Response to Danays w5 hpromot

 Health Promotion Discussion Outline
Responsibilities and Duties of Community Health Nurses (The Nurses Rol)
Community health nursing revolves around various concepts such as healthy living promotion, disease prevention, and health problems, rehabilitation, medical treatment, care delivery evaluation, and systems of prevention as well as research on in-depth health of the community and wellness.
A community nurse can necessitate various aspects such as the provision of direct care, educating members of the public, advocating for improvements in health, and performing community health research
Direct Care Provider/ Clinician Role
Educator Role
Advocate Role
Managerial Role
Collaborator Role
Leader Role
Research Role

Responsibilities and Duties of Community Health Nurses
Community health nursing revolves around various concepts such as healthy living promotion, disease prevention, and health problems, rehabilitation, medical treatment, care delivery evaluation, and systems of prevention as well as research on in-depth health of the community and wellness. A community nurse can necessitate various aspects such as the provision of direct care, educating members of the public, advocating for improvements in health, and performing health research at the community level. Therefore, it is the work of a community nurse in health in ensuring control of the community health
For the community nurse, the clinician role implies they facilitate services in health, for families and individuals as well as for the communitys populations and groups. The clinician role for the community health nurses revolves around specific emphasis in contrast to the nursing at the basic level for instance skill expansion, health promotion, and holism.
Its recognized globally that teaching in health forms a vital element of excellent practice in nursing and also a crucial role for a community health nurse. There is an assessment of the stage of change, practices, behaviors, beliefs, values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of people in the community and the provision of health education based on the level of knowledge.
The clients right issue is crucial in todays health care. Every client or patient has the right of receiving humane or just equal treatment. A community health nurse, therefore, advocates for the care as well as the patients rights. They encourage people in taking the food that is required for health maintenance, the right treatment drugs, and required services when it is needed. Adequate information is henceforth provided by community health nurses in making health care decisions that are necessary and the promotion of awareness in the community for significant health problems.
The nurse, as a manager, enhances administrative direction in the accomplishment of the specified goal through the assessment of the needs of the client, planning and organizing to meet such needs, providing direction and control as well as evaluation of the progress to assure meeting the goal.
The community health nurse hardly performs their practice in isolation. They will always ensure to work with a large number of people inclusive of social workers, other nurses, psychologists, biostatisticians, patients, physicians, nutritionists, therapists, epidemiologists, legislators, and, community leaders being part of the health team.
There are an increasingly active nature of the community health nurses within the leader role. The nurse as a leader provides instruction that persuades or influences other people to effect the right change which has a positive impact on other individuals health. The primary function of the leadership role is using a health policy change centered upon the health of the community people; in that case, the nurse develops into a change agent.
The community nurse within the research role ensures engagement in the systematic investigation, analysis, and data collection in solving problems and enhancing the nursing practice of community health. Following the results of the research, the service quality gets improved by the community nurse as well as improving community peoples health.

Kawai, C., Betriana, F., Tanioka, T., Yasuhara, Y., Ito, H., Tanioka, R., … & Locsin, R. (2019). The intermediary roles of public health nurses (PHNs) in utilizing communication robots (CRs) in community health care practice. Health, 11(12), 1598-1608.
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2019). Public health nursing e-book: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences. 



Review the .

Prepare a project charter as a 9- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Your charter must:

  • Describe the project stakeholders.
  • Describe the project and its value to the organization.
  • State the project scope.
  • Provide an estimate of the project schedule.
  • Provide an estimate of the implementation budget, not the monthly operation fees.
  • Explain the quality issues within the project.
  • Explain the assumptions and risks of the project.
  • Provide definitions of any important terminology.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). 


 On pages 525 529 of the Fieldbook there is a section on building community by Juanita Brown, Bryan Smith and David Isaacs. Read this and discuss the ideas that might help in building shared vision and team learning in an organization. What might work in your organization? Do you think of action research or action learning as a way of building shared vision? How can what you learned in this class about the relationship of personal vision and shared vision inform your choices? 

Response to Yoslaine w5 hpromot

 METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION: Identify the Three Methods by which Nurses Obtain Community Assessment Data.

Community assessment data may be gathered in a variety of ways by nurses. For the fullest picture of a community in terms of health, nurses generally combine many different methods. The most apparent source of community knowledge is the government (Community toolbox, n.d.). Information from local companies and community groups is also available. To better serve their clients, companies may keep track of community statistics. It’s also possible for residents to provide vital information about their town.
Observation is a technique that nurses employ to collect data for community assessments. Go out into the community and observe people and their surroundings. For the nurse, this might be an excellent opportunity to acquire a sense of the community’s demographics and culture. Interviews are another way that nurses collect community assessment data. Individual or group discussions with members of the community are part of this process (Community toolbox, n.d.). This is a terrific approach to learning about the town and getting a feel for the people that live there. Finally, surveys may be used by nurses to gather information about the state of the community. People in the community will be asked to fill out a questionnaire as part of this process. This may be a terrific approach to quickly getting a significant quantity of data from many individuals. It’s common for nurses to utilize a mix of these strategies to gain the fullest picture of a community’s demographics (Community toolbox, n.d.).
As many people as possible should participate in stakeholder interviews to get a clear picture of the prospective community concerns and the perceived repercussions. There are a variety of ways to learn about your town. You may get information about the population, economics, and infrastructure of a community from the government. Information from local companies and community groups is also available. Keeping track of community information may help nurses better understand their patients’ demands and decide where to establish new operations. To better serve their goals, community groups may also gather information on their members and the community. Community members may have great information about their area and may be a good source of information for others.
The study of human societies using systems thinking has grown in popularity in recent years. The reason for this is that communities are made up of people who interact with each other and their surroundings. Systems thinking may help us better understand human societies and develop strategies to enhance their performance (Wells, 2020). If, for example, one section of a community is affected by a change in another area of the community, systems thinking may help us develop solutions that take this into consideration. Systems thinking may also help us better comprehend the function of communities in human systems (Wells, 2020).

Wells, D. (2020). Systems thinking view of analytics – part I. Eckerson Group. Retrieved June 5, 2022, from
Community toolbox. (n.d.). conducting needs assessment surveys. Assessing Community Needs and Resources | Section 7. Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys | Main Section | Community Toolbox. Retrieved June 5, 2022, from 



Imagine your team has been selected to consult for a community health care outreach organization that cares for homeless and low-income individuals. Because of the transient nature of these individuals, it is nearly impossible for them to maintain a comprehensive and easily accessible medical record. Your organization believes that personal health record (PHR) technology could help their constituents have access to a medical record anywhere and anytime. A local philanthropist has donated $10,000 toward this effort. The organizations board has evaluated a variety of alternatives for PHR, recognizing the acquisition and operation costs and the limited available budget. They have decided the most cost-effective approach to providing PHRs is by using the PHR developed by the Veterans Affairs (VA) Health System that is available for free to anyone. Your goal is to develop a project management plan for the implementation of a web-based personal health record using the VA Health Systems MyHealth-e-Vet PHR.

Review the for additional details regarding this cumulative project that is due in Week 5. Each week, your team will work on a different section of the plan. Your team must submit the draft of the assigned section as well as the teams progress report to your facilitator each week.

Develop your project management plan using the .

Complete the following sections of your project management plan:

  • Section 1: Introduction
  • Section 2: Executive Summary of Project Charter
  • Section 3: Scope Management
  • Appendices A, B, and C

Unit 6 Class DB: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Not all groups in our society experience equal opportunity to work. The purpose of this discussion board is to allow you to research and explain the causes of disparity between current total U.S. unemployment and the unemployment rate for a demographic of your choice. Do not just list unemployment rates. Explain what causes the rates for the demographic of your choice to be different from the National average. 

Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. What is the current national unemployment rate? Find the unemployment rate for the demographic group that best fits a description of you (for example, based on age, sex, and race) or choose a demographic group of interest. Is the rate for that demographic higher or lower than the national average? What are some reasons for the differences? Do some research in support of what you present. What factors contribute to the differences? 
Covid-19 caveat: The Pandemic did not necessarily impact all demographics in the same way.
With peers, discuss the different rates either now or before the impact of Covid-19, historical differences. Remember, this is a comparison of demographics.


Formal Proposal Submission Guidelines:

The Formal Proposal for your project should include revised versions of the elements listed below.

  • Title Page
  • Statement of your Research Topic (present this as an Abstract, see the APA manual for Abstract formatting and placement)
  • Research Question to be answered
  • Literature Review – Remember: The header preceding the literature review is the title of your paper
  • Method (the header, Method, is to precede the following elements and is at the same heading level as the title of your paper)
  • Research Design
  • Sampling Strategy
  • Data Collection Instrument Summary (referencing appendix which includes your data collection instrument)
  • Data Analysis
  • Administration and Budget**
  • References
  • Appendix (provide a full copy of your instrument)

The proposal must conform to APA style and writing standards. While there is no formal required length for this proposal, a good target is 12 to 15 pages (including all of the elements listed above).

Checklist for Final Paper – General Feedback

  • Use your original words when not quoting or citing.
  • Should be written in 3rd person. This is a research paper (not an opinion paper NO I believe, I feel, I think).  Otherwise it comes across as opinion and full of bias.
  • Incorporate the feedback I provided in the draft (in paper mark-up, text comments, rubric)
  • All needs to be in APA format (review Writing Center Sample Paper attached to this post)
  • All Sources all scholarly (no Wikipedia)
  • Reference page should only contain sources that were used in the paper (remove any that you dont actually use as there is no reason to have them there).
  • Proofread!
  • **Administration and Budget Section: Describe the whos and hows of the administration of the program evaluation or needs assessment (under whose authority it will take place, the communication needs/plans, etc.). Create a projected budget. Include items related to personnel, materials, and other assets needed to do the research. A simple bulleted list will suffice, or you may prefer to use a table.  Provide credentials of the researcher and other relevant personnel. State your own qualifications for doing the research including both education and experience. Also present the qualifications of anyone else associated with the process.

Orders template


Please note the template added is almost complete Please add supporting literature with 4 references/ Citations APA style

Using the Required Admission Orders Template, write a full set of admission orders for the patient in the branching exercise.

  • Be sure to address each aspect of the order template
  • Write the orders as you would in the patients chart
  • Make sure the order is complete and applicable to the patient
  • Any rationale you feel the need to supply should be done at the end of the order set not included with the order
  • Please do not write per protocol. We do not know what your protocol is and you need to demonstrate what is appropriate standard of care for this patient.
  • A minimum of four current, evidenced based references are required – no older than 5 years 

Health Centers 300-500 words NO PLAGERISM


Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), often referred to as community clinics, are the first line of care for many patients.

  • Analyze their target population and explain how they offer patients a financial motivation to receive care at an FQHC.


Alba, A. D., Britigan, D. H., Lyden, E., & Johansson, P. (2016). Assessing health literacy levels of spanish-speaking hispanic patients in spanish at federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) in the midwest. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 27(4), 1726-1732. doi:10.1353/hpu.2016.0158

Wright, B. (2015). Do patients have a voice? the social stratification of health center governing boards. Health Expectations, 18(3), 430-437. doi:10.1111/hex.12059

Nursing theory

1. Your community is at risk for a specific type of natural disaster (e.g., tornado, flood, hurricane, earthquake). Use Nightingales principles and observations to develop an emergency plan for one of these events. Outline the items you would include in the plan.

 2. Using Nightingales concepts of ventilation, light, noise, and cleanliness, analyze the setting in which you are practicing nursing as an employee or student.

3. You are participating in a quality improvement project in your work setting. Share how you would develop ideas to present to the group based on a Nightingale approach.

APA format, minimum of 150 words, and 2 APA references.