Evaluate the integrity of Gregor’s family in their response to Gregor’s transformation.

Write a short essay of around 700 words in response to the following.  Do not consult outside sources or each other.  Work on your own, using Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and any material in this module as support. Be sure that you have a solid, defendable thesis statement toward the end of the introduction, which can be brief; focus in on your point quickly. Have a strong, analytic topic sentence that furthers your argument for each paragraph and avoid any sentence-level errors, particularly serious errors such as fused sentences or comma splices. Do NOT summarize; bring up the relevant points from the literature that support your thesis.  Pay attention to the author’s language and use quotes to substantiate your claims. Be as specific as you can be. Follow MLA style.


Evaluate the integrity of Gregor’s family in their response to Gregor’s transformation. You might consider the family’s relationship before Gregor’s metamorphosis. What are the consequences of Gregor’s metamorphosis for the family and of their treatment of him? What other solutions were available to Gregor’s family?

Unit 4 Discussion – The Break Even Analysis



Throughout the NewShoes Simulation, you will have to evaluate your previous decisions as well as other Market data and information in order to make an informed decision for the current period. The breakeven analysis is a tool that can assist in setting the price for your athletic shoe during the various decision periods. Based on the market data and information presented in the simulation determine the breakeven analysis for your NewShoes company and the correlation to your shoe pricing strategy.


To calculate the breakeven analysis, you can use the following formula:


Break Even Price = variable cost (the unit cost of the product) + fixed expenses (marketing expenses and allocated product development expenses) / projected units


Having calculated the Break Even Analysis, what will you have to price your shoes in order to reach your target run? In addition, provide an assessment of other elements that should be considered in addition to the breakeven analysis to determine the price of your shoes. Research and find an organization that has been challenged with setting prices for their products or services and share how they addressed the issues.


Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Discuss the importance and the advantages of using these techniques. Provide an example of each technique.

Data representation is the act displaying the visual form of your data. The process of identifying the most effective and appropriate solution for representing our data is unquestionably the most important feature of our visualization design. Working on this layer involves making decisions that cut across the artistic and scientific foundations of the field.


Here we find ourselves face-to-face with the demands of achieving that ideal harmony of form and function that was outlined in Chapter 6Data Representation. We need to achieve the elegance of a design that aesthetically suits our intent and the functional behavior required to fulfill the effective imparting of information.


According to Kirk 2016, in order to dissect the importance of data representation, we are going to “look at it from both theoretical and pragmatic perspectives.” Choose three of the storytelling techniques (Pages 161 – 209) in which data is presented and stories are being interpreted. Discuss the importance and the advantages of using these techniques. Provide an example of each technique.




Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Why are you interested in researching this topic and why is this topic important


For this assignment, you will present your special topic to the class using a PowerPoint presentation. Please include the following components in your presentation:

I. Introduction- why are you interested in researching this topic and why is this topic important

II. Literature Review- what research has been done on the topic

     a. use only research conducted within the last five years

     b. use proper APA citations on each slide

     c. include at least 5 references (must be peer-reviewed) on a separate reference slide

III. Future Directions- how this topic impacts the counseling profession or your future work as a counselor

IV. Conclusion- summarize what you have found out about your topic and what you have learned so far 

Please be sure to include a reference list with references listed in APA format. All citations within the PPT should match the reference list. 


Policy Formulation: Development Of Legislation

While hundreds of bills are introduced during each congressional session, only a very small percentage moves on to be evaluated by the President. Understanding the legislative process for health policy is important for administrators, who are in a position to lobby for effective health policy.

From the Internet, review the following:

  • U.S. Congress. (n.d.). Health. Retrieved from https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/subjects/health/6130

Choose a healthy policy item that has been “Introduced” and present the following:

  • Title of the bill
  • Status and sponsor      
  • Summary
  • Recommended revisions

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your posting should be a minimum of 200 words in length.


Explain the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA including the tax penalties that will be imposed if a person or a family does not obtain qualifying health coverage.

Examining the Individual Mandate


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires all US citizens and legal residents to obtain qualifying health coverage. In this week, you will explore the Individual Mandate section of the new health reform law.




  • Explain the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA including the tax penalties that will be imposed if a person or a family does not obtain qualifying health coverage.
  • Analyze the eligibility criteria for exemptions and subsidies to obtain coverage.
  • Explain one policy change or enhancement you would recommend if you were required to ensure the success of the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA and justify the intended outcome.


From the Internet, review the following:


  • HealthCare.gov. (n.d.). The fee for not having health insurance. Retrieved from https://www.healthcare.gov/fees/fee-for-not-being-covered/
  • Jost, T. (2017, August 21). The IRS Is Still Enforcing The Individual Mandate, Despite What Many Taxpayers Believe. Retrieved from https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20170821.061615/full/


Submission Details:


  • Submit your response in a 4- to 6-page Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
  • On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.

Strategic Quality Management Implementation Plan

Based upon the readings and research from the course, you will develop a Strategic Quality Management Implementation Plan for an organization of your choosing. You may choose a for-profit, non-profit (including a church), government, or educational organization. You are encouraged to review your own workplace, if appropriate.


TheStrategic Quality Management Implementation Plan(Section 3) is to be written as a document submitted to an executive team. Due to this, you may present the material in Section 3 in more of a report fashion rather than as an academic paper. The plan must be based on current research (including theory and practice) that is appropriate for the unique context of the organization selected. Think of the plan as a subset of the entire paper.


In support of your plan, write a 10–15-page literature review that focuses on the basis for the quality management tool/technique selected. Include at least 15 scholarly peer-reviewed references. The literature review must be included as an appendix (Section 4 of the format below); it must not be included in Section 3.


Note:Sections 1, 2, 4, and 5 must be in current APA format.


The assignment must be submitted in compliance with the requirements found in the Strategic Quality Management Implementation Grading Rubric. The assignment must be a minimum of 20 pages (not including the title page, abstract, and reference page).




1.  Title page – must include the following:


a. Course number and name


b. Paper title


c.  Student name


d. Date submitted


e. Respectfully submitted to: (instructor’s name)


2.  Abstract


3.  Strategic Quality Management Implementation Plan – must include the following:


a. Introduction


b. Organizational context (background, structure, leadership, and culture)


c. Quality statement (how your organization approaches quality)


d. Identification of quality problem/process to improve


e. Goals and objectives


f. Model and methodology


g. Structure/scope (include who does what, stakeholder involvement, and communication plan)


h. Performance measure(s)


i. Time frame


j. Summative comments


4.  Appendix (literature review)


5.  References

Would you recommend using a z-test, a t-test, or an ANOVA for the analysis?

In this discussion, you will evaluate a research question and determine how that question might best be analyzed.  To do this, you will need to identify the appropriate application of course specified statistical tests, examine assumptions and limitations of course specified statistical tests, and communicate in writing critiques of statistical tests.


A researcher wishes to study the effect of a new drug on blood pressure.  Consider and discuss the following questions as you respond:


  • Would you recommend using a z-test, a t-test, or an ANOVA for the analysis?  Explain your answer.
  • What would your choice of test depend on?  For the test you select, explain your design and your comparison groups. 
  • Would the hypothesis be directional or non-directional? 
  • Would the test be one-tailed or two-tailed? 
  • What would be the null and what would be the alternative hypothesis?

Write on any topic related to technology security.

Must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. Must use a minimum of 5 references, citing the references where you used the material within the paper itself.


– Assure you are citing in APA format


-You must use a minimum of one graphic or image (may use a table)


– Double space the paper


– You must use APA formatting (6th Edition)

Differentiate between CONPLAN, NIMS, and ICS, and explain how to apply the role of each to interagency relationships.

Create a 10–15 slide PowerPoint® presentation (excluding cover and reference slide) that addresses the following:


Analyze the relationships among CONPLAN, NIMS, and ICS.


  • Differentiate between CONPLAN, NIMS, and ICS, and explain how to apply the role of each to interagency relationships.
  • Examine and explain the following relationships and provide examples to support your findings.
  • NIMS and ICS
  • ICS and CONPLAN,


You may consult the Library, your textbook, the internet, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task.


PowerPoint Formatting Directions:


  • Use one basic slide design and layout.
  • Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content.
  • You may use pictures, charts and graphs to supplement your material as long as they do not take up the entire slide.
  • Use bullets for your main points.
  • Use speaker notes to explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience.
  • To learn more about using speaker notes, open PowerPoint and press F1. In the search box, type “create notes” and press Enter. The related topics on notes appear.
  • The presentation should contain a cover slide and a list of references in APA style.