Archive for November 14th, 2019

In a short essay explain the factors that contribute to inelasticity of such drugs and the factors the contribute to elasticity of them.

Case Study: # 1

When it comes to life saving drugs, one would expect them to be 100% inelastic. But in reality even though they are inelastic, it’s not hundred percent. In a short essay explain the factors that contribute to inelasticity of such drugs and the factors the contribute to elasticity of them.

For this assignment, following APA style, answer as comprehensively as possible the questions after each case summary.

What is a teaching philosophy?


                                                  1-3 Pages


Create A Teaching Philosophy: Integrated Approach

Purpose of this assignment: For you to develop a statement of your beliefs about your professional commitment to use as a guide throughout your  career.  


What is a teaching philosophy?  It is a personal statement about your evolving educational and professional beliefs.  The Integrated Approach should sound meaningful to you and that will be understood easily by the audiences with whom you will share this philosophy (such as future employers and your students, etc.). Areas that need to be addressed in this paper are


(a) Your motivations for teaching. What knowledge, skills, and attitudes are important for student success? What are you preparing students for? What are the key components?


(b) The methods you believe are best. What teaching methods do you use? What are these methods appropriate for your professional area of expertise? How do these methods contribute to your goals for your students.


(c) Your teaching goals, methods and strategies. How do you know your goals for students are being met? What assessment strategies do you use? How do you use assessments to contribute to students learning?


(d) Your creation of inclusive and culturally responsive environment(s). How do your own and students background, culture, experiences, etc contribute to your goals for your class environment? How do you account for diverse learning styles? How do you account for diverse perspectives?


(e) Statement of Commitment. What do you see as your role and responsibilities in your commitment to children? To families? To colleagues?

What can we learn about a society by the way it represents its soldiers?

1.What can we learn about a society by the way it represents its soldiers?

2.Is warfare ever justifiable?

3.What is the future of war likely to look like?

Please do referencing inside the paragaraph.

Answer the question one by one and individually

What was Cynthia Cooper’s role in uncovering the fraud at WorldCom?

Answer each question separately, with a short-answer essay response:

  1. What was Cynthia Cooper’s role in uncovering the fraud at WorldCom?
  2. Colquitt (your textbook author) defines conflict at the beginning of the section on conflict resolution (p. 424): “Conflict arises when two or more individuals perceive that their goals are in opposition”. Using this definition of conflict, describe the conflict that Cynthia Cooper faced with Scott Sullivan. Which conflict resolution style did Cynthia Cooper use? Was it the right choice?
  3. Compare Cynthia Cooper’s conflict resolution style with the style used by Betty Vinson. (Remember that Betty Vinson was the subject of Assignment 2.)

Sociology: Research Paper


Sociology Topic: How the use of social media affects individuals in the developmental stages and learning process. 

Must come up with theory for topic.

5 (single spaced) pages in total done in parts

The first part will be the annotated bibliography and a two page introduction. 

Paper must be completely original and come from credible sources. 

A minimum of 7 scholarly/academic references must be cited. Additional references may also be utilized for this paper (Internet, magazine, newspaper, etc.).


Define a nursing practice area where you could apply Neuman Systems Model.

Neuman Systems Models is a flexible and adaptive model which can be applied to various aspects of nursing disciplines. Today, the model is used globally as a nursing conceptual model to guide curriculum development, research studies, and clinical practice in the full array of health-care disciplines.

Define a nursing practice area where you could apply Neuman Systems Model. What patient population would you target? How would you use this model to guide best practices? How would nursing outcomes be determined? Use at least one current research article related to your practice example.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook

Learning Materials

  • Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.).  Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. Chapters 10 & 11

Emerging Threats And Countermeasures Research Paper

Your assignment is to write a paper in which you discuss recent security issues faced by organizations. In your paper you should address specific threats and countermeasures which have been proposed by various researchers.

Your assignment consists of two deliverables. The Draft Paper (first deliverable) is due by 11:59 PM (EST), Sunday, November 17. 

The requirements for the Draft Paper are as follows:

  • Five specific threats should be discussed along with the corresponding countermeasures
  • The paper should include a minimum of five peer-reviewed scholarly references published since 2014
  • Citations and references should be in APA format
  • The paper should be a minimum of 4000 words
  • The SafeAssign score of the paper should be less than 20%

Write 500 words or more explaining why this topic is important for your peers to understand.

No plagiarism 

 topic:  Discuss Shared technology vulnerabilities in the cloud 

Propose a topic for your final project. Use one of the topics from the list in this folder. Write  500 words or more explaining why this topic is important for your peers to understand. Be focused and specific. Look into the general topic to find something new and interesting to write about. 

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format, not in bulleted, numbered or other list formats. 

Need 5lines+5lines=10lines to reply my teammate

Organizational Behaviour – JCM Style

You should write how much hard to become white collar worker. In this scenerio, I worked in Octopharma for import- export department in Greece and it was really hard adapt their strict rules like wearing suit everyday. You should write about how hard to being these types of employee.


You have 72 hours to complete this assignment otherwise it will be garbage for me.


Turnitin similarity score is most important thing for this assignment.


Assignment Requirement


 Q1: Describe the worst job Describe the worst job you have ever had.  Each member should analyze his/her worst job using each of the five dimensions of the Job Characteristics Model (JCM) and provide specific examples. 

Q2: Redesigning the job using the JCM Imagine that you are a manager and has the power to redesign the worst job you described in Question 1. How would you redesign this job using the JCM? Again consider each of the five dimensions of the JCM and comment on how you would specifically improve each of the five dimensions. Try to make your solutions as practical as possible. In other words, I want to see you provide solutions that can actually be implemented to this job in order to make it better. Provide research references to support your points. You don’t have to provide a specific reference for your specific job. Research general academic papers on JCM and apply their study findings to your job. Below are some sample questions you may consider in your analysis 1. Example- Skill variety Describe the different identifiable skills required to do this job. What is the nature of the oral, written and or quantitative skills needed? Physical Skills? Does the job holder get the opportunity to use all of his or her skills? Based on these questions, you can think of practical ways to improve the “skill variety” dimension of the job. For other dimensions of JCM, use your “critical thinking skills” to come up with your own questions to consider in your analysis.  



 [IMPORTANT] Requirements 

1. Format (follow the APA style)

 a. Title page (include the word count) b. Introduction (short introduction about the three questions) c. Section 1: Question 1 d. Section 2: Question 2 e. Conclusion (shot conclusion that summarizes your main findings) f. References 


2. Word limit:minimum 2200 – maximum 2500 words 

a. From title page to references b. Total words from start to finish can be maximum 2500 words c. [IMPORTANT] Include your word count on the title page 3. DO NOT directly copy the assignment questions to your assignment a. This will increase your similarity score 4. Be sure to include proper text citations and APA style references for all sources a. Try to type them yourself instead of using the citation builder 5. References: At least 5 (the more the better)  

Why was the clerk willing to offer a “buy one, get one free” deal, but unwilling to sell a pair of shoes for half price?

While at a discount shoe store, a customer asked the clerk, “I see that your shoes are ‘buy one, get one free­—limit one free pair per customer. Will you sell me one pair for half price?” The clerk answered, “I can’t do that.” When the customer started to leave the store, the clerk hastily offered, “However, I am authorized to give you a 40 percent discount on any pair of shoes in the store.”

Assuming the consumer has $200 to spend on shoes (X) or all other goods (Y), and that all shoes cost $100 per pair, answer the following questions:

1. What is the consumer’s opportunity set with the “buy one, get one free” deal and with a 50 percent discount?

2. Why was the 40 percent discount offered only after the consumer rejected the “buy one, get one free” deal and started to leave the store?

3. Why was the clerk willing to offer a “buy one, get one free” deal, but unwilling to sell a pair of shoes for half price? 

Write a response for each question in no less than 250 words for each question.

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