Each discussion board post is to be comprised of a five to seven paragraph response to the question I pose in the discussion board thread.DEach discussion boards post is to have a minimum of three sources.DThe sources are to be written in the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA).DYou may not use your textbook, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, or dictionaries as sources. For each of these sources used, one letter grade will be deducted from the assignment score
MUST BE AT LEAST 5 Paragraphs
Discussion Question: Discuss an instance when someone acted in an unethical manner regarding financial matters. It does not have to be a crime. How might ethical training prevented this
Archive for December 22nd, 2019
Discuss an instance when someone acted in an unethical manner regarding financial matters.
Emotional Intelligence
Does teachers feel Emotional Intelligence is an important skill and why? How do they use it in a classroom?
Does the training on EI for teachers should be introduced and when (either ‘in-house’ or through external agencies or during Initial Teacher Training)? Should the responsibility rest with the individual school or this is a national strategy, especially with the new OFSTED focus on well-being in the UK?
Case Study: Confidentiality, Privacy, and Privilege
In research, investigators must often collect data about very sensitive and private aspects of participants’ lives. In clinical work, psychology professionals are often privy to highly charged emotions and situations. In fact, due to the highly sensitive nature of their work, psychology professionals or those studying to be psychology professionals are often in morally ambiguous situations, or they may be working with individuals with conflicting demands, needs, or perceptions of what constitutes ethical behavior.
Concepts integral to the protection of information and individual rights include confidentiality, privacy, and privilege. These concepts often are used interchangeably, but they have distinct similarities and differences. It is imperative that psychology professionals fully understand their responsibilities related to each one. Failure to do so puts them at risk of violating trust-based relationships and may have significant ramifications.
For this Application, review the following Case Study:
You are conducting a study of resilience among families that have experienced domestic violence. You will meet with participants four times over a 1-year period, conducting numerous assessments of their psychological well-being and daily functioning in order to study patterns over time.
Maria is a 32-year-old Latina woman. She has volunteered herself and her daughter, Rosalinda (age 6) to participate in your study. Maria explains that she is separated from Rosalinda’s father, who has allegedly committed violent acts in the home. When Maria and Rosalinda came to the first data collection session, Maria read and signed an informed consent form while in the waiting room. The form was fairly standard, citing all the usual terms of and exceptions to confidentiality.
Over the course of the study, during the sessions, you begin to know both mother and daughter well. As you make your way through the daily functioning assessment interviews at the third session, Maria tells you that she has started to date again. Maria seems unusually anxious about finishing the interviews quickly. She watches the clock and interrupts you to confirm that she will be receiving the same $50 stipend that she received at the end of previous sessions. You also notice that Rosalinda’s distress symptoms appear to be getting worse. For example, she is extremely upset when Maria goes to the restroom and cannot be calmed for the rest of the session. However, you are not a clinician, so your impressions are based on your own personal experiences with children.
Shortly after Maria and Rosalinda leave, a man approaches your office and introduces himself as Maria’s husband. He appears to have followed them and wants to know what she and Rosalinda were doing in your office. He does not seem threatening in any way and seems quite civil and pleasant.
The Case Study allows you to apply ethics to real-life situations and demonstrate your understanding of the decision making needed to resolve such conflicts. It is rare for an ethical dilemma to involve only one issue, so you should take the time to reflect on the complications that present themselves in the situations described in the Case Study.
For this week’s Application, review the overview of the five ethical decision-making models that can be found in the Learning Resources section.
Koocher and Keith-Spiegel’s nine-step ethical decision-making model
Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists: The 10-step ethical decision-making process
Rest’s four-step ethical decision-making model
Jones’s four-step intensity-contingent ethical decision-making model
Fisher’s eight-step ethical decision-making model
For this week’s Application, submit a 3 page paper that includes the following:
An explanation of the ethical dilemmas you perceive to be involved in the Case Study.
A description of what you might do in response to the dilemma. Include the following in your explanation:
A step-by-step application of one of the decision-making models provided above.
An explanation of the possible outcomes for each individual in the Case Study.
An explanation of any benefits and limitations of the model you selected.
What laboratory tests would be needed to confirm possible differential diagnoses?
Male & Female Reproductive System
Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the conditions affecting the male and female reproductive systems. Based on your research and understanding, respond to one of the following scenarios:
Scenario 2:
A 44-year-old obese female is admitted to the emergency room with fever and severe abdominal pain on the upper right side that radiates to the scapula. She states that she feels nauseated. She states that the pain began at a friend’s house during a party and is becoming more severe. You can see that she is quite uncomfortable.
- What could be the underlying cause of these symptoms?
- What examinations would you perform? Why?
- What laboratory tests would be needed to confirm possible differential diagnoses?
- What pharmaceutical drugs are approved for treating the diagnosis that you concluded for this case?
Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below
Compare the services offered for various populations: immigrants and youth.
Resource: A non-profit agency of your choice that offers community-based programs for adult learners
Review the services provided by the selected agency.
Compare the services offered for various populations: immigrants and youth.
Describe your findings by developing a 10-minute presentation using a tool from the Technology Resource Library, located on the College of Education Resources site. Address key elements of programs offered, such as demographic served, frequency and availability of learning opportunities, participation requirements, and individual program goals.
Submit your assignment.
If you were the CEO of an online clothing retailer, how much emphasis would you place on environmental scanning?
If you were the CEO of an online clothing retailer, how much emphasis would you place on environmental scanning? What major threats do you think this industry could face?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
Principles Of Management
1. What are some of the characteristics of a leader who implements the transformational theory into the workplace?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
2. Explain the merits and disadvantages of situational leadership styles. Is it a good idea to shift leadership approaches or not?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
Describe what may result if Yuan continues to handle his situation as he currently is.
- 6.
Setting priorities Yuan Chang works as a systems analyst and reports to Dianne Bradwell. He was given a major project two months ago; it is due next month. Recently Ms. Bradwell’s workload increased dramatically as a result of the installation of a new computer system. She calls Yuan to troubleshoot problems with the system. Because these problems affect employees’ work production, Yuan must handle them promptly. Yuan was planning to take a two-week vacation. However, he is behind on the project and has only four weeks left to finish it. Yuan feels burned out due to his heavy workload. He tries to work on the project every day, but Ms. Bradwell’s calls keep him busy. Yuan has not told her that he is behind on the project. For the last two weeks, Yuan has been bringing a sandwich from home so he can work through lunch. He also stays late, working until at least 6 p.m. each day. - Describe what may result if Yuan continues to handle his situation as he currently is. How can Yuan manage his time more effectively? Does Yuan need to talk to his supervisor about the situation? If so, what should he say? (Learning Objective 2 and 3)
Describe what may result if Yuan continues to handle his situation as he currently is.
- 6.
Setting priorities Yuan Chang works as a systems analyst and reports to Dianne Bradwell. He was given a major project two months ago; it is due next month. Recently Ms. Bradwell’s workload increased dramatically as a result of the installation of a new computer system. She calls Yuan to troubleshoot problems with the system. Because these problems affect employees’ work production, Yuan must handle them promptly. Yuan was planning to take a two-week vacation. However, he is behind on the project and has only four weeks left to finish it. Yuan feels burned out due to his heavy workload. He tries to work on the project every day, but Ms. Bradwell’s calls keep him busy. Yuan has not told her that he is behind on the project. For the last two weeks, Yuan has been bringing a sandwich from home so he can work through lunch. He also stays late, working until at least 6 p.m. each day. - Describe what may result if Yuan continues to handle his situation as he currently is. How can Yuan manage his time more effectively? Does Yuan need to talk to his supervisor about the situation? If so, what should he say? (Learning Objective 2 and 3)