- Discuss the nature of some tough decisions you may have to face
- Is it possible to simply avoid making decisions?
- Why is the passive approach to decision-making to be avoided?
- How can you counter the non-decision approach?
- What are the three most critical errors you are likely to make in our decision-making?
- What causes individuals to become overconfident when making decisions?
- What can you do to reduce overconfidence?
- What can you do to avoid immediate gratitude bias?
- What is confirmation bias and what can we do to overcome it?
- How easy do you think it is to make good decisions? Do you usually make good decisions? Explain
Archive for August, 2019
Discuss the nature of some tough decisions you may have to face
The Impact Of Standardized Nursing Terminology
Among the Resources in this module is the Rutherford (2008) article Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? In this article, the author recounts a visit to a local hospital to view the recent implementation of a new coding system.
During the visit, one of the nurses commented to her, “We document our care using standardized nursing languages but we don’t fully understand why we do” (Rutherford, 2008, para. 1).
How would you respond to a comment such as this one?
To Prepare:
- Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources, particularly Rutherford, M. (2008) Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice?
- Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
- Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.
The Assignment:
In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:
- Explain how you would inform this nurse (and others) of the importance of standardized nursing terminologies.
- Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.
- Be sure to support your paper with peer-reviewed research on standardized nursing terminologies that you consulted from the Walden Library.
- 3 to 4 References less than 5 years.
Critical Reasoning
How did the ideology of Manifest Destiny contribute to the Mexican War of 1846? Why did the Mexican War of 1846 take place? Was the war necessary? Was it beneficial to the United States? What does this war tell us about this period of American history? Was it God’s plan that the United States extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or were imperialists looking for a way to defend what they planned to do anyway?
Create a 6-page proposal detailing your solution that includes a cover page, table of contents, and reference page.
Assignment Content
- You are part of the Sheriff’s Office that supports a mid-size city of 400,000 people. Your jail holds 2,000 prisoners, several of whom are awaiting trial, while others are pending release. Your records system has just been taken hostage through ransomware for bitcoin worth about 5 million dollars. As a result, you have no visibility to who your detainees are or why they are being held. Your jail medical records have also been seized. Because it is a single network, you also realize that the records of your personnel (corrections officers, deputies, and other employees/workers) have also been seized. Last week you fired a worker who was openly disgruntled, you realize that this person had privileged access. Although you are not completely sure, you suspect, that part of your network security was left open, potentially allowing the intrusion. You have been asked to create a solution proposal for the breach.
Create a 6-page proposal detailing your solution that includes a cover page, table of contents, and reference page. Imagery and graphics are optional, but may be used. Consider the following in your proposal:
- What is your response?
- How do you gain control of your records?
- How do you prevent this from occurring again?
- Who do you alert?
- What privacy compromises may have occurred?
- Do you choose to pay the money, and who are you accountable to?
- What processes for employee termination and privileged user access need to be in place?
- What network defense and offense for information systems can you implement?
- What Privileged Access Management options need to be implemented to prevent future risks?
ACC 557 Discussion
Using the Internet or the Strayer databases, select a different company of your choice but this time analyze the Statement of Cash Flows for that chosen company. Next, discuss the change in cash flows for the three (3) different categories of cash flows and identify the totals for each category and at least one (1) significant item in each. Be sure to interpret this information in terms of the long-term health of the company. Provide support for your response.
ACC 403 Discussion
Discuss the key differences between substantive tests of transactions and substantive tests of balances. Next, identify at least two (2) situations when an auditor should test account balances. Support your rationale with related examples of such circumstances.
Worldview Analysis And Personal Inventory
Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following:
- In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.
- In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.
- In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview: (a) What is ultimate reality? (b) What is the nature of the universe? (c) What is a human being? (d) What is knowledge? (e) What is your basis of ethics? (f) What is the purpose of your existence?
Remember to support your reflection with the topic study materials.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation
Based on the feedback offered by the provider, identify the best approach for teaching. Prepare a presentation based on the Teaching Work Plan and present the information to your community.
Options for Delivery
Select one of the following options for delivery and prepare the applicable presentation:
- PowerPoint presentation – no more than 30 minutes
- Pamphlet presentation – 1 to 2 pages
- Poster presentation
Selection of Community Setting
These are considered appropriate community settings. Choose one of the following:
- Public health clinic
- Community health center
- Long-term care facility
- Transitional care facility
- Home health center
- University/School health center
- Church community
- Adult/Child care center
Community Teaching Experience Approval Form
Before presenting information to the community, seek approval from an agency administrator or representative using the “Community Teaching Experience Approval Form.” Submit this form as directed in the Community Teaching Experience Approval assignment drop box.
General Requirements
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide
Do you believe that social media outlets are doing enough to combat terrorism?
Terrorists are now using social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to promote propaganda and recruit new members. Do you believe that social media outlets are doing enough to combat terrorism? Why, or why not? What additional measures should they take to deter the use of their platforms for terrorist activity?
2. Global terrorist organizations use improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to inflict damage and to instill fear in society. In many countries and wars overseas, the use if IEDs is quite common. However, in the United States, the use of IEDs is quite rare. Given the ease at which an IED can be manufactured, why do you think gangs, criminals, and homegrown terrorists do not use them more frequently in the United States? Do you think we will see a change in the frequency of IED use in the United States?
3. Select Hurricane Katrina, the Boston Marathon bombings, or another recent disaster or terrorist event that has happened in the United States. What was one nongovernmental organization that assisted with the incident, and what resources (personnel and supplies) did they provide?
Consider the scenario below.
The northwestern United States has experienced a blackout. Washington, Oregon, and Idaho are all without power. Assume your state and jurisdiction is located in either Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. The unusually hot summer for the area has resulted in high electrical consumption, which has overloaded the electricity grid. Today, the core servers and remote sites began to fail. The power system in the area experienced a major loss of all systems. Within 1 hour, nearly one third of each state was affected. Throughout the blackout areas, businesses shut down, rioting became an issue, traffic became gridlocked, people were stranded in elevators, and the 911 system became jammed with all of the response calls. Responders are having a hard time responding because of the traffic gridlock. Media outlets are reporting that the power outage is because of a terrorist attack, even though it is unknown.
During the incident, please describe the actions that your jurisdiction would take utilizing the multiagency coordination system (MACS). Discuss how the MACS would prioritize resources. As you respond to your classmates, discuss why you think they will choose this prioritization. Explain your rationale.
Please keep then number, this is not require no APA. these are Discussion boards.
Assignment Creating a New Position
As an HR Manager part of your job is to analyze the staffing levels within the organization. You have to hire to fill one position within the organization. You can choose the organizational position you currently work or a future position. For this assignment, create a new position, and write a description of the needs it fills in the organization, the job description, and the compensation and benefits package.
Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you:
Explain three or four job components in the job description and specifications for the job.
Explain what will be included in the compensation and benefits package related to the job.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia, blogs and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
Include at least 1 reference to support your paper.