Archive for October 15th, 2019

Explain what you would do to accomplish this and how you would deploy such a strategy?

 As a continuation of your healthcare venture, you want to explore more innovative tools and be able to enhance and optimize your strategies to compete in healthcare. In order to accomplish this task, you need to perform an analysis using quantitative and qualitative measures to determine the proper course of action. Will this require your firm to collaborate with external stakeholders? In addition and being a proactive and forward thinker, you want to bring on new products and services. Explain what you would do to accomplish this and how you would deploy such a strategy? 

Write 3 paragraphs explaining 3 ways that records information management differs from information governance.

1Q.  Write 3 paragraphs explaining 3 ways that records information management differs from information governance. (RIM vs IG)

Include 3 scholarly resources to support your position. All sources must be used to support your position. – 1 page


2Q.  You are the cybersecurity expert for a firm and recently heard on the news that your local city is being attacked just like what happened to Baltimore MD. Hackers are planning an attack during Hurricane season to execute a Kali Linux Metasploit when the power comes back to take advantage of the small window when computers are rebooting – which is a vulnerability due to – that protection measures are not fully functioning.

Your company has a Windows-based server, which Windows is prone to attacks. You assume that your company will be next in a Ransomware attack as other companies in your immediate area are becoming victims.


What steps will you take to ensure that you do not become a victim of ransomware?


This assignment is based on your ability to solve a problem that may be a continuous issue with creativity and solution quality.  – 2 page


Describe a program in your organization (school or business) that has been ineffective and would benefit from a decision-oriented approach.

 Decision-Oriented Approaches” Please respond to the following:

  • Describe a program in your organization (school or business) that has been ineffective and would benefit from a decision-oriented approach. Discuss at least three (3) benefits of having a formative evaluation in your planned evaluation and how it would improve the program.

What types of programs should HRM put in place to promote ethical behavior and practices in the workplace?

Unit 8 DB: Ethics in the Workplace(HRM)


Our last week’s discussion subject is on ETHICS in the workplace.  ETHICAL BEHAVIOR MATTERS!  We all want to work in a company that has a strong ethical culture.  An ethical culture starts with higher management and a strong Human Resource Management Department.  The following should be included in your response:


  • What types of programs should HRM put in place to promote ethical behavior and practices in the workplace?
  • Why is Ethical behavior at all levels of the company important?  In making products, treatment of employees and customers, protecting company assets and employee information, etc.
  • Describe unethical behavior in a company regarding practices such as hiring, recruitment, discrimination, harassment, promotions, bookkeeping, etc. that either you or someone you know experienced.
  • If you know, how did HRM address it?  How effective do you feel that was?
  • If you don’t know how the issue was resolved, how should HRM handle the issue?




Unit 8 Forum: Course Wrap-Up and Review (LAW)


  1. Make a Personal Statement about what you learned about Business Law in this Course and how it applies, or will apply, to you in any of your activities.
  2. What was your “Wow” moment in this Course? (e.g., something surprising, or did not know before, etc.)

Identify and name them, and provide a brief statement about each section?

According to Trutnev, Vidyasova, and Chugunov (2015), informational and analytical activities and forecasting for the process of socioeconomic development should be an important element of all levels of governmental administration.  The development of methods and tools to support government decision-making on the basis of the analysis of information has a long history and their use has traditionally been included as a component of national development programmes to include the development of the information society in Russia, and its regions, particularly – Saint Petersburg. 


Q1: There were five sections identified in the chapter case study and they walked us through each one explaining what happened in each.  What were these five sections? Identify and name them, and provide a brief statement about each section?

What Is The Functional Role Of The ICT?

The digital divide remains formidable in scaling information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled opportunities for effective leadership and development in countries lagging behind, (Ahmed, 2015).  Based on the case study, the authors reminded us that, the practice of e-Participation provides an avenue for adaptation, application, and utilization of ICT as a subset of e-Commerce, in the realm of e-Democracy and, it is a concept needed to bridge the existing digital gap within and across countries in a global context. 

Q2: From the chapter, we learned that as the world moves at a faster and voluminous pace, there is need to acquire technology and the skill to use it, as is increasing at the rate beyond those societies that are unable to remedy their inadequacies.  However, the challenges to meet this pressure could be enormous, but not insurmountable, and the means to address such challenges are abundantly available in ICT-supported processes like e-Participation.  From this context, what is the functional role of the ICT? 


Discuss cognitive and perceptual errors in thinking.

Discuss cognitive and perceptual errors in thinking. Do research in at least 3 reliable, respectable, and trustworthy sources to provide you with a more in-depth look at the stages that are discussed — I warn you that the information you find will have a dizzying array of methods of categorizations.

You will write about cognitive errors. All biases, prejudices, disproportionate fears, irrational expectations, etc. are cognitive errors. Children display much more of such errors and are less aware of them than adults, although adults also lack insight into such errors, mostly (that is, their own errors because we can often spot such issues in other people). In any case, most of us, as we grow up, start to discover/catch our cognitive errors and, in many cases, correct them to various degrees. Magical thinking, fallacies, self-fulfilling prophecies, ‘Irrational Beliefs’ (as well as irrational beliefs), religious and political extremism, sexism, ageism, racism (and other biases, including — very importantly — confirmation bias), anger, hatred, dread, panic, extreme suspicion, extreme greed, conspiracy theories, etc. are all cognitive errors. Even simple mistakes in logic (even without biases or emotions) are cognitive errors. Once again: cognitive errors are related to thinking/information processing. 
There are two parts to the project:

Part I. Make a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least 15 slides on cognitive biases. 
You will also submit a discussion page (Part II), explaining how your own judgment and decision making are reflected in the past and reflects now some of your biases you were able to recognize (you do not have to discuss those of your biases that you were unable to recognize : ).

Part II. (essay) Answer the following questions about your own judgment and Cognitive and decision-making process in your discussion paper (using at least 500 words) after you have made your slide presentation.
(1.)  Discuss those of your biases of which you became aware through your intellectual development.
(2.)  Do you make judgments and decisions differently now than you did at an earlier point in your life? Explain and provide an example of how a bias (or biases) influenced a judgment/decision (or decisions) you made at an earlier point in your life.
(3.)  Discuss a recent judgment/decision that you made and explain how this judgment/decision is different from what you would have made at an earlier time based on the bias(es) you could not recognize at an earlier time.

Posts required # slides (15) and remember to post word count

Uses the recommended number of scholarly resources correctly cited in APA format (at least four) and Proper Spelling, Grammar, Capitalization, Punctuation


Explain why Argentina has become the fastest growing market for Uber in the world.

Read the articles found in the links below and respond as required. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) 


1. Provide a detailed overview of the performance of the Argentinian economy in recent times (past 12 months). Include the associated political and social reprecussions in your response. 


2.  Explain why Argentina has become the fastest growing market for Uber in the world.  Be sure to substantiate your explanation.


3.  Discuss the position taken by the government and the obstacles that it has placed in Uber’s growth path. 


4. What are your thoughts regarding: the reaction of the traditional taxicab companies? reaction of the Uber Hunters? 


5. Disruptive Uber has not been a profitable entity since its existence, yet it continues to grow its market share by charging lower fares than traditional taxicabs. Discuss the long term viability of Uber’s business model? Will it always be dependent on investor cash? Will it be able to maintain lower fares over time?


Describe factors that contribute to team dynamics.

Team dynamics are made up of many different aspects, and can be quite complex. This assignment allows you to bring together the concepts that you have learned this week to summarize and apply them to your own life.


Write a 350- to 525-word summary on team dynamics. Include the following:


  • Describe factors that contribute to team dynamics.
  • Explain how team dynamics can affect the productivity and effectiveness of a team.
  • Describe how you can apply this information in your own personal or professional life.


If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

What are some especially useful metrics that could be included on an HR dashboard and why?



1) What are some especially useful metrics that could be included on an HR dashboard and why?


2) How is HRIS a strategic tool for the HR Function?


Part 2


1) Do employers have the right to monitor the IT activity of their employees?


2) Why do you think (or do you?) that the use of personal devices in the workplace enhances employee performance? 

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