning and apply it to the creation of the sales dialog.
Think about the priority of your potential customers needs. Think about how the value proposition will be reflected in the benefits section of your FAB chart, and of course in your final sales dialog
Journal 5 – CRM
Tell me why I should use a CRM package, in your own words!
What is it..what does it do?
Any special features I should be looking for?
Case Study
Hope all is well. If someone could please help me with this assignment. I am only able to do $15. If you are not able to do $15 please do not waste your time contacting me. Below are the instructions and attached is the PDF file that could with the assignment. For whomever is willing to help me out, I thank you before hand.
In this assignment, you will explore the business situation that the Global Green Books Publishing is facing and how it was resolved using effective project management.
The requirements for the assignments are:
· Read the Mini Case Study attached to the assignment.
· Answer the following questions based on the reading:
1. Who are the stakeholders of this project? Who are the key stakeholders of the project?
2. What impacts could these requested changes have on the budget?
3. Could these requested changes also impact the schedule? If so, how?
4. What is Global Green Book’s process for dealing with changes from their customers?
5. Do you see any possible issues with this process?
6. How would you recommend that Global Green Books handle these changes? Who should be involved?
7. What should Global Green Books do about the conflicting inputs from their customer – the bookstore manager who wants inexpensive eBooks and the professor who wants the best and most up-to-date collection of readings possible for her courses?
· The paper must be APA-formatted as a Word document.
· SafAssign will be used to check this assignment for plagiarism. Remember to paraphrase in your own words and do not copy directly.
· The length must be a minimum of two pages, excluding the title and reference pages.
· Include at least one reference.
Supply Chain Management – Tesla
Discuss the role supply chain management plays in the organization at various levels (e.g., strategic, tactical, and operational), how it is structured, what strategies and techniques are used for supply chain management activities. Finally, please elaborate on how supply chain management contribute to the success or failure of the organization.
- APA Format
- 2 pages – double space
Cybercrime & Information
DQ 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
What is the difference between private and public key encryption? Which is safer? Why?
Why is cybervictimization increasing? Name at least two things people may do to limit their chances of becoming a victim.
Assignment Content: Overview of Information Systems and Technology
Resource: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization
Review the following scenario:
You are an employee of Riordan Manufacturing, which has just gone through a company reorganization. You have been reassigned to a different position and are now the information technology (IT) assistant project director. Your supervisor has informed you that the company is expanding and will open a new office in Seattle, Washington. You have been tasked with expanding the company’s IT infrastructure by setting up the IT system in the new office.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that identifies the organization’s information systems and their functionalities. Select one of the organization’s major systems, and describe its global interconnectivity and the potential result of a failure of a major component of this system. Include the reasons to protect this system and the consequences of inadequate security.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
DQ 2: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
What is cyberstalking? What are the primary categories of cyberstalkers? Recommend specific actions a law enforcement agency may make to address cyberstalking.
Assignment Content: Trends in Cybercrime
Select a current computer-crime trend.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that describes a cybercrime trend that society is confronted with today. Within the paper, address the following key elements:
What types of scams are associated with the cybercrime?
What might the profile be for a cybercriminal who commits this type of cybercrime?
What are law enforcement initiatives to combat this crime?
What are penalties for committing these crimes?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Anotated Bibiliography Econ
Find atleast 4 acaemically reviewed articles on production cost. Write an annotated bibiliography on 4 articles.
Based on the articles you reviewed, dicuss the lessons you learned. Discuss how would u use the information in managerial decision-making.
APA format min 300 words
Write a research paper on The Role Of Entrepreneurial University Model Towards Promoting Knowledge-Based Economic Development.