Archive for November 14th, 2019

Physical Security Regarding Fire

Question: Fire is one of the most devastating elements that can destroy the physical components of an entity quickly. Explain some of the fire protocols that should be implemented into the:


   1. Administrative and planning phase


   2. General physical inspection phase  


   3. Hazardous material inspection phase


   4. Alarm system inspection phase


Paper Requirements:                                               


1. Please write a minimum of two paragraphs on each question.


2. Every paragraph must be indented, have at least four complete sentences, subtitled (centered bold), and a different in-text citation.


3. Do not continuously cite at the end of each paragraph.


4. You are required to write and cite according to APA 6th Edition format.


5. The plagiarism score needs to be no more than 23%.


What are two disadvantages of franchising?

After reading (1) Chapter 30’s discussion of “Franchises” and (2) this newspaper article about a lawsuit between Steak ‘n Shake franchisees and the franchisorPreview the document, answer the following questions:


1.  From the viewpoint of the franchisee, what are two advantages of franchising?  What are two disadvantages of franchising? 


2.  Do you believe that state laws which require that a franchisor have “good cause” to terminate a Franchise Agreement – even when the Franchise Agreement itself contains no such requirement – is a good idea or a bad idea?  Why?  Please explain your logic.

In this assignment you will create an annotated playlist of an African American music genre

In this assignment you will create an annotated playlist of an African American music genre (Blues, Jazz, Gospel, Soul, R&B etc. [however you cannot choose hip hop]).  The playlist must consist of ten (10) songs. For each song list:

1. Genre of Song
2. Song Title

3. Artist
4. Date of composition
5. Social and historical time period (Harlem Renaissance, Great Depression, Civil Rights Movement)
6. Impact of the songs on African American community and wider listening audience 

Genre of Playlist: Funk
Song: “Say it Loud- I’m Black and I’m Proud”
Artist: James Brown
Date: 1969
Time period: Say it Loud was released during the growing Black Power and Black Consciousness era of the late 1960s and 1970s.  
Impact: In the song, James Brown adopts the growing Black Power stance of the period and uses his music to influence young African American to embrace pride in their African ancestry. He details many of the struggles faced by Black during the time period in the lyrics.  Say it Loud has been sampled by R&B and hip hop artist and is considered one of the most important songs of the 20th century. (James Brown, “Role as an Artist“) 

You must include references and Works Cited page for the assignment.


What are some examples of water use and describe some examples of domestic water conservation?

What are some examples of water use and describe some examples of domestic water conservation? Define the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act (make sure to include in-text citations and references)

Obtain a water quality report from your local municipality within the last two years and discuss what you found in the report?

Write a 750-1,000-word essay about water quality in your community that addresses the following points:

  1. Obtain a water quality report from your local municipality within the last two years and discuss what you found in the report?
  2. Identify a water quality issue happening in your community and where the pollution comes from? This includes point sources (for example, water discharge from a factory; contamination from a Superfund site), Non-point sources (for example, agricultural runoff), and Natural sources.
  3. Describe how the pollution source is impacting the environment and human health in your community, and provide two examples of each.
  4. Identify three management practices to minimize water pollution.

Remember to support your data and information with appropriate citations. A minimum of five peer-reviewed references must be included.

Develop a brief personal leadership philosophy based on the results of these assessments.

  • Review the week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence assessment templates you completed in Weeks 1 and 2. Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course and how it has improved your leadership and emotional intelligence skills.
  • Develop a brief personal leadership philosophy based on the results of these assessments.
  • Consider the field you would like to work in and challenges you may encounter based on your leadership style or EI quotient. Choose from the following fields:
    • Healthcare economics and finance
    • Quality and safety
    • Healthcare management
    • Direct care professional


  • Review the week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence assessment templates you completed in Weeks 1 and 2. Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course and how it has improved your leadership and emotional intelligence skills.
  • Develop a brief personal leadership philosophy based on the results of these assessments.
  • Consider the field you would like to work in and challenges you may encounter based on your leadership style or EI quotient. Choose from the following fields:
    • Healthcare economics and finance
    • Quality and safety
    • Healthcare management
    • Direct care professional

Child Development





Cognitive Development – Assignment Piaget’s theory of cognitive development has been very influential in how we think about the development of thinking. One mistake that adults often make is to assume that a child can think about things in the same way that he or she does. Knowing how a child might think can allow an adult to communicate more effectively with a child. You are to try to find 2 different children to conduct your ‘experiment’ on. The age of the child, will determine what experiment you will perform. The child is to be observed on at least two occasions (if possible), according to the criteria stated below. Our goal is to have a variety of children observed in the different stages in order to make a valid conclusion.


Work with children who are in the Sensorimotor Stage (Birth – 2 years old) – you will be testing the child for object permanence. How old is the child? What is the sex of the child? Play with a toy with the child and then hide it. What is the child’s reaction?


Write up your observations and findings. Share how your observations are in agreement or dispute current literature on this age groups’ cognitive skills.

What would you say are the most negative impacts from technologies in the 21st century so far?

  •  What would you say are the most negative impacts from technologies in the 21st century so far? Do you see ways that particular technologies need to be viewed/handled differently in the future so that they don’t come to threaten the future in some way, or are you confident that, when it comes to newer technologies, people will default to using them in a good and moral way in essence?


There’s certainly a strong anti-globalization movement found across the world today, but given your view there aren’t many positives to find about globalization, do you think it’s possible to roll back changes made due to globalization, or is it more an inevitable reality that one must cope with the best that they can?



Here is my view for globalization 

Globalization has been an ongoing effect throughout the world for many years now but society did not really start to recognize it until after the Cold War.  I think this issue has both positive and negative factors. I find that dependent upon how one researches globalization through the internet the results are tremendously different.  

Economists, scientists, innovators along with some others view globalization with more positives than negatives whereas social issues bring about more negatives than positives.  Regardless, there has been ongoing debates on whether globalization is a good or bad thing and it is a certainty that it is occurring and will continue to occur (Collins, 2015). There are many negative factors that come to mind instantly when I think of globalization and the effects that it is having on both local and global levels.  The main issues that I think of is terrorism, diseases and the economy. 

I believe that globalization makes it easier for those that want to do harm to travel throughout the world freely or through the disguise of a refugee.  A local example would be the attack on the United States on 9/11 when terrorist flew two planes into the twin towers in New York (Goff, 2012). These terrorist were able to travel in and out of the country freely.  An example that I would classify as both locally and globally would be the terrorist attacks in Europe by refugees.  

There currently is not an effective system to verify exactly who these individuals are, where they are coming from and if they have any ties to a terrorist organization.  “Due to the loose screening, lax counter-terrorism policies and lenient treatment of those with terrorist links or sympathies has led to a spate of attacks by terrorist already flagged by authorities” (Weinthal, 2016). 

Other factors that I believe to be negatives is the possibility of the transmission of diseases such as Ebola and the Zika virus.  With some diseases there are not any symptoms in the carrier for days though they are still contagious. This not only has a local effect but also a global effect. 

The economy is a big issue in my opinion. So many companies have become multinational corporations which has caused a major loss of manufacturing and customer service jobs here in the United States. There have been several people that have lost their jobs due to corporations moving or outsourcing to other countries.  

I do not find many positive factors to globalization.  One that I can think of would be the technological advancements of the internet, not only for business purposes but also for social purposes.  It allows people from around the world to attend an online university whereas they may not be able to afford the traditional brick and mortar from.  Throughout this advancement people of different nationalities and cultures have become friends and allows all of us to learn about others.  

Explain the financial impact of this legislation on higher education.

300-500 words

The three pieces of federal legislation that have had the greatest impact on higher education are:

  • The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862.
  • The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill) 1944.
  • The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEOA).

Choose one of these pieces of federal legislation and respond to the following:

  • Explain the financial impact of this legislation on higher education.
  • Outline the impact this legislation has had on your institution.(Albany State University)GA
  • Describe the effect this legislation has had on the students at your college.(Albany State University)GA

For this question, conduct an Internet search and produce at least one research article ( study design must be discussed) addressing one or more of the concepts noted.

DQ 1 For this question, conduct an Internet search and produce at least one research article ( study design must be discussed) addressing one or more of the concepts noted.

How does APN practice demonstrate cost-effectiveness, reduction in errors and misuse or overuse of services?


DQ 2 For this question, conduct an Internet search ( including the online library as well as specialty organizations) and address the following questions relative to the Nurse Informaticists:

  1. When would you consult with the nurse informaticists?
  2. What role does the nurse informaticists play in primary care?
  3. What qualifications and credentialing are held by nurse informaticists?
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