Archive for December 18th, 2019

Does research support any changes in chemicals related to depression with poverty?

100 words citation, references


Optional CAT Questions #1 Critical Thinking Teens and Social Media

Class Review this article or the article linked at the end of this post and share your perspective and ideas on how we can use the information in practice. Answering is not required but it will net you one substantial reply for the week. You may earn only one credit per CAT, replying to peers’ posts in the thread will not count toward your substantive replies.




Optional CAT #2 Teens Poverty and Depression

Class in past courses I have seen many short replies listing the external factor of poverty as a contributing factor for depression so I would like to offer a CAT to explore the notion. Is poverty a contributing factor for teen depression? Is acute depression or chronic depression more common? Does research support any changes in chemicals related to depression with poverty? Please research scholarly sources (not consumer web sites) and share the information you find and earn credit for a substantial Reply. Be sure to share the link to your findings on poverty and depression.

You are not required to answer the question. Students who do answer using a current scholarly source will earn credit for one substantial reply for the week

Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy making.

Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy making.Why it is important for registered nurses to influence the regulatory process? Does the nurses education have influence on their ability to make an impact? 


Identify key supporters and those who do not support the bill. Explain why some of these individuals support the bill and why some do not.

Select an active bill at the state or federal level that impacts the professional practice of nursing. In a 3-4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), summarize the provisions of the bill and clearly explain what the bill will accomplish. The paper should be no more than 4 pages, typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins.

Your review of a bill paper should:

  • Discuss the major provisions of the bill.
  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the legislation by explaining the background and all relevant facts.
  • Discuss any relevant history related to the legislation, pertinent votes, and issues that are stalling the legislation, etc.
  • Use primary sources for this information.
  • Identify key supporters and those who do not support the bill. Explain why some of these individuals support the bill and why some do not.
  • Explore the positions of the key stakeholders in the bill, both pros and cons. Do not make assumptions about potential key stakeholders. Examine this area carefully so you are correctly reflecting the stakeholders positions.
  • Discuss how the bill would impact a nurse’s ability to provide safe and quality care or to practice to the highest scope of the nursing license.
  • Explain specific actions that nurses can take to assist with the passage or defeat of the legislation
  • Use APA format, headings and references as appropriate.

Securities Trading Design And Strategy Report For Medium / Twitter

The paper should consider all publicly traded securities that we studied in this course (bonds, stocks, commodity and currency futures, options, mutual funds and ETFs) and geographic diversity. You don’t need to include all in your strategy, but you need to explain the rationale for the ones that you’ve chosen.

The strategy development can be conceptual or quantitative based upon your skill set. The final paper should be 3-5 pages including graphs and visuals. When submitting on mycourses, you must also include the live link to Medium and Twitter where it has been shared.


should include explanation of the investment strategy, asset allocation decisions, and critically analyse the potential (possibly back-tested) results of the portfolio management. The report preparation allows the students to revisit all learning points and practice with professional reporting.

The content of the report should include, but not limited to:

  • Executive Summary; identify the risk profile that you are addressing in your chosen strategy
  • Description of the Investment Strategy or Strategies used for each asset class or overall 
  • Description of the asset allocation, if any;
  • Analysis of the market, macro-, industry and other factors affecting the investment decision.
  • Valuation of the market, or specific industry or company/investment;
  • Analysis of particular events and securities performance in anticipation / reaction to these events
  • Conclusion and lessons learned;


Areas to consider


Executive Summary

–        Succinctly summarizes your report


Investment Strategy (ies) and/or asset allocation

–        Identify appropriate investment strategy or strategies fitting the IPS

–        Develop and follow the asset allocation strategy



–        Conduct macroeconomic, market, industry analysis, etc., and analyse how these affect your investment decision.



–        Conduct valuation using methods covered during the course;


–        Analysis of particular events and securities performance in anticipation / reaction to these events

–        Provide possible theoretical to observed trends, explain your own strategy in view of particular events


Conclusion and lessons learned

–        Critique of the portfolio – what would you have done differently knowing what you know now?

–        How would you change your portfolio strategy and security selection process?



Spelling & Grammar/


The report cites all data obtained from external sources. APA citation style is used in both text and references. No spelling &/or grammar mistakes. Report is professionally formatted.


Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

This assessment has three distinct parts.

  • Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations. In Part 1, based on the information from your resources, provide an overview of the leadership competencies required to lead health care organizations into the future.
  • Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis. In Part 2, compare the competencies most needed by your organization (from your work in Assessment 1) to the skills you already possess (using the results from your STAR analysis).
  • Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP). In Part 3, use the information from your resources, your self-assessment, and your work in Assessment 1 to put together a cohesive individual leadership development plan (ILDP).


Before you create and submit your assessment, complete the following:

  1. Read Health Leadership Competency Model Summary, linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading.
  2. Consider the needs of your health care organization as identified in the Assessment 1 Organizational Scorecard. Consider how you add value to the organization by contributing to the achievement of the internal benchmarks within your department and specific to your position of employment.
  3. Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies, using the Star Format Competency Table linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading. Once you have a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses, you will construct an individual leadership development plan to focus upon development of critical success competencies that can help you take your organization into the future. To complete the STAR Format Competency Table, follow these directions:
    • In the left-hand column, rate your overall performance of this competency in the “ILDP =” field, using a 1 (novice) to 9 (expert) scale.
    • In the middle columns, provide a specific behavioral example of how you have practiced each competency in a previous work, volunteer or other capacity. You will provide one sentence on the “Situation,” the “Task” you were charged to perform, the “Action” you took, and the “Result” (S–T–A– R).
    • In the far right-hand column, rate the outcome or result of the specific example by using a 1 (least desirable) to 5 (optimal outcome) scale.
  4. Search for professional, scholarly journal articles on the leadership skills and competencies needed in health care organizations today and into the future. You will need a minimum of five resources to use as support for your assessment.


Read the requirements for each part carefully.

Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

Based on the resources you located, identify the top five leadership competencies needed within health care administration in order to ensure the success of health care organizations today and in the future.

Explain why each competency is critical to organizational success.

Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis

Following completion of the STAR assessment, consider your strengths versus those areas which require additional development. Provide a gap analysis that compares industry needs (as identified in Part 1), the needs of your organization (from your organization’s strategic direction), and the results of your STAR assessment.

In a brief narrative, explain any discrepancies between industry needs and organizational needs. Explain how your areas of strength can offer you additional opportunities for career advancement.

Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP)

Using the information and resources from Assessment 1 and Parts 1 and 2 from this assessment, construct a cohesive individual leadership development plan in which you complete the following:

  • Identify at least three specific areas of weakness you need to focus on in order to meet industry and organizational needs.
  • Explain the action steps you need to take to increase your competency in those areas. Be sure your action steps are specific, include a timeline, and align with the overall goal of meeting industry and organizational needs.
  • Create specific performance indicators and measures for each action step to clearly illustrate how you will know that you are making progress on your plan.

If it helps you organize your thoughts, you may use a table format for your ILDP. Just be sure you provide enough detail in each section, relative to the expectations laid out in the scoring guide. You are not required to use a table format; if you prefer, you may simply write this section as a narrative.

Additional Requirements

  • Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
  • Length: 8 pages.
  • References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
  • Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.

How might you respond if he addressed this to you?

The entries are to critically engage with the resources and dialogue provided in the course. At the end of the week, submit the week’s journal entry into the assignment submission box.

Assignment Requirements

Reflect on Jesus’ question in Luke 9:20, “But who do you say that I am?”

  • How might you respond if he addressed this to you?
  • Who is Jesus to you?

Assignment Scope

  • Submission is at least 500 words
  • Written in Times New Roman font
  • Written in 12 point font
  • Paper is double-spaced

What are the key conditions that must be present for a firm to successfully price discriminate? What are two different examples of price discrimination being practiced today?

  1. What are the key conditions that must be present for a firm to successfully price discriminate? What are two different examples of price discrimination being practiced today?
  2. What is a two-part tariff? Why do firms sometimes use them? What is an example of a firm that uses a two-part tariff as part of its pricing strategy?
  3. George has a monopoly on burrito sales in a small town in Kansas. The burritos cost him a constant $5 each to produce. He faces following demand schedule for his product: (please look at image)
  • – Under normal monopoly conditions, how many burritos should he produce, what price should he charge, and how much profit can he expect to make?
    • – Draw a graph under these assumptions showing (and calculating) producer surplus, consumer surplus, economic surplus and deadweight loss.
  • – If George was able to engage in perfect price discrimination, how many burritos would he produce, what would his total revenue be, and how much profit would he earn?
    • – Draw a graph under these assumptions showing (and calculating) producer surplus, consumer surplus, economic surplus and deadweight loss.
  • Is society better off by allowing George to perfectly price discriminate? Defend your answer.

Would you have selected a different design and statistical analysis for this research?

Perform a literature-search of aviation related conference proceedings and select a short empirical conference paper (no more than 5 – 10 pages in length) to critique. Upload that article in pdf format for review along with your written assignment. 

Summarize the study being discussed in your article and identify:

  • The independent and dependent variables.
  • What type of data is being collected.
  • What type of design is being used.
  • What type of statistical analysis is being employed. 

In addition:

  • Do you agree with the researcher’s work?
  • Would you have selected a different design and statistical analysis for this research?
  • Justify your position with the information from your required readings from this module.

Use outside, reputable references also. For additional criteria, see rubric.
Paper Formatting Requirements

  • Formatting: Follow APA formatting, including title and reference pages.
  • Page Requirement: Paper should be a maximum of 4 pages (APA format not including title page, abstract, or reference section).
  • Citations: Paper should contain reputable citations in addition to your selected conference paper if necessary to back up your statements and facts.
  • References: All references are properly cited.

What could be the causes of this tingling sensation?

Breathing, Heart, and Lungs

An anxious patient is having rapid and shallow breathing. After a few moments, he complains of a tingling sensation.

  • What could be the causes of this tingling sensation?
  • What are the various patterns of respiration and their significance?
  • Ethnicity and culture influence risk factors for heart disease. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • What is the technique of percussion and palpation of the chest wall for tenderness, symmetry, bulges, fremitus, and thoracic expansion? Explain.
  • Would you anticipate hearing hyper-resonance on a patient with a history of tobacco use? Why or why not?
  • What are the mechanics of breathing with reference to lung borders and the anatomical structure of the lungs and diaphragm?

Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.


What is the main difference between Circuit switching and Packet switching Virtual Circuit?

1. Describe the process of communication between two hosts attached to different

networks shown below. Explain it in sub-steps with the help of diagrams.

2. Compute the amplitude, frequency, time period and phase for each of the following


a. 8????????????(2????(500)????)

b. 3????????????(600???? + 45)

c. 6????????????(400???? + 135)

d. 2????????????(1000???? + 180)

3. From the following figures, compute the maximum amplitude, frequency, time period

and phase for each of the wave. The x-axis represents the time in sec and y-axis

represents the amplitude.

4. Given a signal as follows, compute the fundamental frequency, spectrum and

bandwidth. Also calculate the channel capacity using Shanon criteria when SNR(db) =


????(????) = 5 sin(100????????) + sin(300????????) + sin(600????????)

5. Explain how the data rate over a channel can be increased, without increasing the

bandwidth? What is the disadvantage of this approach?

Hint: Nyquist Theorem

6. What is the main difference between Circuit switching and Packet switching Virtual

Circuit? Also discuss the advantages of Packet switching over Circuit Switching and vice


7. In a LOS communication, consider d = 40km, the requirement is to make two antennas

(transmitter and receiver) such that the height of one antenna should be three times of

the other. Considering this, find the appropriate heights of these two antennas.

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