Archive for November 8th, 2019

What are the core elements of a Supreme Court case that either stood on precedent from a previous case or overturned a case and thus set a new precedent?

 Once the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution on a specific point, the precedent set by that decision remains until the Constitution is amended or until the Court overturns that previous decision. What are the core elements of a Supreme Court case that either stood on precedent from a previous case or overturned a case and thus set a new precedent? 300 word minimum

Definition of “Prevalence”

Principals of Epidemiology  provide:  

a. Definition of “Prevalence”

b. Include an example of the mathematical calculation for a prevalence rate, with a description of the elements for the numerator, denominator, and constant. 

c. Give an example of how a medical professional can  utilize prevalence rates in their practice? 

Illustrate the use of computational models and present the role of general trust and values or possible biases in decision making.

Illustrate the use of computational models and present the role of general trust and values or possible biases in decision making. Write your submission in 1200 words or less in an MS Word Document. Your paper must demonstrate proper APA formatting and style. You do not need to include a cover page or abstract, but be sure to include your name, assignment title, and page number in the running header of each page. Your paper should include references from your unit readings and assigned research; the sources should be appropriately cited throughout your paper and in your reference list. Use meaningful section headings to clarify the organization and readability of your paper. Review the rubrics before working on the assignment.

When and how did the issue solution reach the agenda?

 Using concepts learned in this course (US public policy), students are required to complete a semester-length paper project that investigates the politics of policymaking for a particular issue.  


Topic: Illegal immigration 



Part 1. When and how did the issue solution reach the agenda?  (consider: venue shopping, triggering effect – public attention, policy entrepreneur, media)  

Part 2. How have advocates on each side frame the issue?

Part 3. How would you describe the level of recent policy change in this area? That is, has it been blocked, incremental, large-scale or some other pattern? What evidence is there for this pattern?

Part 4. What actors and forces have facilitated or hindered change in public policy on this issue? Why have they sought to facilitate or hinder efforts towards policy change?


Please organize your paper according to these four parts, using them as the main headings and addressing them in the sequence outlined above.


– paper length (8-10 pages), without works cited. 

– there is no minimum requirement for sources



Define all three of the following frequency measure terms.

Define all three of the following frequency measure terms. Include an example of how each type of the frequency measure can be used in practice. Refer to frequency measure handout provided in this week’s material (9 points – 3 points for each a-c).

a. Ratio

b. Proportion

c. Rate

Describe Appiah’s approach and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

Read the article “The Case for Contamination (Links to an external site.)” by Kwame Appiah anduse the information you have learned in class this semester to answer the following question in 3-4 pages:(i) Describe Appiah’s approach and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.(ii) Explain how religions help people express their identities both as individuals and as members of a group.(iii) What did you learn about the need for and the potential of better understanding betweenreligions?(iv) In your view, what is the best way to approach interreligious dialogue (Forexample, should we all become the same or should we value our diversity? If the latter, how dowe do this?(v) Is globalization a help or a hindrance to diversity? This Paper carries 15 % of the total score. In your reflection on the Appiah’s article, make sure you have read thoroughly and understood its subject matter and the emerging themes. Also, for clarity and details, you may reference specific pages or as well as quote few sentences from the article to support your points. For this reason, you do not need to use references from other materials in reflecting on thearticle.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Font: Times New Romans
  • Font Size: 12
  • Margins: Normal- 1’ margins on each side
  • Double Space
  • Indent at the beginning of each paragraph
  • Header: LastName_FirstName_PageNumber (Top Right Corner)

Discuss the risks of avoiding confrontation with a problem employee.


Discuss the risks of avoiding confrontation with a problem employee.


Use at least two (2) academically reviewed journal articles as research for your response.

Please read the above question and respond with 300 words, APA format, no plagairism, provide references.

Strictly no plagiarism and turnitin score must be below 5%.

Business Ethics Case Study


Read The Case of Plant Relocation and complete the questions at the end of the case study.To read click on the words above “The Case of Plant Relocation” or copy to your browser.

Here is the link:



Questions must be answered fully and completely   (2 page minimum).


How will a well-thought database design make a system more efficient and less susceptible to fraud?

Fraud Mitigation:


How will a well-thought database design make a system more efficient and less susceptible to fraud?  Likewise, what role does a company’s risk assessment play in minimizing fraud risk?  



Formalizing The Research Prospectus

Classroom Assessment! Topic: Problem Statement, Research Questions, and Hypotheses/Phenomena

DISSERTATION TOPIC: Factors Influencing Individuals’ Decision to not utilize Mental Health in Fort-Bend County, Texas.

As you begin to establish the background to the problem… this is setting up the need. We need to get the word “gap” out of our minds. Rarely do we have a pure gap in research. Rather, we develop an argument (like a court argument) for the “need” for the study.

Answer the questions below:

1. What is the problem? (EX: special ed students are not passing the high stakes test in Texas).

2. Why is it a problem?

3. When did it start? (when did states start requiring students with special needs to take high stakes test on their grade level?)

4. How has it evolved over time? (brief description).

5. How is the current research trending? (go back to Week 2 and look at studies on the specific topic and show the results. What are the patterns of current research? remember the gap must be dated within the last 5 years for the dissertation, so consider your graduation date here. If you are graduating in 2020, then find studies no older than 2016).

6. How will your results add to the other results of studies on the topic?

7. How will your results, or how do you expect them to help in resolving the problem?

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