interpersonal communication

What have you discovered about perception and perception checking?

Once you have read sections 3.1 Perceiving and Presenting the Self and 3.2 Improving Self-perception and the Perception of Others, you’ll be ready to view the video “The Dangers of a Single Story”.

Pay close attention to the following while you watch the video, as you will be basing your reflective writing on:

1. What does a “single story” mean to you?

2. What are the impacts to us and others when we live in a “single story” world? (Think “perception of others” here.)

3. What 4 techniques can we follow to eliminate the mindset of a “single story” in our lives (and improve our perception of others)?

As you develop your responses remember to incorporate your personal perspective with what you have discovered in both the reading and the video.

Spend time on this. Remember, reflective writing gives you the opportunity to think deeply about your learning. You’ll want to refer back to portions of the text which have influenced you most, but remember you are not simply restating what the text or video has said. You want to dig deeper…. to wonder…. and to reflect on what you have realized…. what you have “figured out” so far.

This is your opportunity to connect and share your insights. Focus on providing substance and specifics through a minimum of 15 to 20 sentences for this assignment.

(Remember to review the rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.)

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