Case Study


Marilyn owns land that she acquired three years ago as an investment for $250,000. Because the land has not appreciated in value as she anticipated, she sells it to her brother, Amos, for its fair market value of $180,000. Amos sells the land two years later for $240,000.

  1. Explain why Marilyns realized loss of $70,000 ($180,000 amount realized $250,000 adjusted basis) is disallowed at the time of the sale to her brother.
  2. Explain why Amos records neither a recognized gain nor a recognized loss on his sale of the land.
  3. How does the related-party disallowance rule affect the total gain or loss recognized by the family unit?
  4. Which party wins and which party loses, in a federal income tax sense?
  5. How could Marilyn have avoided the loss disallowance on her sale of the land?

  Please provide sufficient justification by citing applicable IRS codes and tax rules. You should include a cover page and references page in APA format. Your memo should not exceed two pages. 

Substance Abuse

Write a paragraph describing your possible reactions to your patient who misuses substances.

a. Would your response be different depending on the substance (e.g., alcohol versus heroin or marijuana versus cocaine)? Give reasons for your answers.

b. Would your response be different if the person were a professional colleague? How?

week 3 assignment

 How do you ensure quality in health services organizations? What tools might a health care administration leader use to ensure quality measures are present in a health services organization? As a current or future health care administration leader, your understanding of how to use and implement appropriate tools for quality in your health services organization will be important for the delivery of effective and quality health services.For this Assignment, review the resources for this week that are specific to supply, demand, equilibrium, break-even analysis, and quality improvement initiatives. Be sure to review the Pay for Performance and CMS Quality Initiative in your course text.

The Assignment: (34 pages)

  • Using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, complete problems 1 through 4 on pages 107108 in the Ross textbook. Show all work. Submit both your Excel and Word files for grading





you dont need to include charts with executive write up  as they are already in excel



7-1. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION. The successful implementation of selected formulated strategies is not without challenges. If you were an experienced strategist for the UIW, what five recommendations would you propose to the university president that would help ensure success in implementing the university strategies?

7-2. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION. Some head football coaches get paid millions, presumably because there is so much money involved in college football the need to win is paramount. However, head coaches are often fired when a season goes badly, with huge payouts to the coach by contract. How could a head coachs compensation package be better structured to encourage winning, and at the same time not be so potentially costly to a university?

7-3. EFFECTIVENESS VS. EFFICIENCY. Chapter 7 says strategy formulation focuses on effectiveness, whereas strategy implementation focuses on efficiency. Contrast business effectiveness with business efficiency. Which is more important: effectiveness or efficiency? Give an example of each concept.



Book Review Option #1

Fung, J., & Moore, J. (2016). The complete guide to fasting: Heal your body through intermittent, alternate-day, and extended fasting. Victory Belt Publishing.

Book Review Option #2

Murrow, D. (2020). Drowning in screen time: A lifeline for adults, parents, teachers, and ministers who want to reclaim their real lives. Salem Books.

Introduction to ANOVA

The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method is the most popular and highly used statistical technique by researchers. Like T tests, ANOVAs are used to compare the means of groups for a given independent variable to determine whether they are statistically different from each other. However, T tests can only compare two groups. ANOVAs allow you to compare two or more (usually, ANOVAs are conducted with at least three groups). Using ANOVA, you can compare all mean differences simultaneously. This is advantageous as using multiple t tests increases the rate of Type I error, which means rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true (Tarlow, 2016).

For example, say you are interested in whether socioeconomic status is related to individuals self-reported happiness. By separating the individuals into groups representing low, middle, and high socioeconomic status (or even low, low-mid, mid, mid-high and high, or some other combination of groups), you could then determine whether mean reported happiness is different across each of the groups. How many groups might you need to investigate in your own research? If the answer is more than two, then this will be an important week. This week, you will extend your knowledge by identifying and applying the use of a one-way ANOVA test.

References/ Materials

Tarlow, K. R. (2016). Teaching principles of inference with ANOVA. Teaching Statistics, 38(1), 1621.

  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Academic Writer. American Psychological Association.
  • Knapp, H. (Academic). (2016). ANOVA [Streaming video]. SAGE Research Methods.

Statistical reasoning for everyday life

Bennett, J. O., Briggs, W. L., & Triola, M. F. (2017). Statistical reasoning for
everyday life (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson-Addison Wesley.

This is the required Redshelf textbook for the course. You will be using this textbook all through the course for weekly assignments. For this week, review Chapters 9 and 10. Access the textbook in the Getting started module of your course or the Bookshelf link at the top of your course. 


Download the assignment template and data files from this weeks resources and review the steps for this assignment. Once you have reviewed the steps, complete the problems and questions as presented. Show your work using your statistical program output. You may show manual/hand calculations only if the SPSS program cannot be accessed. There are two deliverables you must submit this week:

  • SPSS output file or manual calculations: Submit the SPSS output file in PDF form, or you can scan your work and submit it as a low-resolution graphic.
  • Word document: Submit a Word file answering the questions asked in the assignment. Describe the results in APA style incorporating relevant tables and figures formatted in APA style. 

Length: SPSS output or manual calculations and 1 to 2-page Word document

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.


 Strategic Planning:

Case Study Overview: In conventional business and government megaprojects–such as hydroelectric dams, chemical-processing plants, or big-bang enterprise-resource-planning systems–the standard approach is to build something monolithic and customized. Such projects must be 100% complete before they can deliver benefits: Even when it’s 95% complete, a nuclear reactor is of no use. On the basis of 30 years of research and consulting on megaprojects, the author has found two factors that play a critical role in determining success or failure: replicable modularity in design and speed in iteration. The article examines those factors by looking at well-known megaprojects, both successful ones, and cautionary tales.

Case Study Link

  • Use the following link to access the assigned cases:
  • If you encounter any issues, please contact

Using the attached link do the following: Your team has been assigned to build a house for your sponsor Smith Thomas.  The budget for the house is $200,000, and the house must be completed in 6 months. 

1. Purpose: Why are we doing the project? 

2. Resources: Who will manage the project, and which skills are needed to deliver it ?

Photography Discussion 1

The impact the daguerreotype had on the middle class cannot be overstated.  Before the nineteenth century only the wealthy had the means to commemorate their likeness.  The daguerreotype was the great equalizer.  For the first time, everyday people could now make their own visual history.  In our age of smart phones, social media and selfies, it is difficult to imagine what it must have been like to have an image of oneself, one’s family, dog, vacation.  Can you imagine being able to have your very first portrait taken?  What are your thoughts and opinions on that?  Spend some time looking at daguerreotypes and choose an image that is fascinating to you and copy and paste it into your post.  What do you think the image says about the person in it?  Would you have liked to know them?  Do you think they are different than you?  What would you imagine their interests, lives etc. would be like? 

We take so many pictures of ourselves for everyone to see in an instant.  What is your favorite picture of yourself and why?  Where are you and what are you doing wearing, etc.  Is it difficult to choose just one?   If possible include it in the discussion.


Julia Margaret Cameron famously made portraits that were slightly out of focus. Did her approach help or hinder portraiture?

Also – if you were to have a carte-de-visite created for yourself what would it look like, what would you be wearing, what type of clothing, furniture and props would you include?

3 minute speech

  • Week 9 Assignment: Persuasive Speech
    Due: Week 9
    Points: 180Skill(s) Being Assessed: Communication (oral, persuasion)Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:
    • Deliver a presentation with clear and consistent audio (speech clarity) and visual quality throughout.
    • Deliver a presentation of appropriate length (34 minutes).
    • Develop a logically organized speech that includes all required components (introduction, main and supporting points, conclusion), and uses effective transitions.
    • Craft an introduction that engages the audience, previews main points, and presents a clear message.
    • Develop a conclusion that reinforces the central idea and uses a strong closing.
    • Verbally cite at least two credible sources during the speech that support or reinforce the main points.
    • Use ethos, logos, and pathos effectively to persuade the audience.
    • Deliver a professional communication expressed through appropriate language, expressive voice and appropriate tone, natural gestures, and strong eye contact.
    • What to submit/deliverables: 34 minute video speech. What is the value of doing this assignment? Writing and speaking clearly and powerfully is critical throughout your professional and academic careers. You might have to present to your supervisor or colleagues, to your peers in another course, or even to your local school board. This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice your communication skill. It will show that you can effectively deliver a persuasive speech. This assignment asks you to use what youve learned during the course about actively listening, responding in the workplace, and persuasive communication to effectively deliver a persuasive speech.Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your oral and written communication skills. You will do this by creating and delivering a persuasive speech on a collaboration tool.What you need to complete this assignment: To complete this assignment, you will need the following resources:
    • .
    • Kaltura or mobile device to record video.
    • Previously composed speech outline.
    • Steps to complete: In Week 9, complete and submit your assignment in BlackBoard using the following steps:STEP 1: Review the scenario from the Week 3 and 7 Assignments.Scenario: Your organization recently shifted to remote work. Since that time, you have heard complaints from a few co-workers concerning the lack of collaboration tools and difficulty effectively collaborating in a remote environment. You also know that your supervisor has recently received a number of complaints concerning the companys online collaboration tools. Because of these complaints, your supervisor is in search of technology that can be used to effectively facilitate remote collaboration.Your co-worker recently left you a voicemail message expressing extreme frustration with the lack of collaboration tools and has asked if there is something that can be done to help the organization select and implement a collaboration tool. As a team leader and as part of the task force researching collaboration tools, you have been asked to present on one collaborative tool – providing context on the tool and the advantages of adopting the tool. Your goal is to convince the leadership team to adopt one collaborative tool for use throughout the organization.STEP 2: Use the speech outline you created in Week 7 to develop your speech.STEP 3: Practice your speech.STEP 4: Record your speech in Kaltura.STEP 5: Submit your video file in BlackBoard. Note: Please verify you can be clearly heard and seen in the video before submitting.NOTE: You can also use your mobile device and upload your recording to Blackboard. However, recording through Kaltura using and is the recommended option.Watch the Week 9 Assignment Overview video to help you get started with this assignment:

Summaries on Requiem & Sugar YouTube Videos

Please write only 2 page summary maximum on the two YouTube videos

One page each summary on each video please.

Use Citation and Quotes.

The Links to the video:

1.    – Requiem for the American Dream

2:  –  Sugar: The Bitter Truth