The Incident Command System (ICS)

1. The Incident Command System (ICS) is a tool for:




A. Command, control, and coordination at an incident


B. Interagency responses only


C. Multi-jurisdictional responses only


D. Responses involving first-response personnel only




2. ICS can be used to manage all types of incidents.




A.     True


B.     False




3. Federal law requires that ICS be used for all natural disasters.




A.     True


B.     False




4.The ICS General Staff includes:




A. Branch, Division, Group, and Unit managers


B. All managers of operational resources.


C. Planning, Operations, Logistics, and Finance/Administration Section Chiefs


D. Incident Commander and the Information, Safety, and Liaison Officers




5. All incidents, regardless of size, will have an Incident Commander.




A.     True


B.     False




6. In an ICS environment, the optimum span of control is:




A. Two (2) resources


B. Five (5) resources


C. Eight (8) resources


D. Ten (10) resources




7. Which section is responsible for providing incident facilities?




A. Planning


B. Operations


C. Logistics


D. Finance/Administration




8. Which section is responsible for documenting the status of resources, incident response, and developing the IAP?




A. Planning


B. Operations


C. Logistics


D. Finance/Administration




9. The Incident Commander is responsible for all the following EXCEPT:




A. Protecting life and property 


B. Controlling resources assigned to the incident


C. Maintaining accountability


D. Coordinating the community-wide response




10.  Given what you know about your agency, your job and you capabilities, where would you most likely be assigned in an ICS structure? To whom would you report? Be sure to include what your job is or would be during an event.

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