Jobs like nursing and teaching at day-care centers are sometimes referred to as “pink collar” because they’ve traditionally been associated with women. More men these days are going into such fields, particularly nursing, than ever before. Do you think that there’s still a stigma attached to such jobs for men? If you’re male, how would you / do you feel about telling others what you do for a living? If you’re female, how would/do you feel if a male relative or partner did/does such work?
Archive for November 22nd, 2019
Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization.
The Quadruple Aim provides broad categories of goals to pursue to maintain and improve healthcare. Within each goal are many issues that, if addressed successfully, may have a positive impact on outcomes. For example, healthcare leaders are being tasked to shift from an emphasis on disease management often provided in an acute care setting to health promotion and disease prevention delivered in primary care settings. Efforts in this area can have significant positive impacts by reducing the need for primary healthcare and by reducing the stress on the healthcare system.
Changes in the industry only serve to stress what has always been true; namely, that the healthcare field has always faced significant challenges, and that goals to improve healthcare will always involve multiple stakeholders. This should not seem surprising given the circumstances. Indeed, when a growing population needs care, there are factors involved such as the demands of providing that care and the rising costs associated with healthcare. Generally, it is not surprising that the field of healthcare is an industry facing multifaceted issues that evolve over time.
In this module’s Discussion, you reviewed some healthcare issues/stressors and selected one for further review. For this Assignment, you will consider in more detail the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. You will also review research that addresses the issue/stressor and write a white paper to your organization’s leadership that addresses the issue/stressor you selected.
To Prepare:
- Review the national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the Resources and reflect on the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for study.
- Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post for the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
- Identify and review two additional scholarly resources (not included in the Resources for this module) that focus on change strategies implemented by healthcare organizations to address your selected national healthcare issue/stressor.
The Assignment (3-4 Pages):
Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue
Develop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:
- Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).
- Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.
- Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.
Distinguish between the human mind and computers as tools for thinking. What does the human mind do better and why?
Thinking, Memory, Problem Solving, and Creativity Questions
Select any three of the following items to write about. Each response should be 1-2 pages long. You may combine all responses into one paper and provide headings for each item.
- Distinguish between the human mind and computers as tools for thinking. What does the human mind do better and why? What does the computer do better and why? Weigh in on the debate over artificial intelligence and support your claims.
- Take this free creativity problem solving test or one of your choosing, and weigh in on the results. Do you feel they were on target? Do you think the survey questions accurately assess problem-solving creativity? Are there reliable ways to measure creativity? Why is creativity an imortant area of study for psychologists?
- Describe and discuss the role of consolidation. Identify how psychologists study this process and why. Provide examples from your life that demonstrate the process of consolidation in action.
- Describe mental imagery (theories and processes) and explain why people might use it for different reasons. How is it different from hypnosis. Identify a scientific study related to this process and describe the results. Weigh in on the effectiveness of mental imagery. What role does motivation play? Have you ever tried to incorporate it in to your life? Explain.
- Select one memory disorder to research and detail its causes, symptoms, and treatments (traditional and emerging). Explain how therapists and/or psychologists can help support patients experiencing memory loss.
- Research ways that culture influences how we categorize the world. Present a scenario using at least two different cultures to demonstrate the idea. Compare and contrast attitudes and perceptions based on cultural categorizations. Why is it important to recognize this distinction?
- Read the following excerpt from Final Jeopardy: Man vs. Machine and the Quest to Know Everything as discussed by Devise and conduct a unique experiment to mimic the findings of the Moses illusion. Detail your hypothesis, the experiment, the findings, and your analysis of those findings.
Find at least one scholarly source for each item to support your ideas. A minimum total of three sources should be cited and listed on your reference page.) Use APA Style to format your paper and cite and reference your sources.
Each response should be a 1-2 pages long, in addition to a title page and a reference page
Compare and contrast Muhammad’s 5 Pillars with 2 of the following.
The Islamic legal codes (Sharia) differ from contemporary Western (in this case the U.S.) legal codes in important ways regarding the appropriate punishment for a crime, sexual equality, trial by jury, and the like. Read through and then answer the following:
- Provide at least two (2) examples of these laws and discuss their specific differences.
- Given America’s separation of church and state and the strong actions of Sharia law, what should America do regarding Sharia law as more Muslims become citizens of the U.S.? Provide one (1) suggestion that you think addresses the problem.
Compare and contrast Muhammad’s 5 Pillars with 2 of the following: The 10 Commandments; Confucius’ Virtues; The Buddha’s 8-Fold Path; Jesus’ Beatitudes. Are we seeing some similarities in these religions? Explain your answer.
Do you think that the tax cuts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will increase economic growth and taxable income so much that tax revenue will increase?
Exploring Tax Cuts, Jobs, and Tax Revenue
There has been discussion about whether the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that took effect in 2018 will increase tax revenue. Tax revenue can be thought of an as average tax rate multiplied by taxable income. If the average tax rate falls while taxable income stays the same, tax revenue will fall. But what if the tax cuts increase taxable income? Both of the major schools of thought in macroeconomics (Keynesians and Neoclassicals) believe that tax cuts increase economic growth. Economic growth increases taxable income. Our recent economic growth has brought unemployment down to historically low levels.
Think about this. Reply to these questions to begin your discussion:
- Do you think that the tax cuts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will increase economic growth and taxable income so much that tax revenue will increase?
- Or do you think that the tax cuts will reduce tax revenue? Explain your answers.
Anatomy And Physiology 1
Proxima Centauri
The closest star to our own, approximately 4.2 light-years away or 25 trillion miles, is the red-dwarf, Proxima Centauri. This low-mass star is about 12% the mass of our Sun, however, a planet has been observed rotating around this red-dwarf star called Proxima c. This exoplanet is approximately 1.3 times the size of earth and appears to have a rocky terrain. Because of its rotation, Proxima c would have approximately 22 Earth days between sunrises and the surface temperature would be approximately -40C. Evidence of both atmospheric and liquid water on the surface has been observed. Because of the closeness of this planet to the Proxima Centauri, the planet is flooded with 400x more radiation than Earth and a solar wind pressure 2000x that experienced on Earth.[i] Due to these factors, the inhabitants of this planet would most likely live underground and would only venture above ground for resources. They would be bipedal humanoids, resembling humans in their anatomy and physiology. However, considering the differences between Proxima c and Earth, there will be adaptations that would ensure their survival on Proxima c driven by the process of natural selection.
Using this information, you should describe and justify one adaptation to the nervous system that this organism would have to inhabit Proxima c. This analysis should include the following:
· Description of the physiology of the human nervous system (refer to your textbook).
· An explanation of how the environment of Proxima c may affect the functioning of the human nervous system and special senses.
· Propose an adaptation to the human nervous system the Proxima c humanoid would have to compensate for the environment.
- The adaptation can be based on changes in a human organ to make it work more efficiently on Proxima c or can be an organ that is not found in the human nervous system.
- The proposal should include justification as to why that particular adaption would benefit the humanoid more than any other adaptation to the nervous system.
- Justifications should be based on known scientific principles and research.
- Describe how this change or new organ would enable the humanoid to function better on this planet than on Earth.
- Use reliable sources and identify the relevant information used for your analysis and justification.
1. Length should be a minimum of two pages
2. Analysis should be typed, using 1” margins and double-spacing.
3. Font size should be 12 and should be one of the following: Times New Roman, Georgia, Arial, or Calibri
4. You must use a minimum of three reputable sources in addition to your textbook (all sources including your textbook must be cited). Reputable sources include peer reviewed scientific journal articles, accredited websites, or books. Google, Wikipedia, etc. are not acceptable sources. Remember to cite all sources and cite your textbook. Citations should be in the APA or MLA format, including parenthetical (in-text) citations. Visit the Purdue Owl Writing Lab (opens new window) for instructions on proper formatting.
The paper MUST be submitted via the submission link in Blackboard and must be in word document format. It will not be accepted if turned in any other way or if it is not in the correct format.
The submission link will check your paper for plagiarism using safeassign software. Any paper showing more than 25% plagiarism will be an automatic zero (this means even if you cite your sources, your writing must be in your own words).
Plagiarism is using another person’s ideas and/or writings without acknowledging that you are doing so and is a serious offense. All students should take all precautions to ensure that no plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is present in their work.
Plagiarism includes (but is not limited to)
- quoting a source word-for-word without enclosing the material in quotation marks (even if you cite the source).
- summarizing an article by copying from the abstract or critical summary (even if you cite the article).
- paraphrasing closely another’s writing (e.g. modifying sentences slightly, but expressing the same ideas with copied phrases) even if you cite the source.
- using another author’s points about a topic without acknowledging that you are doing so, and/or reviewing exactly the same studies in the same way (e.g., using a criticism or essay or textbook treatment of a topic as the basic outline for your paper and reviewing only the studies that the author used and making the same criticisms that the author does). It is fine to get a general idea for a topic from a text or other source, but you must then develop and cover the topic in your own way.
Students are expected
- to use their own ideas and their own words in any paper they write.
- to write about material they have read, but express their own understanding and their own comments on it.
- to use occasional quotations but to identify them as quotations.
- to avoid close paraphrasing which is not their own writing. Using more than five (5) consecutive words from the original source without using quotation marks reflects close paraphrasing (i.e. to take an author’s writing and to change a few words here and there). This is not acceptable even if the student cites a reference.
The paper will be graded on content, flow, spelling, and grammar. Excess errors will result in point deductions. See grading rubric below.
[i] Information is based on the discovery and analysis of Proxima Centauri b. Anglada-Escudé G, Amado PJ, Barnes J, Berdiñas ZM, Butler RP, Coleman GA, de la Cueva I, Dreizler S, Endl M, Giesers B, Jeffers SV, Jenkins JS, Jones HR, Kiraga M, Kürster M, López-González MJ, Marvin CJ, Morales N, Morin J, Nelson RP, Ortiz JL, Ofir A, Paardekooper S, Reiners A, Rodríguez E, Rodriguez-López C, Sarmiento LF, Strachan JP, Tsapras Y, Tuomi M, Zechmeister M (25 August 2016). “A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri” (PDF). Nature. 536 (7617): 437–440. .
Explain how the factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms.
In clinical settings, some of the most common questions that patients ask are Why do I have this? What caused this disorder? Will it ever go away? These emotional questions can be difficult to ask and to answer. However, for patients to come to terms with their diagnoses and adhere to treatment plans, they must have an understanding of factors that might have caused, or continue to impact, their disorders. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to explain disorders, associated alterations and symptoms, and changes that might occur within your patients’ bodies.
To Prepare
- Review this week’s media presentation with Dr. Terry Buttaro. Reflect on the importance of developing an in-depth understanding of pathophysiology.
- Select a disorder from the following list:
- Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease)
- Atherosclerosis
- Cholelithiasis (gallstones)
- Colon cancer
- Cystic fibrosis
- Hemophilia
- Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)
- Osteoporosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Tuberculosis
- Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how that factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms.
- Identify the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including the normal and altered cellular function. Consider both intra- and extra-cellular changes that occur.
By Day 3
Post a brief description of a patient scenario involving the disorder and the factor you selected. Explain how the factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms. Finally, explain the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including changes in cellular function.
Profile Of A Killer
Profile of a Killer
Research a serial killer. Describe their childhood, education, employment, family life, etc. Then, using the theories of crime described in your textbook, choose which (there may be more than one) fits your particular serial killer. Why does that theory match? Your paper should be three (3) pages and should be written in APA format. Please use at least three (3) appropriate sources and cite those in your paper.
How would you work with your peers to lay out a plan describing how you will develop a new team within your department or departments?
You work for a company that has just undergone a merger. You have been chosen to head up your department and merge two groups into a self-directed work team. How would you work with your peers to lay out a plan describing how you will develop a new team within your department or departments?
It is natural that there will be some confrontations between people. Look at the stages of team development,
Consider the following:
Come up with a plan and be in agreement with your peers because you have to implement it in your individual departments.
For each step you take, provide a brief explanation of your reasoning.
Use the library and the Internet to research the issues.
As a group, present your findings as a 3–5-page (body of paper) Word document formatted in APA style
Primary Source Analysis Paper Assignments
A Mexican General Reports on White Settlements in the Borderlands, 1828-1829
Task: In a well-organized, thesis-driven paper of 3-4 pages, students will:
- briefly summarize the main idea and content of their assigned document
- explain how their document connects to important events, ideas, or developments in its own historical context
- discuss their assigned document’s significance for broader themes or ideas in early American history that we’ve read about or studied in class
- All papers should have an introduction and conclusion that clearly state the paper’s central argument. These should go beyond a simple restatement of the document’s content and make a clear analytical claim.
- Papers should have a single-spaced heading that includes the student’s name, course number, and date, followed by the paper title. A separate title page is not necessary. All pages should be numbered.
- Standard formatting rules apply – 12 pt. font, Times New Roman or other standard font, 1” margins, double-spaced.
- Papers should use supporting evidence from the assigned source and other shared course readings. All sources MUST be cited with Chicago Style footnotes (see Chicago Style Citation handout on Blackboard). Please DO NOT use outside sources without my prior approval.