Causes and Symptoms of Corona Virus

Causes and Symptoms of Corona Virus

Since the first infection was reported in China, coronavirus has made headlines for all the wrong reasons. The virus is a combines a large family of viruses that cause multiple illnesses ranging from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. The infection has never been identified before in humans and is zoonotic, meaning both people and animals can spread the disease. 

Like most viruses, coronavirus spreads faster and can cause adverse effects on the body if not treated in time. Coronavirus first case was reported in Wuhan, China, and the infection was from an animal. Majority of those who were infected by the disease earlier were working or shopping in the Huanan seafood wholesale market located at the center of Wuhan.

Incubation Period Corona Virus

Incubation period refers to the time between contracting a virus and the time you start showing symptoms of the disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incubation period of coronavirus is 2-14 days.

These estimates are based on the behavior of the virus during its early days in Wuhan and studies of related viruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. However, the estimates may change as researchers’ intensity their studies on the infection.

It is also quite unclear whether people infected with coronavirus during the incubation stage though there have been cases of people infecting others without showing symptoms. Also based on the WHO-China Joint Mission, few people contract the virus but never show symptoms. 

Causes of Coronavirus

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Virus is an institution tasked with the work of naming new viruses. On 11TH February 2020, the committee called the virus severe respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). 

From its name, this virus is related to SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) that caused havoc in 2002-2003 but is not the same as this virus.

Symptoms of Corona Virus 

Symptoms of coronavirus include:

  1. Pneumonia 
  2. Coughs 
  3. Fever 
  4. Breathing Difficulties 
  5. In severe cases, it can cause organ failure, kidney failure and death

The recovery of an infected person depends on the strength of his immune system. Majority of those who died from the infection were of poor health. If you notice any of the above symptoms, then consult a medical professional for assistance.  

How dangerous is a coronavirus? 

As of now, there are limited studies on this disease, and we’ll show you better its severity when the data becomes available. Its mortality rate is about 2%, and the majority of infected people get treatment. The disease is also very contagious, and as at 4th of March, there have been 3,190 deaths worldwide and more than 93,000 infections in over 80 countries.

In China alone, there have been 2,981 deaths and 80,270 new infections. South Korea is second with 5,328 cases. There are also high chances of recovery as more than 45,00 infected people have recovered from the virus. Other countries include the UK where there are 51 recorded cases and Australia with 41 documented cases. There are no fatalities in both countries.

How to prevent the infection of Corona Virus?

Medical experts have offered many recommendations to safeguard you from the disease. These include: 

  1. Regular hand-washing Covering your nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing 
  2. Thorough cooking of meat and eggs 
  3. Avoiding close contact with anyone showing symptoms of the disease, i.e. coughing or sneezing 

Coronavirus or better known as Covid-19, has been a global health concern over the last few months. It has caused massive economic damages to China and other affected countries. With the increasing cases of countries banning flights from affected regions and limiting movement, this pandemic has been a major concern around the world. However, scientists are now working on new methods and medicine that will combat the spread of the disease, cure the affected and protect the uninfected population.

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The writer is a nurse by profession and an experienced writer. You can visit her profile

Causes and Symptoms of Corona Virus

Causes and Symptoms of Corona Virus

Since the first infection was reported in China, coronavirus has made headlines for all the wrong reasons. The virus is a combines a large family of viruses that cause multiple illnesses ranging from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. The infection has never been identified before in humans and is zoonotic, meaning both people and animals can spread the disease. 

Like most viruses, coronavirus spreads faster and can cause adverse effects on the body if not treated in time. Coronavirus first case was reported in Wuhan, China, and the infection was from an animal. Majority of those who were infected by the disease earlier were working or shopping in the Huanan seafood wholesale market located at the center of Wuhan.

Incubation Period Corona Virus

Incubation period refers to the time between contracting a virus and the time you start showing symptoms of the disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incubation period of coronavirus is 2-14 days.

These estimates are based on the behavior of the virus during its early days in Wuhan and studies of related viruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. However, the estimates may change as researchers’ intensity their studies on the infection.

It is also quite unclear whether people infected with coronavirus during the incubation stage though there have been cases of people infecting others without showing symptoms. Also based on the WHO-China Joint Mission, few people contract the virus but never show symptoms. 

Causes of Coronavirus

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Virus is an institution tasked with the work of naming new viruses. On 11TH February 2020, the committee called the virus severe respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). 

From its name, this virus is related to SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) that caused havoc in 2002-2003 but is not the same as this virus.

Symptoms of Corona Virus 

Symptoms of coronavirus include:

  1. Pneumonia 
  2. Coughs 
  3. Fever 
  4. Breathing Difficulties 
  5. In severe cases, it can cause organ failure, kidney failure and death

The recovery of an infected person depends on the strength of his immune system. Majority of those who died from the infection were of poor health. If you notice any of the above symptoms, then consult a medical professional for assistance.  

How dangerous is a coronavirus? 

As of now, there are limited studies on this disease, and we’ll show you better its severity when the data becomes available. Its mortality rate is about 2%, and the majority of infected people get treatment. The disease is also very contagious, and as at 4th of March, there have been 3,190 deaths worldwide and more than 93,000 infections in over 80 countries.

In China alone, there have been 2,981 deaths and 80,270 new infections. South Korea is second with 5,328 cases. There are also high chances of recovery as more than 45,00 infected people have recovered from the virus. Other countries include the UK where there are 51 recorded cases and Australia with 41 documented cases. There are no fatalities in both countries.

How to prevent the infection of Corona Virus?

Medical experts have offered many recommendations to safeguard you from the disease. These include: 

  1. Regular hand-washing Covering your nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing 
  2. Thorough cooking of meat and eggs 
  3. Avoiding close contact with anyone showing symptoms of the disease, i.e. coughing or sneezing 

Coronavirus or better known as Covid-19, has been a global health concern over the last few months. It has caused massive economic damages to China and other affected countries. With the increasing cases of countries banning flights from affected regions and limiting movement, this pandemic has been a major concern around the world. However, scientists are now working on new methods and medicine that will combat the spread of the disease, cure the affected and protect the uninfected population.

You can either order a well written article from this website

The writer is a nurse by profession and an experienced writer. You can visit her profile

Corona Virus and its economic Impact


Economic Impact of Corona Virus

Effect On the Source Country: China

As corona virus spread around the world, most of the world’s companies have experienced a broken supply chain, disrupted manufacturing, and a decline in the demand for their wares. Since it first broke out in China in 2019, corona virus has had adverse effects on the global economy. However, analysts’ casts doubt that the virus could cause several economic damages like the one that followed the 2008 Lehman Brothers investment bank failure. 

Over the last 30 years, China’s economy has been growing slowly due to its trade war with the United States. According to economists, 4 million jobs might have been lost in China during the year 2019. And this year is considerably worse for the country due to the thousands of new infections and deaths from the disease. Coupled with other economic challenges effects of the disease, it is threatening to slump the country’s economic growth. 

Recently, Reuters interviewed some economists, and most suggested that China’s growth rate would likely slump to 4.5% in the first quarter of 2020, unlike the 6% in the previous quarter. This would be the slowest economic growth rate amidst an economic and medical crisis. 

A week ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping also warned that the virus would have a significant impact on the society and economy. But he added that the disease would be controllable, and the government will step up efforts to combat its spread and fatality.

Standard Chartered also adds that corona virus can affect up to up to 42% of China’s economy. This crisis will be fueled by most companies struggling to pay loans to lending institutions, which could increase non-performing loans to excesses of $1.1 trillion, according to Poor’s and Standard. The impact has also started manifested based on Chinese airlines who have grounded their planes and who’ll likely lose up to $12.8 billion in revenue.

Effects on Other Economies

Besides China, corona virus has also adversely affected the global economy. The majority of the world’s biggest companies, such as Apple, Microsoft, United Airlines, and MasterCard recently announced how the virus had affected their consumer behavior and business. The announcements by these global economic giants and their responses will determine the extent of the economic damage by this virus.

Some companies have also remained optimistic that the governments will put in place measures to curb new infections and that the virus will not affect consumer spending in North America and Europe. But if these executives feel that the virus could extend beyond the first quarter of the year, then they may start laying off workers in affected countries and further worsening the economic damage. 

And while the giant companies are affected by this menace, the stock market fell rapidly this week, suggesting that investors should be ready to handle more bad news.

Michael O’Rourke, a chief marketing strategist at JonesTrading, said: “Everything is slowing down- even more, and that has not been fully appreciated.” 

Another big concern also is that the virus could quickly spread in the US and Europe. The spread can force many consumers to stay at home and avoid work. This will rampantly affect stores, restaurants, and other businesses, therefore, affecting trade. 

Even before the corona virus spread in the US, some business investments were already pallid in the country. During the last three quarters of 2019, it fell, and analysts are predicting a reduction in spending among companies in the US. 

While new infections of the corona virus continue to be reported in different countries around the globe, it remains a hard question to analysis on its full impact on the global economy. So far, it’s been disastrous to the economies of affected countries, but there have been measures to reduce these effects. Only time and effort of combating the disease will determine the extent of economic damage caused by this menace. 

The writer is a nurse by profession and an experienced writer. You can visit her profile to order your article




Corona Virus and its economic Impact


Economic Impact of Corona Virus

Effect On the Source Country: China

As corona virus spread around the world, most of the world’s companies have experienced a broken supply chain, disrupted manufacturing, and a decline in the demand for their wares. Since it first broke out in China in 2019, corona virus has had adverse effects on the global economy. However, analysts’ casts doubt that the virus could cause several economic damages like the one that followed the 2008 Lehman Brothers investment bank failure. 

Over the last 30 years, China’s economy has been growing slowly due to its trade war with the United States. According to economists, 4 million jobs might have been lost in China during the year 2019. And this year is considerably worse for the country due to the thousands of new infections and deaths from the disease. Coupled with other economic challenges effects of the disease, it is threatening to slump the country’s economic growth. 

Recently, Reuters interviewed some economists, and most suggested that China’s growth rate would likely slump to 4.5% in the first quarter of 2020, unlike the 6% in the previous quarter. This would be the slowest economic growth rate amidst an economic and medical crisis. 

A week ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping also warned that the virus would have a significant impact on the society and economy. But he added that the disease would be controllable, and the government will step up efforts to combat its spread and fatality.

Standard Chartered also adds that corona virus can affect up to up to 42% of China’s economy. This crisis will be fueled by most companies struggling to pay loans to lending institutions, which could increase non-performing loans to excesses of $1.1 trillion, according to Poor’s and Standard. The impact has also started manifested based on Chinese airlines who have grounded their planes and who’ll likely lose up to $12.8 billion in revenue.

Effects on Other Economies

Besides China, corona virus has also adversely affected the global economy. The majority of the world’s biggest companies, such as Apple, Microsoft, United Airlines, and MasterCard recently announced how the virus had affected their consumer behavior and business. The announcements by these global economic giants and their responses will determine the extent of the economic damage by this virus.

Some companies have also remained optimistic that the governments will put in place measures to curb new infections and that the virus will not affect consumer spending in North America and Europe. But if these executives feel that the virus could extend beyond the first quarter of the year, then they may start laying off workers in affected countries and further worsening the economic damage. 

And while the giant companies are affected by this menace, the stock market fell rapidly this week, suggesting that investors should be ready to handle more bad news.

Michael O’Rourke, a chief marketing strategist at JonesTrading, said: “Everything is slowing down- even more, and that has not been fully appreciated.” 

Another big concern also is that the virus could quickly spread in the US and Europe. The spread can force many consumers to stay at home and avoid work. This will rampantly affect stores, restaurants, and other businesses, therefore, affecting trade. 

Even before the corona virus spread in the US, some business investments were already pallid in the country. During the last three quarters of 2019, it fell, and analysts are predicting a reduction in spending among companies in the US. 

While new infections of the corona virus continue to be reported in different countries around the globe, it remains a hard question to analysis on its full impact on the global economy. So far, it’s been disastrous to the economies of affected countries, but there have been measures to reduce these effects. Only time and effort of combating the disease will determine the extent of economic damage caused by this menace. 

The writer is a nurse by profession and an experienced writer. You can visit her profile to order your article




Corona Virus and its economic Impact


Economic Impact of Corona Virus

Effect On the Source Country: China

As corona virus spread around the world, most of the world’s companies have experienced a broken supply chain, disrupted manufacturing, and a decline in the demand for their wares. Since it first broke out in China in 2019, corona virus has had adverse effects on the global economy. However, analysts’ casts doubt that the virus could cause several economic damages like the one that followed the 2008 Lehman Brothers investment bank failure. 

Over the last 30 years, China’s economy has been growing slowly due to its trade war with the United States. According to economists, 4 million jobs might have been lost in China during the year 2019. And this year is considerably worse for the country due to the thousands of new infections and deaths from the disease. Coupled with other economic challenges effects of the disease, it is threatening to slump the country’s economic growth. 

Recently, Reuters interviewed some economists, and most suggested that China’s growth rate would likely slump to 4.5% in the first quarter of 2020, unlike the 6% in the previous quarter. This would be the slowest economic growth rate amidst an economic and medical crisis. 

A week ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping also warned that the virus would have a significant impact on the society and economy. But he added that the disease would be controllable, and the government will step up efforts to combat its spread and fatality.

Standard Chartered also adds that corona virus can affect up to up to 42% of China’s economy. This crisis will be fueled by most companies struggling to pay loans to lending institutions, which could increase non-performing loans to excesses of $1.1 trillion, according to Poor’s and Standard. The impact has also started manifested based on Chinese airlines who have grounded their planes and who’ll likely lose up to $12.8 billion in revenue.

Effects on Other Economies

Besides China, corona virus has also adversely affected the global economy. The majority of the world’s biggest companies, such as Apple, Microsoft, United Airlines, and MasterCard recently announced how the virus had affected their consumer behavior and business. The announcements by these global economic giants and their responses will determine the extent of the economic damage by this virus.

Some companies have also remained optimistic that the governments will put in place measures to curb new infections and that the virus will not affect consumer spending in North America and Europe. But if these executives feel that the virus could extend beyond the first quarter of the year, then they may start laying off workers in affected countries and further worsening the economic damage. 

And while the giant companies are affected by this menace, the stock market fell rapidly this week, suggesting that investors should be ready to handle more bad news.

Michael O’Rourke, a chief marketing strategist at JonesTrading, said: “Everything is slowing down- even more, and that has not been fully appreciated.” 

Another big concern also is that the virus could quickly spread in the US and Europe. The spread can force many consumers to stay at home and avoid work. This will rampantly affect stores, restaurants, and other businesses, therefore, affecting trade. 

Even before the corona virus spread in the US, some business investments were already pallid in the country. During the last three quarters of 2019, it fell, and analysts are predicting a reduction in spending among companies in the US. 

While new infections of the corona virus continue to be reported in different countries around the globe, it remains a hard question to analysis on its full impact on the global economy. So far, it’s been disastrous to the economies of affected countries, but there have been measures to reduce these effects. Only time and effort of combating the disease will determine the extent of economic damage caused by this menace. 

The writer is a nurse by profession and an experienced writer. You can visit her profile to order your article