Post Adventure

Read the Post Graduation Adventure case on p. 154 in Ch. 5 of Project Management: The Managerial Process and submit an APA paper for the following


– As a hint, you should have an intro paragraph, 3 sections in the paper body (1 for each question at 200 words for each question) and a closing paragraph.

– In item 1 you must clearly state the project management methodology (i.e Top down, waterfall, etc) you are using and then apply it to the trip project. As another hint there are 4 trips being looked at here originating from the USA….one to Spain…one to France…one to South Africa…one to Vietnam….do not ignore any of them in your discussion.

– When you discuss cost in item 2 I need to see real values…this means you will do some research on costs. Not looking for you to be a travel agent and provide costs to the penny but there should be enough data to be able to make a decision of where to go based on cost. Costs should include more than just an airline ticket (think of when you go on a trip and all the other costs involved in taking a trip like hotel, food, etc). As a hint, the easiest way to show, compare, discuss the costs is to place them in a matrix/table with the various locations you are going to and show the total cost for an easy comparison.  

– Item 3 asks for non-cost; I need to see at least 2 non-cost items discussed and how they are impacting your decision on where to go for each location (for example, Spain and France weather are bad but Vietnam and South Africa have great weather so they are scoring higher based on the non cost factor of weather, etc, etc); only discuss non-cost items (you already have discussed cost in question 2). For example do not discuss money exchange rates here….that would be a cost factor. Something like the weather would be a non-cost item….and since I just gave you that one, weather cannot be one of your 2 items discussed….if it is in your paper you earn no points for it.  

– In your paper conclusion I should see your recommendation of the single place of where to go based on your paper discussion/findings. This is where you have looked at both the cost and non cost factors to make a decision. You may find that cost might outweigh the non-cost items or possibly it is the other way around where non-cost drives the decision or possibly a combination of them both. The purpose of the assignment is to help you gain insight that when you are working on a project you should consider all factors involved and not rush to a decision based on one factor. Read the Post Graduation Adventure case on p. 154 in Ch. 5 of Project Management: The Managerial Process.

Format your responses consistent with APA guidelines.

Module 11

 Online banner advertising and outdoor display advertising both use images to try to increase sales. In planning, both need to consider placement so as to be seen by their most likely audience. What are the key differences?  1 Content Page) APA format. References

class: MAR 3023


Overhead application to costs is a critical issue for the costing of your products. We are studying several ways to handle this situation.

  • Describe overhead and the overhead application process.
  • What would cause an overhead to be overapplied, or underapplied.
  • Discuss the results to your decision making and the financial statements for each of those two situations.
  • Describe how the over or under application of overhead should be corrected in the accounting records.

Security And Ethics

Reflect on the three competencies of this course in 750 words. Consider how they might directly apply to your life and work environment when answering the questions below.

Competency 1: 

Categorize the components of Information Security (InfoSec). 

Competency 2: 

Explain the differences between ethics, organizational policies, and laws.

Competency 3: 

Evaluate risk mitigation strategies.

Reflect on the following questions in a minimum of 500 words.

Question #1:

Think of a situation in which you had to balance compliance and legal and ethical implications of your actions at your job. Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at large, of when the data that got compiled based on your online activity ended up having a surprising impact on an individual or on an organization. How could you utilize the logic and methodology of a security risk assessment within your own work environment or your personal life? For example, Do you lock your doors at night? Do you use antivirus software on your personal computer? 

Question #2:

What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial? What do you feel could have improved or added to your learning experience in this course? 

Social Psychology

Close Relationships Textbook: Social Psychology 11th Edition-Saul Kassin, Markus, & Fein. (Chapters 9-10) Chadee Theories in Social Psychology 1st Edition (Chapter 7)

Why Seemingly Trivial Events Sometimes Evoke Strong Emotional Reactions: The Role of Social Exchange Rule Violations

Social Heuristics and Social Roles: Intuition Favors Altruism for Women But Not for Men

Content Summary: Attraction

IS Integration

Reflect on the three competencies of this course in 500 words. Consider how they might directly apply to your life and work environment when answering the questions below. 

Competency 1: 

Describe factors and methods for evaluating IT sourcing options as they align with strategy and architecture 

Competency 2: 

Explore integration between IT leadership roles and system acquisition options.

Competency 3: 

Develop metrics to measure the value of information systems and technology.

Reflect on the following questions in a minimum of 500 words.

Question #1:

How could you utilize ways to improve the partnership and strategy alignment between the overall business and the IT department within your own work environment? Think of a situation in which having a decision guide to help analyze a complex decision would have been advantageous. Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at large, of when calculating ROI for a project had an impact on the organization or its understanding of the value of its initiatives. 

Question #2:

What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial? What do you feel could have improved or added to your learning experience in this course? 

Submit your reflection.

IR theory in African perspective

Do you think the article helps you look at international relations through a different “lense”?  Do you agree or disagree with the authors point of view?  Remember, there is not a right or wrong answer.  Just tell me and the other students in your class what you think, and feel free to respond to their comments.

Healthcare Policy and Delivery System


On what policy issues might nurses lobby Congress? What strategies might nurse use to have their voices heard?

The discussion must address the topic.

Rationale must be provided

400 words

Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published


 1. Differentiate social structure theories of crime from social ecology theories of crime and comment on policy implications of social structure theories of crime and social ecology theories of crime. 

2. Differentiate social process theories of crime from life-course theories of crime and comment on policy implications of social process theories of crime and life-course theories of crime. 

3. Differentiate critical theories of crime from feminist theories of crime and comment on the policy implications of critical theories of crime and feminist theories of crime.

Healthcare Policy and Delivery


Identify some of the social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform.

The discussion must address the topic.

Rationale must be provided

400 words 

Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published

You must post two answers to your peers  peers of 200 words