Your community has been struck by a tornado at 7:30 am on a September Wednesday. Right now you know that the school gymnasium, which was to be the temporary shelter was struck, but reports are at best sketchy. Right now power is out, people are confused and the phone is ringing off the hook. What would you do to bring order and assistance to your community in the first two hours of the emergency?
Archive for May 25th, 2022
Implementing network and personnel security measures
Week 8 Assignment – Implementing Network and Personnel Security Measures
The security consulting firm that you work for has been awarded a contract to implement a new IT Security Infrastructure to secure the Information Technology data assets of a local government agency. This agency has many remote workers that are in the field and need to connect back to the agencys system servers.The remote workers use a wireless network infrastructure to connect their electronic pads to servers located within the local governments facility. The remote workers have needed to access property records, citing zoning violations electronically, and validate building permits.The public demand to expand IT services has grown faster than its ability to provide an adequately secured infrastructure. In fact, this government entity was previously featured on the news for having minimal security controls and methods for accessing property tax information of citizens. The inadequate security allowed many construction trade businesses to illegally access property records and zoning violations.Your role in this project is to enhance and optimize the security mechanisms for accessing these systems.
Write a 45 page paper in which you:
- Create an information flow diagram (using Visio or Dia):
- Illustrates how remote users will securely connect to the government agencys network.
- Illustrates the patch of network devices that data packets must travel to get from server to remote users device and back to the server. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
- Provide an equipment list of network security devices that would be needed to ensure the integrity and sensitivity of private information. In this list:
- Propose at least two vendor brands per each device and the associate costs required to procure these items.
- Identify the functionality each device serves and the expected benefits the government agency should experience upon the successful installation of this equipment.
- Develop a maintenance plan that should be recommended to the government agency to ensure having the latest security measures available within the network in which you:
- Describe the risks associated with not fulfilling the activities outlined within your maintenance plan.
- Indicate specific activities, personnel and resources required, and frequency of execution.
- Recommend at least four physical security measures that could be developed to ensure the electronic perimeter of electronic assets.
- Recommend at least two physical security vendors that could achieve the four security measures you identified. Justify your recommendations with your response.
- Evaluate and consider activities that the Human Resources Department could perform in order to complement and instill security from within the organization. Provide a rationale with your response.
- Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the or review .
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Develop a plan for implementing network and personnel security measures.
Summative Assessment: HR Strategies
Imagine you have been hired to oversee the HR department of a large hospital system. The hospital systems board of directors has requested that you provide a presentation to them on the strategies you want to implement in the HR department that would benefit the hospital system as a whole. This assignment will provide you the opportunity to determine strategies for effective employee recruitment, selection, training, development, and performance appraisal needed for effective performance management.
HR strategies within the health care industry for effective employee recruitment, selection, training, development, and performance appraisal.
- Section 1: Recruitment strategies or methods
- Identify 5 recruitment strategies or methods.
- Indicate whether each strategy or method is internally or externally focused.
- Describe each strategy or method and why it is appropriate to health care.
- Section 2: Job analysis, description, and specifications
- Create a graphic, such as a flowchart, Venn diagram, or graph, as an image, PDF, or other file format showing the differences among:
- Job analysis
- Job description
- Job specifications
- Section 3: Training and education
- Explain why training and education are vital in health care.
- Explain the importance of measuring competencies.
- Describe the process for tracking and evaluating training effectiveness.
- Describe performance appraisal standards within the health care industry.
- Identify guidelines for effective performance appraisals. Include possible barriers and their effect on the appraisal process.
- Describe the due diligence of progressive discipline of employees within the health care field.
- What are some strategies you can use as a health care manager to overcome HR challenges?
- What are some current and future HR issues in health care?
- How may effective HR management handle these issues?
1. If you were to provide organizational development (OD) feedback to your team, would you prefer the meeting be a lecture-style presentation or an open discussion? Explain your preference.
During this course, you have worked on your organizational development (OD) project for your chosen organization. For the discussion, present the issues/problems that you have worked to resolve through the OD process. In your responses, you will provide suggestions to your peers by using your knowledge of OD and based on how you would have resolved these issues.
Only Discussion Boards keep # 100 words.
Grand proposal
Students will work independently on this assignment. The task is to choose an area of interest related to the human service field and develop a grant proposal.
This assignment has two components: a final grant proposal and a PowerPoint presentation of the grant proposal. Each student working independently, must: (1) Identify a fundable program, service or focus (2) Identify a potential funding source (3) Develop a grant proposal.
Requests for Proposals (RFP) may include unique requirements that you must read carefully and follow, many grant proposals are often organized in distinct sections. These sections have different titles depending on the guidelines specified by the granting organization, but they frequently serve the same purposes.
The grant proposal must include the following: Title/Cover Page Abstract/Executive Summary 1. Introduction – Statement of the Problem, Purpose of Research, and Significance of Research Background – Literature Survey/Review 2. Program Description Goals, Objectives and Methods/Activities 3. Project Personnel and Narrative 4. Budget Request – Budget Justification and Future Funding Plans/Sustainability 5. Evaluation Plan 6. Dissemination Plan 7. References Appendices Supplemental Materials: Cover Letter Organizational Information – Description of Relevant Institutional Resources Supporting Documents
write a one-page summary of the argument in this essay
finish your summary with an analytical question arising from the piece itself. It should be thoughtful and indicate that you’ve learned something from the essay.
1. Why is vital to report medical records that pose a risk to community health and welfare. (1st read below)
Many state statutes and a few federal regulations require the reporting of certain types of information, from the medical record, to appropriate agencies with or without the patients autho- rization.
Common legal reporting requirements found in most American jurisdictions include:
Child abuse Drug abuse Communicable disease Injuries with guns or knives Blood transfusion reactions Poison and industrial accidents
Design and Create a Landscaping Service Presentation
The presentation should meet these criteria:
- The presentation should contain a title slide and at least 4 content slides.
- The presentation should have an appropriate theme.
- The title slide should contain the title, Barrys Landscaping Service, and a subtitle, Bensenville, Indiana.
- The presentation should contain at least one or two clips or pictures on each slide.
- The clips and pictures should be appropriately resized.
- The 7 x 7 rule should be followed throughout the presentation.
- The font size of the title text should be larger than the content paragraph text.
- Important text should be italicized and/or bolded.
- Different font colors could be used to convey meaning.
- Spacing between elements in the presentation should be appropriate.
- The presentation, as a whole, should be visually appealing.
- A transition should be applied to all the slides in the presentation.
- The presentation should not contain spelling or grammar errors.
- Submit the presentation in pptx format.
Healthcare Policy and Delivery Systems
Discussion: Political analysis is the process of examining an issue and understanding the key factors and people that might potentially influence a policy goal.
Identify and describe an issue or a problem that will help you to lay the groundwork to develop an appropriate response to the issue. Refer to your textbook.
Two references, APAP, no plagiarism.
400 words