Archive for July 7th, 2019

Intercultural Communication Paper (25 points) Outcome 3- Due Week 3

 This assignment demonstrates your critical thinking skills as well as your intercultural communication competency.

It consists of two parts: Part 1: Complete the INCA survey and develop a one-page reflection summarizing your ideas and your results. Include your Intercultural Competence Score Sheet. Do not limit your summary to a restatement of the survey results; those will be apparent on the included score sheet. Reflect on why you scored as you did in each of the assessment categories, whether you agree with your results, and how you plan to use those insights. Part 2: Select three (3) critical incidents from the list of eight provided below and analyze each incident using the cultural dimensions studied in class. Your job is to identify which cultural dimensions or values are influencing the situation. This is very important: you are not being asked to judge who is right and wrong in the scenarios. Your task is to analyze why the people involved see the same situation differently. What are the cultural differences that cause them to interpret the same set of facts from a different perspective? Each analysis should contain at least three (3) scholarly references for a total of nine references. You may use course materials that pertain directly to the incident and you may add others from your research. Your analysis should be complete and supported by the literature, not an opinion. You will be evaluated on how well you can form an argument, that is, present a statement and support it with credible sources. Complete both parts in a formal written paper using APA format. Use headings to mark each part: Part 1 and Part 2. Use subheadings to indicate the discussion of each critical incident. Include the number of the incident but do not repeat the text. Please review the requirements for all written assignments on page 3 of the syllabus. INCA is an acronym for Intercultural Competency Assessment. The purpose of the INCA survey is for you to examine your intercultural awareness and assess your cultural sensitivity. This activity is designed to help you become aware of your own attitude towards cultural diversity. The dimensions of cultural competence measured by the INCA survey are:1) Tolerance of ambiguity, 2) Behavioral flexibility, 3) Communicative awareness, 4) Knowledge discovery, 5) Respect for Otherness, and 6) Empathy. NOTE: This project and the instrument created was funded by the Council of Europe and the Leonardo da Vinci II Program. You can read more about this project, if you are interested, here: Directions: Complete all of the INCA Survey questions. When you are done, use the INCA survey key to help you analyze your results. Read about the different dimensions of intercultural competency and what they mean. Note that a total score for the INCA survey is not important for the purpose of this assignment. (You will not get a total score). THE THEORY BEHIND THE INCA INSTRUMENT PDF document I’m Done INCA SURVEY STUDENT VERSION Word Document I’m Done INCA SURVEY KEY Word Document


Emerging Threats Discussion

Chapter 9 discusses the concept of correlation. Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data correlation efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data correlation is needed between these two facilities. 

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and stormwater management facilities. 

B) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)


Special Education Law

There are no word count with these discussion questions just answer all parts of the question and give a good paragraph with relevant, and substantial answers.

 Discussion 1

Special Education Law

Before the passing of PL94-142, most children with disabilities were excluded from the public education system and received no services or support. What do you consider to be the most important component of this act for children with disabilities? Why do you feel it is the most important?

Discussion 2


 Inappropriate Test Items

Nondiscriminatory testing is imperative in assessments, yet language and cultural differences can be a major stumbling block when attempting to get valid test results on young children. Discuss test items that could be inappropriate for particular groups, and why they might be inappropriate.


Discussion 3


Differences In Recognition

Some exceptional children are easy to recognize, while it is difficult to recognize others. Drawing from your own experiences and your readings, discuss what this can mean to an exceptional child, the parents, and the teachers.


School Psychologist Interview

Identifying exceptional learning needs typically involves the work of school psychologists. Interview a school psychologist to help you better understand what they do and how that should inform what an early childhood teacher does to serve children with disabilities.

Use the interview outline below as a starting place, and add any other questions you think are important. If you like, you can share these questions with the psychologist prior to the interview so he or she knows what to expect. Then, submit in the assignment area a report of the interview, including answers to the five questions listed below, along with your brief analysis of these responses. You will also post a summary of your interview in this unit’s discussion.

Your paper should be 3–4 pages long. Support your statements with APA citations from the course resources and other readings, along with your interview.

Interview Outline 

What should a teacher look for, and what would be a red flag warning that a child may have a disability?

What information would be required from the teacher if an evaluation was necessary?

What tools would you use to evaluate a child? When and why would you use them?  

What information is included in the multidisciplinary report? 

How is the report used to plan appropriate learning activities for a child?

This is the school psychologist scoring guide my instructor will be grading the interview.

 Describes warning signs that a child may have a disability and analyzes why these signs are important. 25% 

 Describes information required from a teacher if evaluation is necessary and analyzes why it is important. 25%

Describes tools to use to evaluate a child, and analyzes when and why to use them. 25% 

 Describes information to include in a multidisciplinary report and analyzes how a multidisciplinary report is used to plan appropriate learning activities for a child.



Discussion 2

Warning Signs

Share with other learners a 2-3-paragraph summary of what you learned from your interview with a school psychologist. Based on your interview and on your readings, when should you be concerned that a child may have exceptional needs? When should you ask for help, and when should you ask for a special education evaluation?


Cybersecurity-Discussion write About 300 Words In APA.

Your boss mentions that recently a number of employees have received calls from individuals who didn’t identify themselves and asked a lot of questions about the company and its computer infrastructure. At first, he thought this was just a computer vendor who was trying to sell your company some new product, but no vendor has approached the company. He also says several strange e-mails requesting personal information have been sent to employees, and quite a few people have been seen searching your company’s trash dumpsters for recyclable containers. Your boss asks what you think about all of these strange incidents. Respond and be sure to provide recommendations on what should be done about the various incidents.

Explain her behavior using each of the two mechanisms within the social learning approach.

Five-year-old Darlene is playing with a doll, showing no interest in the nearby toy truck.


Explain her behavior using each of the two mechanisms within the social learning approach.


Explain her behavior using the cognitive developmental approach.




150 word counts

Explain the concept of stereotype threat.

In the summer of 1992, Mattel’s Teen Talk Barbie came under fire for one of her 270 phrases, famously, “Math class is tough!” Research indicates that girls are in fact influenced by stereotypes early in their educational lives (Steele, 2003). Often, simply knowing that a group is expected to perform less well in a domain will increase the likelihood of poorer performance. Whether they be academic performance or choices on a doll test, the consequences of such covert and subtle forms of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination take a cumulative, life-draining toll on their targets. This week’s media resource gives you a clear illustration of the impact of stereotype threat.


For this Assignment, review the example of stereotype threat from the media in this week’s Learning Resources. Think about how stereotype threat is present in the example and about strategies an individual might take to counter this threat.


Reference: Steele, J. (2003). Children’s gender stereotypes about math: The role of stereotype stratification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(12), 2587–2606.


The Assignment (45 pages)

  • Explain the concept of stereotype threat.
  • Describe the example of stereotype threat present in the media resource.
  • Explain how stereotype threat impacted group identity and/or performance.
  • Explain two strategies to counter that stereotype threat.

Research and report on various definitions of terrorism.





Discussion Questions: Research and report on various definitions of terrorism. Indicate and justify what definition “components” you believe are necessary for a strong terrorism definition and explain why.
Considering your research, indicate whether the United States (past or present) could be accused of terrorist acts. If so, why and what? If not, why not?  Finally, share your personal terrorism definition with the class. (Bold your definition so it stands out) 


Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 350 words. 


Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the APA writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your post, as well as an adjoining reference list. Refer to grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria.


Grading:  Forums are graded using the following rubric: SSGS Discussion Forum Grading Rubric

Discuss the evolution of policing in America, specifically addressing the modern era of American policing.

350-500 WORDS


1. Discuss the evolution of policing in America, specifically addressing the modern era of American policing. 

2. What are some of the social turning points in the development of policing? 

3. What is the future of policing? 


Original responses to the Forum questions each week need to be substantial (350 – 500 words) and significantly supported by two scholarly references. Students must also use proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The in-text citations and references will be in APA Format




How do Zurich ERM tools help them better understand their existing and emerging

At the end of Chapter 14, there are 5 questions.  Answer each question in a Word document and submit for grading.






1. How do Zurich ERM tools help them better understand their existing and emerging




2. How are Zurich’s risk roles and responsibilities impacting their risk culture?


3. Why is it important to include a Business Resilience program in your organization’sERM




4. How is Zurich’s Capital Management program helping their ERM program?


5. Give some examples on how Zurich has created new value through their ERM program?

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