Archive for June 13th, 2022

Wk 6, MHA 543: DR 2

APA format

175 – 265 words

Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference

Respond to the following:


Jennifer Haddad Connell

6/8/22, 7:17 AM

Hello All:

With professional licensing there is a responsibility to earn continuing education credits per licensing board specifications. Business leaders should consider and plan for professional development and continuing education for health care professionals. Walsh (2015) presents a positive correlation between the worth of professional development and its high costs, as well as its importance in securing a work force.

Since it’s costly for a health care entity to provide professional development, and since education is mandatory to support licensed health care workers, then let’s think about benefits that are reaped. When a business absorbs the cost of professional training, then the result is an educated work force that can put into practice what’s been learned. The expectation is increase quality.

Class: When a business covers the cost of continuing education for licensed staff, what are some ways that (in addition to supporting license renewals and a compliant work force) benefits of the education might be experienced? How might higher quality be measured; as dollars are spent on workers’ professional development does quality within the organization increase proportionally and how might this be measured? Can you think of some examples?

Walsh, K. (2015, July 4). Labour economics and healthcare professional education. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI).


As we have seen in the text and lecture, the 8th Amendment guarantees reasonable bail. However, in this journal, you’re asked to consider what that means. Remember that bail is for those who have been charged with a crime, but not convicted of it. If you are charged, the judge may remand you to jail unless you put up money or collateral to guarantee you will show up to trial. Some contend that this creates a system in which we have two tracks one for those who have the means and can afford bail and one for those who cannot and must sit in jail for months or even years awaiting trial. For this journal, you are asked to read this piece by a public defender (a defense attorney who works for clients who, usually, otherwise can’t afford one). In this piece, she outlines the reasons she thinks the money bail system is so broken that it should be ended.

Read the piece and consider how you feel about this topic. Should we end cash bail? As you read (and write), consider what the constitutional requirement for reasonable bail means and how it applies to the arguments made by the author.

The assigned piece:

Want a different look? You may choose to also watch this Last Week Tonight piece on the same topic (though it’s not required). Warning: this piece may contain foul language or blue jokes.

Project Report

Project Status Report Template. 

Each group will prepare a project status report template.  The templates will be evaluated against several criteria, including:

General information does the status report provide general information about the project, who prepared the report, the start and end dates of the project, and the reporting period for the status report.

Overall Project Status is it easy for the reader to discern the overall status of the project health as it relates to project objectives and constraints? 

Work is it easy for the reader to know how much work (e.g., WBS elements) has been accomplished as it relates to the scope baseline?  Does it show what work is planned to be accomplished in the next reporting period?

Schedule is it easy for the reader to understand, using metrics such as SPI or SV or other measures, the status of the project as it relates to the schedule baseline.  Are milestones listed and do they show the planned versus actual start dates?

Budget Is the project adhering to the cost baseline? 

Issues and active risks Is it easy for the reader to understand and appreciate project risks and/or any new issues (unknown unknowns) that are under the watchful eye of the project team?

Key Performance Indicators does the status report show key project performance indicators that are used by the organization to compare with other projects in a balanced scorecard format?

Project Metrics [due Day 7]

Now that youve identified the organizations SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives and metrics. This project should be based on an unmet opportunity for the organization, or to minimize a potential threat. What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How will you measure their progress?


Use the to:

  • Create at least 3 measurable project objectives for each quadrant of the scorecard based on your analysis.
  • Determine targets, timelines, and metrics for each objective.

Explain the following in 350-525 words on the Balanced Score Card Template:

  • Why these objectives are appropriate for the project.
  • Why these metrics and timelines are appropriate for your strategic plan.

Note: Review your chosen organization in the Case Studies folder on the main course page in Blackboard.

innovations in biology


Search the internet to locate 3 reliable information sources that you may use for this assignment.

Write 1-2 sentences for each information source explaining why you believe these sources are reliable.

Write references to the 3 information sources in APA format

Create an OUTLINE  for the writing assignment. The outline should be in a bullet list format and include the major topics that you plan to include in your assignment, with some supportive detail for each topic. It should not be a draft with full sentences and paragraphs.

Human-caused global climate change is the biggest environmental challenge we are faced with today. Your aunt is a climate skeptic and you have decided to use your understanding of science to explain to her why the earths climate is changing, describe the major biological effects of climate change, and discuss how technology can be a solution to this problem. You should start with a brief description of the greenhouse effect and how carbon dioxide is a natural part of the carbon cycle. Then explain how our use of fossil fuels is disrupting the carbon cycle and enhancing the greenhouse effect. You may want to look ahead to the Week 7 readings for this information. What are the major ecological effects associated with climate change? What are the human health concerns associated with climate change? Describe at least one example of each. And finally, what can we do to reduce our impact on the climate through technological innovation? Include a description of a minimum of two technological solutions.


Three reliable and relevant information sources are provided, with a 1-2 sentence explanation for each source.

28-30 points 

All information sources are in correct APA format.
20 points

A well-organized outline that addresses all the questions with good supportive detail. 
45-50 points

Leadership in Healthcare Organization


Complexity Theory

Complexity theory is an emerging organizational theory that is being adapted by today’s nursing professionals in place of more traditional theories.Compare and contrast the Complexity Theory with a minimum of three additional traditional organizational theories covered in Chapter 1 of the textbook. Analyze the complexity theory from the perspective of leadership, management, and followership roles in a nursing manager setting. Justify your analysis of each perspective with solid professional nursing examples that promote quality patient care in a diverse patient population.Assignment Requirements:

  • should be at least 4 pgs (not including title page, Abstract, and References page)
  • Follow APA guidelines  This should include proper formatting of in-text citations and resources listed on the References page.

Include an additional minimum of 2-3 outside resources, of which two resources must be peer-reviewed resources obtained through the library database 


Early in this course, you selected a particular group of offenders who may require specialized assessment, treatment, or testing. Now, you will finalize your proposal for an appropriate forensic treatment program for this group.

Begin your proposal with an overview of the selected group.

This overview should include the following:

  • Characteristics associated with the selected group such as gender, sex, type of offense, age, ethnicity, possible mental health issues, substance abuse issues, etc.
  • Challenges and issues they may face in a correctional setting.
  • A thorough explanation regarding the development of a specialized program for this group and why it is important to those who belong to it and the correctional system as a whole.

Next, discuss the following:

  • Explain how you will determine who is eligible for your program.
  • Indicate which assessment methods and instruments you will use to determine this.
  • Determine which treatment model(s) you would use. Support your choice with information on relevant evidence-based practices.
  • Identify the possible challenges in treating this population within a forensic setting. Explain how you would modify treatment to address these challenges, and then explain how will you modify treatment to deal with these challenges.
  • Reveal ethical concerns or considerations related to the assessment or treatment of your population and their impact upon the proposed program. State how you would avoid ethical concerns in the program.

Be sure to include evidence based practices in relation to your assessment and treatment as you design this program.

Support your Signature Assignment with at least five references from peer-reviewed journals. Remember to incorporate the research you have located previously in this course to assist you in completing this last assignment.

Length: 10-12 pages 

it should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.



After viewing this weeks video, respond to the following questions:

  • When compared to your competition, how creative is your company and what needs to be done to improve or sustain this creativity?
  • What do you think accounts for this creativity?
  • Do you think that creativity is something that certain people have and others dont, or is creativity something that people can learn to have more of?

2-1 Milestone One: Guiding Coalition Recommendations


You are a business development manager reporting to the vice president (VP) of business development at one of the largest life sciences organizations in the Midwest. Their latest venture is producing a new cancer drug. The recent clinical trials of the organizations flagship product have shown great success and the owners are considering their options for the future. While the organization has shown constant growth and profitability since its inception in 1999, the owners have decided that it is time to sell. Given the current uncertainty in global markets, the board of directors is not convinced that this is the right approach.

While work is underway to find a potential buyer, the VP has called on you to join the strategic planning team to assess the organization’s exit strategy and make recommendations to its board of directors. As part of the strategic planning team, you have been asked to make some initial analyses and help plan for the sale of your organization.

Your first task is to build a guiding coalition; that is, identify the people in the organization who can shape, guide, and sustain the change effort of selling the organization. You will send your recommendations and rationale to the VP.

Identifying people who can effectively lead the change initiative is an important first step. These individuals have the leadership and social skills to ensure that the change effort is communicated throughout the organization; as well, they will report back to the team what employees are saying about the change.


Use the and the provided to guide your selection of the guiding coalition for the organization in the scenario. (A text-only version of the organizational chart is available: .)

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Recommendation: Use the organizational chart and the personas to identify people who should be part of the guiding coalition. Review the personas to identify the individuals who have the influence and commitment to make a positive impact while providing guidance for the change initiative.
  2. Rationale: Justify your choice of guiding coalition team members. Your responses should address the following for each individual you recommend for the coalition:
    1. What is the persons title and how many people do they manage?
    2. How long has each person been with the organization?
    3. What area(s) of the organization does this person influence?
    4. What is your rationale for choosing the person? Consider the persons characteristics for your rationale.
    5. What role will each person fulfill as a member of the guiding coalition?
  3. Team-building strategies: Describe activities and strategies you will introduce to build a well-functioning team. Your response should address the following:
    1. What strategies will help the members align with the change initiative of the organization in the scenario?
    2. What steps or actions will you take to establish a sense of urgency within the team?
    3. How do these activities and strategies help build trust?

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a 3- to 4-page Word document, using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Expand on the A2 Milk Company within the U.S. market economy only

Please write three pages on the expansion of A2 Milk Company within the U.S. market economy only.

1. Access to a large dealer network: A2 Milk Company has access to an extensive dealer network. It has established culture among its distributors and dealers in which dealers advertise the company’s products and teach salespeople how to best use those products.

2. Ease of market penetration:  A2 Milk Company Limited has established a reputation for successfully entering new markets. The company can leverage new emerging and fast developing economies. As a result of the expansion, the company has reduced its exposure to economic cycle risk in the markets it serves, allowing it to diversify its revenue sources. Moreover, the automation of business processes improved the company’s quality As a result, the company has been able to adjust the size of its operation to meet market demands.

Please use credible sources and back up with credible research.

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