Archive for July 4th, 2019

What were the methods used to facilitate the intergovernmental relationships and the sharing of technological information?

Online Library that was published within the last 3 years that discusses intergovernmental sharing of technological information, and then provide a detailed critique of the article. The article you select must discuss recent or historic attempts by different levels of government (local, state, federal) to share technological processes or advances.

In your critique, address the following questions/points:

  • What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)?
  • What were the methods used to facilitate the intergovernmental relationships and the sharing of technological information?

The following two items require your opinions, which are a very important part of this assignment:

  • What is your opinion of the article? How does the content of this article relate to your general perceptions of the public and/or nonprofit sectors? Please refer to previous personal experiences or coursework when formulating your response.
  • Were the different governments/government actors involved successful in their attempts to share this information? What could have been done to better facilitate the information sharing and general intergovernmental relations?

Your critique must be 2–5 pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. All pages should be double-spaced. Be sure to cite all borrowed, quoted, and paraphrased material appropriately in APA style.

The purpose of this assignment is to gauge your understanding of the content, so focus on writing original content rather than simply regurgitating the textbook or other sources, whether by paraphrasing or using direct quotes. Paraphrasing is acceptable, but try to keep paraphrasing to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is to use 80% of your own work and paraphrase 20% or less of the work of others


What other funding options do you have?

Initiative 9 – Fatality, Near-Miss Investigation


Investigating fatalities and near misses is not to be a judge of the actions taken by the individuals hurt or the commander structure of that unit, but to take what happened and learn from it.  Being able to read in the reports exactly what happened and how it happened could in turn change training methods or even procedures on how certain things on done on the fire grounds.  “Accidents are problems that present opportunities for solutions through investigations. Accidents can result from failures of firefighters, civilians, equipment, supplies or surroundings to behave as expected. A successful accident investigation determines not only what happened, but also finds how and why the accident.”(2019 thoroughly investigate all firefighter fatalities, injuries, and near-misses.  )


Case Study-


Yes, this would fit the criteria of a near-miss.  Using the training of following the hose line back out of the building is a time tested method but feeling the couplings and making sure that you are following it in the right direction is vital to survival as well.  If it wasn’t for the realization that they should have come to the exit already and heard the lieutenant yelling, things could have been much worse.  Completing a near-miss report for this can help you review actions taken and work to ensure that they don’t happen again. Also, you can work this command to create a plan for when situations such as this one arise.


‌Initiative 10 – Grant Support


Grants and fundraising within the community that you live and work are two of the best ways to raise money of much needed money when the budget won’t allow for the addition spending.  The Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program is one of many grant programs that departments can write grant applications too for funding of equipment and other health and wellness needs.  There are many grants available to departments currently, depending on the needs of the department will drive the direction of which grants applications are sent in too.  Grants are programs which departments can apply to receive funding.  Having individuals who are experienced and educated in proper grant writing, will greatly increase the chances of securing the needed money from the applied grant.  With any grant out there today, a large number of departments are all fighting to secure that money for themselves and being able to separate your department needs from the rest of the pack is a most.  A properly written application will make or break the grant process for your department.  There are also many places on the internet today that can assist you in the grant writing process.  It is beneficial to target the grants that offer funding for your departments most specific needs and try to apply for those grants first.  A good moto is to apply for all the funding that you possibly can.  All grant money received will only help you and your fellow firefighters conduct your jobs more safely and effectively.  Without applying for the grant, you will never know if that funding could have come to your department for the much needed upgrades and equipment.  Better to try and fail, than to not try at all.




Detective Story – ProQuest. (2019). Retrieved July 1, 2019, from website:



(2019). Retrieved July 1, 2019, from website:



(2019). Retrieved July 1, 2019, from website:








The reasons for investigating firefighter fatalities, injuries and near-misses is identify common causes that led to the incident. NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program, (FFFIPP), gathers multiple sources of information to present the most accurate description of an incident. This report is not meant to be punitive but helpful. The labors of these investigations are not fruitless since much of the information gathered is passed on the department, NIOSH reports that, “some 11,000 fire departments to update the content of their training programs on personal protective equipment (PPE), Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) devices, Incident Command System, traffic hazards, radio communications, and other topics.” (FFFIPP Evaluation, 2008) Thorough investigation paints a clearer picture and may reveal underlying causes and develop a more accurate solution.


The criteria of this case study is a near miss because the potential for loss of life due inadequate actions. Potentially, the firefighter dragging the victim could have continued in the wrong direction subjecting themselves to a potential burns, collapse, or asphyxiation. The benefit of completing a near mishap report can help department learn what information needs to be communicated to reduce the likelihood of a similar issue, in this case, does the attack line nearest you lead out or in another direction. Or what equipment is available that we can use to make egress easier? Luckily the Lieutenant was able to correct the firefighter direction.


     A. What other funding options do you have? Re-evaluating fire-flow taxes for the area can create more funding, (long term). Selling used equipment, and fire protection subscription service. 


     B. Which organizations would be most likely to fund the new equipment? Other funding options include; GSA Surplus,, and 


     C. How do grants work, and what strategies help improve the chances of a successful application? Grants are available within an application window and approval process for funding. Applications must follow set guidelines when writing the application with persistence and resubmission on regular basis. 




National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. (2008). NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program Evaluation.  


US Fire Administration. (2012). Funding Alternatives for Emergency Medical Fire Services. Emmitsburg, Maryland, FEMA.

Briefly explain the relationship between oil price and real GDP as displayed in your graph.

You will research oil price changes and the impact on the economy. Start your research by retrieving historical data (1980-2016) on oil price and growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) from FRED (St. Louis Federal Reserve) 


Use the real GDP percentage change from the preceding period, the seasonally adjusted annual rate (A191RL1Q225SBEA), and the Global Price of West Texas Intermediate (POILWTIUSDQ). 


In addition, review articles on topics related to oil prices and the impact on the economy. Analyze the data you retrieve to determine the relationship between oil price and real GDP growth rate. 


Write a minimum two-page paper that will include a graph displaying information on oil price and real GDP. You can use Excel or the graphing tool available in FRED to draw your graph. In addition, you will include information concerning the following subjects:

◾Briefly explain the relationship between oil price and real GDP as displayed in your graph. 

◾What are demand factors that led to the reduction of oil prices in recent years? 

◾What are supply factors that led to the reduction? 

◾What do you predict will happen to oil prices in the future? 

List the advantages of a single customer service center for RR Communications.

1. List the advantages of a single customer service center for RR Communications.


2. Devise an implementation strategy that would guarantee the support of the



presidents for the shared customer service center.

3. Is it possible to achieve an enterprise vision with a decentralized IT function?

Explain the benefits of using a case study for DBA doctoral research, including an example from scholarly research that supports your assertion.

To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s Required Readings and consider the similarities and differences between case study and phenomenological research designs. Be sure to focus on the benefits of case study design in terms of time and cost within the context of DBA doctoral research.


By Day 3


Post an assessment of case study design versus phenomenological research design for doctoral research. Your assessment should include the following:


· Compare and contrast case study and phenomenological research designs, including commitments of time and cost for each design.


· Explain the benefits of using a case study for DBA doctoral research, including an example from scholarly research that supports your assertion.


Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources.


Refer to the Week 1 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.


Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings

In what ways has forensic science grown as a discipline?

The use of forensic psychology continues to provide law enforcement officials with invaluable information pertaining to the profiling and identification of criminal suspects. However, the field has matured considerably from its nascent stages. After reading the introduction and Chapter 1 in the Bartol & Bartol text in addition to the Snook, Cullen, Bennell, Taylor, & Gendreau (2008) and Kocsis (2003) articles, examine the various changes that have occurred over the years within the field of forensic psychology. In addition, analyze the current educational and training models available in forensic psychology as outlined in Chapter 1 of the Bartol & Bartol text.


Provide answers to the following questions:

  • In what ways has forensic science grown as a discipline?
  • What future changes are predicted for the field?
  • What current educational and training models are available for students interested in working in the field?


Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length. Support your observations with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view?

Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part II
Synthesizing and Writing


When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking.




Part II – Writing
Write at three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. State your position on the topic you selected for Assignment 1.1. 
  2. Identify (3) three premises (reasons) from the website that support your position and explain why you selected these specific reasons. 
  3. Explain your answers to the “believing” questions about the three (3) premises opposing your position from the website. 
  4. Examine at least two (2) types of biases that you likely experienced as you evaluated the premises for and against your position. 
  5. Discuss the effects of your own enculturation or group identification that may have influenced your biases. 
  6. Discuss whether or not your thinking about the topic has changed after playing the “Believing Game,” even if your position on the issue has stayed the same. 


The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:


  • Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph. 
  • Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. 
  • Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. 


  • Based on the guidelines in SWS, “A well-researched assignment has at least as many sources as pages.” Since this assignment requires you to write at least 3-4 pages, you should include at least 3-4 references

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Identify the informal fallacies, assumptions, and biases involved in manipulative appeals and abuses of language. 
  • Create written work utilizing the concepts of critical thinking. 
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in critical thinking skills and informal logic. 

Identify one or a few visualisations/infographics you think are especially effective.

  1. Identify one or a few visualisations/infographics you think are especially effective.
  2. Identify one or a few visualisations/infographics you think are especially ineffective.

For each choice, consider the reasons that led you to make that choice?

What design or content factors shaped your selection?


It should be of one page with journal /professional references, APA format and no plagiarism and no grammatical mistakes


Outline the specific steps you would take when conducting an external analysis to determine the need for this addition.

The Process of an Environmental Analysis” Please respond to the following:  

  • Imagine that the physicians at your hospital have proposed adding a new cardiac care wing to the hospital at which you are CEO.   Review the website of a cardiac center in your neighborhood. 
  • Outline the specific steps you would take when conducting an external analysis to determine the need for this addition.
  • Recommend three strategies that you can use to evaluate the data gathered during the analysis in order to decide whether to add this new wing to the hospital.  Include concepts from the weekly reading in the textbook or from peer-reviewed journal articles.

What primary audiences do the two websites seem to aim for?

This read-me of the assignment sheet is for your benefit. This read-me gives you an exact overview of what is expected for the major assignment for this unit.

Effective communication depends largely on understanding your audience. Your audience’s expectations, characteristics, knowledge level, and information needs determine the content you choose to present, the depth of detail you provide, the overall tone or attitude of your writing, and even the purpose you establish for your communication.

In addition to knowing the importance of analyzing audience, you should also be able to distinguish a document’s primary and secondary audiences.

  • Primary audiences are the major intended readers for your document. In the workplace, your primary audience is the person or persons who will understand and act on your message.
  • Secondary audiences are the other potential readers of your document. These are people who may receive a copy of your document.

Most workplace communication has a combination of primary and secondary audiences. For example, people attended your presentation (primary audience) might later share information about your presentation and your handouts with people who didn’t attend (secondary audience).

Assignment Guidelines: 

For this assignment, choose two (2) websites that present information on the same subject. However, the two (2) websites should be aimed at different primary audiences. One website should be designed for a non-technical audience and the other for a technical/specialized audience.

Write a memo to your instructor analyzing both websites and their audiences (primary and secondary) and explain the persuasive strategies each website uses to serve its primary audience’s needs.

Synthesize your analysis to the following questions:

Note: You need to answer all of these questions; your failure to answer all questions will result in point deductions. 

    • What primary audiences do the two websites seem to aim for? What kind of knowledge do the audiences seem to possess about the subject matter? What are their age(s), genders, education level, occupations, and cultural background?
    • Who are the secondary audiences of these websites? Who else might use information found on these sites?
    • What persuasive strategies do the websites employ to appeal to their primary audiences? Do they use claims? Do they make an effort to connect with the audience? (See pages 48-51 of your textbook for more on persuasion)

  • To what extent do the websites use technical language? Do you see any examples of jargon? Give examples
  • How long is the average sentence in each website? How long is the average paragraph? Does this tell you anything about the audience?
  • How formal/informal are their respective style? Why?
  • Is there advertising? If so, what do the ads tell you about the audience?
  • Do the website use tables, graphs, figures, illustrations or images? How different are they on the two websites?
    • Keep in mind that your purpose is to compare and contrast the two websites, not merely to describe them (failure to compare and contrast will result in a 20-point deduction)
    • Do not simply type the questions followed by your answers. Like all professional memos, this one should summarize and organize the information into coherent and well-written narratives (failure to use a narrative will result in 5-point deduction)

  • Format: Use a business memo format. You can also use a memo template in Word. (Failure to use a business memo format will result in 10-point deduction)
  • Minimum word requirement: 750 words (Failure to meet the minimum word count will result in a 5-point deduction)
  • Make sure to include the Websites’ URLs in your memo (Failure to include working URLs will result in a 5-point deduction)
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