Archive for June 15th, 2022


In 2015 in South Carolina, a black female high school student refused to turn off her phone in class. As a result, her instructor called the police to arrest the student; she was violently body slammed in her desk by a police officer. A video was recorded by a fellow student. (I’ve attached a link here if you’d like to read about the case, but be aware that the video is disturbing.) 

Physics problems


 you will need to complete homework questions specified below. You need to complete the work and upload the file here. You need to show all the calculations in your worksheet. 

Please solve the following questions:

8.1 – Q. 19

8.2 – Q. 25

8.3 – Q. 31

8.4 – Q. 45

8.5 – Q. 53


week 3 RD#2

 Read:    Managing Survival Economic Realities for Vietnamese American Women (page 237) Linda Trinh Vo  (I attached the file below)

Please write the summary ( Economic Realities for Vietnamese American Women (page 237))to include main points. Keep in mind your peers may have not read the chapter you selected so you would like to provide them with an overall summary of the chapter reading.

Requirement: In your summary/analysis, you must provide citations from the reading which should include title, page numbers, and a reference page.  However, on the week of your final, theres no reading discussion forum.

Your post should include:

  1. Title of Article and Author
  2. Summary of article selected: a paragraph with citations
  3. Reflection of the reading: a paragraph
    • A reflection can include your own personal experience that’s related to the readings, a connection to the reading that you found in a news or academic article, movie, YouTube video, etc.
    • You can also include your thoughts, views, or opinion about the chapter reading you selected.
    • If you’re having trouble, you can answer the following questions:
      • What did you find interesting about the reading?
      • What would you have done in their situation?
      • How would the issues in the chapter be in today’s political climate?
      • Where does issue the issues stand today?
      • What policies or suggestions do you have to improve the issues?

Physics lab assignment


Spring Constant – A Virtual PhET Lab

 After completing this lab activity, the students should be able to:

  • Conduct an experiment to determine the spring constant
  • Calculate the spring constant
  • Write a lab report

Lab Report

The lab report must include the following:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Experimental Details or Theoretical Analysis
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions and Summary
  • References

Please visit the following website to learn more about lab reports:

An example of a lab report is given on the following website:

Lab Activity

Please follow the steps given below to conduct the experiment:

  • This lab requires you to produce a lab report to determine  The Spring Constant of a Spring. This is the Title of your lab report.
  • Read the relevant chapter on spring constant and Hooke’s law and add an Introduction.

You conduct this lab by connecting to the PhET website by clicking on the link given below (or where applicable through the embedded simulation on the lab page):


University of Colorado Boulder

(If you cannot use the above simulation or cannot get to the website by clicking on the link, please copy and paste the link into your browser. If the simulation is not running, please check if you have the latest Java, Adobe Flash, or HTML5 software [depending on the simulated lab]. If you download the relevant software and attempt to run the simulation and it is still not working, please call the IT helpdesk. It also could be that your computer does not have sufficient space to run the simulation. Please check all the possibilities).

  • For this experiment, you use the Lab section of the simulation. After you click the lab section of the simulation, select “Displacement/Natural Length,” “Mass Equilibrium,” and “Movable Line” boxes (upper right-hand corner). Then, select “Earth” and the correct gravity value will appear. Move the Damping scale to Lots extreme. This will stop the spring bouncing up and down. Now, select the Spring Constant scale to the middle (middle of the simulation).  Now you can change the Mass values as you desired, but you must have at least three different mass values and conduct the experiment that will enable you to find the spring constant by plotting a graph. Once you find the spring constant from the graph, find the masses of the two unknown objects Red and Blue. You find these masses without changing the spring constant scale, since you will use the spring constant value you found from the graph to find the unknown mass. This information constitutes the Experimental Details section of the lab report. You must keep a record of all the values appearing on the screen as experimental values for the scenario. These values also form part of the Results section of the lab report. Now, complete the theoretical calculations including the plotting of the graph. These calculated values and the graph form the Results section of the lab report.
  • Now, you can complete the Discussion section of your lab report by comparing the values and discussing any differences in the theoretical and experimental values and any other information relevant to the experiment.
  • Complete the lab report by adding a summary to the Conclusion section of your lab report.
  • Submit the lab report to the relevant Canvas Dropbox

Please watch the following video to learn more about Newton’s Second Law and Momentum:

Lab Scenario

  1. Calculate the spring constant of the spring by graph method.
  2. Calculate the masses of red and blue objects.


Physics lab assignment


Kinetic Energies and Momentum – A Virtual PhET Lab

 After completing this lab activity, the students should be able to:

  • Calculate kinetic energies
  • Calculate momentum and final velocities
  • Write a lab report

Lab Report

The lab report must include the following:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Experimental Details or Theoretical Analysis
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions and Summary
  • References

Please visit the following website to learn more about lab reports:

An example of a lab report is given on the following website:

Lab Activity

Please follow the steps given below to conduct the experiment:

  • This lab requires you to produce a lab report to, determine “Momentum, Final Velocities, and Kinetic Energy. This is the Title of your lab report.
  • Read the relevant chapter on momentum and kinetic energy and add an Introduction.

You conduct this lab by connecting to the PhET website by clicking on the link given below (or where applicable through the embedded simulation on the lab page):



PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder

(If you cannot use the above simulation or cannot get to the website by clicking on the link, please copy and paste the link into your browser. If the simulation is not running, please check if you have the latest Java, Adobe Flash, or HTML5 software [depending on the simulated lab]. If you download the relevant software and attempt to run the simulation and it is still not working, please call the IT helpdesk. It also could be that your computer does not have sufficient space to run the simulation. Please check all the possibilities).

  • For this experiment, you use the Intro section of the lab. After you click the intro section of the lab, select “Velocity,” “Kinetic Energy,” and “Values” boxes (upper right-hand corner). Then, move the “Elasticity” scale to 100% elastic. Then check the box “More Data” (bottom left-hand side). Now all the values will appear on the screen.  Now you can change the mass values and the initial velocity values as per the scenario given below, and kinetic energy, momenta, and velocity values will appear on the screen. This information constitutes the Experimental Details section of the lab report. You must keep a record of all the values appearing on the screen as experimental values for the scenario. These values form part of the Results section of the lab report. Now, complete the theoretical calculations of kinetic energy, final velocities, and momenta for each scenario using relevant equations. These calculated values also form the Results section of the lab report.
  • Now, you can complete the Discussion section of your lab report by comparing the values and discussing any differences in the theoretical and experimental values and any other information relevant to the experiment.
  • Complete the lab report by adding a summary to the Conclusion section of your lab report.
  • Submit the lab report to the relevant Canvas Dropbox

Please watch the following video to learn more about Newton’s Second Law and Momentum:

Lab Scenario

Set the pink ball mass as 2 kg mass and the blue ball mass as 3kg. The position of blue ball could be -1 and pink ball could be +1. Set the initial velocity of pink ball as -1.5 m/s and that of the blue ball as +3 m/s. Run the experiment and note all the relevant experimental values. 

  1. Calculate the initial and final kinetic energy values for both balls separately and then the total.
  2. Calculate the momenta before and after the collision for each ball.
  3. Calculate the final velocity values for each ball.


Discussion #3 Asam

article 1

History of the Model Minority Myth in the US

article 2

article 3


Please review the current online articles ( I post the link of 3 articles above) and video for this week. The articles and videos serve as an example for the post you need to complete. For discussion #3, you will need to find an article or video that addresses a current issue/stereotype that is affecting Asian American Women in our society today. You will need to include the link to the articles, news/scholarly article, video, movies, etc. to the issue. Please complete the following:

  1. Provide a summary of the issue that should include a link to the article, media, video, etc.
  2. Explain how this issue affects Asian American Women
  3. Address how this issue is different or similar to women of other race or ethnicity in America
  4. Include examples from the reading if there are any (optional)
  5. Conclusion: Have you had a similar experience? What are your personal thoughts about this issue? How can we move forward to resolve or change this issue?
  6. Reference at the bottom of the post

harsha assi laggards

1. Read the article Furniture you can Grow and determine which segment of the technology adoption life cycle it resides.

2.  Laggards in marketing comprise a group of consumers who avoid change and may not be willing to adopt a new product until all traditional alternatives are no longer available. The group is mostly concerned with reliability and low cost and represents about 16% of the consumer population. Study the definition. Close your eyes and become a laggard. What 3 products do you see around you? Why do you still use them? Do not use product categories. Use specific products like a Nokia flip phone.

  1. Read the optional article on Laggards: How Being a Laggard or Late Adopter of Technology Can Save You Money

Diversity and Learning Environment


As classroom leaders, teachers have many opportunities to encourage everyone to respect people of all backgrounds and abilities, and promote a positive classroom environment that supports learning and decreases disruptive behavior. Teachers should reflect on their own values and beliefs in order to understand any underlying effects these beliefs may have on their instruction and interaction styles with students. Such awareness can help teachers be more objective, have more empathy and understanding of others, and set the tone for a respectful and cooperative learning environment.

Prepare a 750-1,000 word reflection on the topic of diversity and learning environments. Within your work, address the following:

Describe personal frames of reference regarding cultural, linguistic, and gender differences.

Reflect upon how your personal background and frames of reference can, however unintentionally, create bias in your relationships with students and families, how you design instruction, and the classroom environment you promote.

Describe specific ways to decrease potential bias in your classroom, including ways to incorporate your students abilities, interests, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds into the learning environment.

Review the Integration of Faith and Work at GCU. Using this as a guide, discuss how Christian values align with establishing a multicultural classroom that demonstrates and teaches how to respect people of all backgrounds and abilities.

Support your work with 3-5 scholarly resources, including the Statement on the Integration of Faith and Word article.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

You are required to submit assignment to turnitin and attach report

Prepare a formal 5 -page paper and presentation (content, not including reference page or table of contents) on a topic of your choice related to Transportation and Logistics

 Prepare a formal 5 -page paper and presentation (content, not including reference page or table of contents) on a topic of your choice related to Transportation and Logistics 

Your paper, which is worth 100 points and 45% of your grade, will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

Quality and depth of content (60 points) 

Organization of the report (10 points) 

Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, table of contents, appropriate labels on figures and tables, etc. (10 points) 

Correct grammar and evidence of proofing, i.e., no spelling errors (5 points) 

Variety and documentation of references used. Format for citations and references must follow APA 7th ed. guidelines (15 points) 



Before you write your posting this week, establish three things that you expect a website to contain when you are using that website to find information for academic or professional purposes.

Then investigate something that relates to a specific non-political issue or question that you might encounter in your chosen health profession, such as needing to work long shifts, dealing with a patient’s death, communicating appropriately and respectfully with patients/clients from diverse cultural groups, communicating with patients or coworkers who are difficult to reach, bridging a generation gap when interacting with a patient or coworker who is significantly older than you, etc.  If you are unsure as to whether the issue you would like to write about is appropriate for class, please email the instructor to check well in advance of the posting deadline.

Carefully read two or more websites (no Wikipedia, please) about the issue you have chosen to investigate.  The first “hit” on a web search might not be the most worthwhile website.  Which website do you find has all or most of the things you were looking for regarding academic/professional information?

In your posting of 8-12 complete sentences, first, write about the issue/question you chose to investigate.  Why is that important to you?  Then list the things (criteria) you expected to find in a useful website.  Mention the best website (no Wikipedia, please) that you found using the correct format provided above.  In your own words, summarize in one sentence what the most useful thing was that you learned as a result of reading the website.  Please do not quote directly from the website–summarize in your own words.  End by telling one thing that you would like to know more about that relates to the issue/question that you investigated.

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