Company exploration research (Avaya)

Be sure to use this article as well as any materials in the company’s website.

 Avaya offers several contact center suites, but its two  most prominent are Aura and OneCloud contact center-as-a-service  (CCaaS). These platforms were already quite sufficient, but Avaya added  to them this year. Avaya built in added workflow and AI-powered virtual  agent capabilities on its own, but the company also added security  capabilities through integrations with Pindrop, Semafone, and PCI Pal;  knowledge management through an integration with Verint; and an  integration with Salesforce Service Cloud that brings together calls,  digital engagement, and CRM data for agents. Independent CRM industry  analyst and consultant Marshall Lager sees Avaya as one of the most  deeply rooted vendors in the market. Avayas been doing  telecommunications for a long time and has the expertise that comes with  experience, he says. 

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