
The HIT Innovation Steering Committee within an organization is proactively looking at data breaches of other organizations to assist them with minimizing the risk to their data security and privacy. As an intern at this organization, you are to investigate and select a recently publicized data breach. Use information from the module readings, lectures and your own research. Create a Proposal for this Committee describing the identified data breach and strategies the organization can use to minimize security and privacy risks.


Create a written Proposal that includes:

  • Description of the data breach, including outcomes for the affected organization (e.g., regulatory and financial)
  • Discussion of the security, privacy, confidentiality, and ethical issues resulting from this breach
  • A final proposal discussion that describes methods that can be implemented in an organization to minimize risk for a data and security breach
  • Reference page of resources utilized


Clear and thorough description of the data breach and outcomes for the affected organization, including multiple examples and supporting details.

Comprehensive discussion of the security, privacy, confidentiality, and ethical issues resulting from this breach, including multiple examples and supporting details.

Clear and thorough final proposal discussion that describes methods that can be implemented in an organization to minimize risk for a data and security breach, including multiple examples and supporting details.

Reference page contains almost no formatting errors and all sources are scholarly and academic.


Part 1

Juan, Mrs. Cane’s 11 year old grandson, has just recently been diagnosed with leukemia. Based on the type of leukemia, his doctor suggested that a bone marrow transplant might be his best treatment option.

1) Based on you knowledge of blood physiology (specifically, blood cell count, blood cell functions, blood cell disorders, the role of blood cells in maintain homeostasis), explain clearly whether or not it would it be important to closely monitor Juan’s blood cell count for each of the following, especially since Juan is not getting chemotherapy (at least not yet):
(i) RBC
(ii) WBC
(iii) Platelets

Part 2
Last spring, Manuel was diagnosed with late stage kidney disease. His doctor said it is most likely a result of constant vibrations form the heavy machinery he worked with for over 20 years.

Because of Manuel’s symptoms, he is constantly short of breath with the slightest physical exertion, and is now unable to work. Manuel’s feet are constantly swollen, he is unable to move about and he is very depress.

2) Based on your knowledge of blood in general, and blood cell anatomy and physiology in particular, would Manuel’s blood test reveal that he has polycythemia or anemia? Give a clear explanation for your choice of disorder.



  • Describe the historical context of the policy in a few sentences.
  • Describe the population the policy serves.
  • Explain how the visibility of a disability (i.e., one that is easy to see vs. one that is not physically evident) may affect societys perception of the need for and the acceptance of policies to help those with disabilities


Practical Connection Assignment

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (Strategic Decision Making) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Please write it from healthcare point of view as I work in hospital. 

  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 
  • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 


I need a write-up of at least 350 words on ”Writing and Approving the Constitution.” 


Your postings are your reactions and educated opinions, NOT merely a retelling of the historical event.

1) Read the three YAWP readings links provided below. 




2) Read Thomas Jeffersons response letter to Benjamin Banneker, link provided.





3) Read the Meaning of Race on pages 171 174 of the US History online text.

4) Within the Constitution, which can be found toward the back of your textbook, Read Article I, Section 2, Clause 3; Article I, Section 9, Clause 1; and Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3

Of the first 18 presidents of the U.S., 12 either owned slaves or came from slave owning families. Supreme Court Justices owned slaves. Congressmen, governors, and other local and military leaders owned slaves.

By 1787, the year the Constitution was written, the United States had been using slave labor to build the economy for 168 years.

Using the instructions above, the provided learning materials, and your own research:

1) Create a conversation starter about these learnings.

2) If we study history so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past, what do we need to learn and know from this time period?

3) Pose 3 questions from your learning to your fellow students to create further discussions.

After reading about Cato and Benjamin Banneker, what are your thoughts on what Thomas Jefferson said in his letter?

Does the Constitution protect slavery and the right to own slaves? Explain.

What are the connections between slavery, the 3/5 Compromise, determination of representation in the House of Representatives, and the Electoral College?

Learning Project 2

Based on your evaluation of an organization or a segment of an organization in the previous
Learning Project: Company Analysis and Evaluation Project Assignment (attached), select 1
contemporary management technique (listed in the Blocher & Hicks text) (attached) is not currently being  implemented in the organization/segment that could aid the organization/segment in achieving its
critical success factors (CSFs).

Using the electronic databases provided by the Jerry Falwell Library and other sources, search
for journal articles in professional, peer-reviewed accounting and business journals that pertain
to the contemporary management technique chosen.

The assignment must be 1215 double-spaced pages, with 1-inch margins and current APA pagination. The font must be 12-point Times New Roman.  It must include references from at least 6 different sources. Be sure to include a title page and a reference page. The title page and the reference page do not count as part of the 1215-page length requirement.

Address the following in order:
1. Rationale for the contemporary management technique selected
2. In-depth analysis of the technique, in which you fully describe the technique, its
implementation process, its application by other organizations, its applicability to your
organization/segment, and your plan for implementation

Additional guidelines:
1. Avoid using first and second person (e.g., I, we, you, etc.).
2. You must reference a minimum of your textbooks and 6 additional scholarly sources. Wikipedia, Investopedia, and the like are not considered scholarly sources and should not be used. Any use of these sources will be grounds for a 50-point deduction.
3. Any personal communication should be cited appropriately within the text; however, citations of personal communication are not needed for the reference section.
4. An abstract and table of contents are not needed.

Contemporary Management Techniques Rubric (attached) for more information concerning the point breakdowns. 

8-1 Discussion: Exploring the Differences in Nonprofit Versus For-Profit Management

Consider the main topics of this course, and think about what you have learned throughout the course. Would you consider becoming a nonprofit manager or would you prefer to work in the for-profit sector? Why or why not? If you choose to work in the nonprofit sector, what are the non-monetary aspects of nonprofit work that drive you toward wanting to work in this field? If you choose the for-profit sector, why would you prefer to work in that field?


A 3-4 paragraph post.

PowerPoint Presentation



Presentation #1: Identifying and Illustrating my Skills

 There is a valuable lesson to be learned from those who have conducted successful job searches: it is extremely important to define who you are as you embark on your job search AND to be able to illustrate who you are through short stories from your professional and personal life that demonstrate the unique strengths you bring to a role. 

Objective:  Develop a 3-4 minute recorded presentation in which you  (1) define who you are now, using Sidney Fines Three Kinds of Skills, (2) illustrate your skills with a story from your life as directed below and (3) set a goal as to how you will demonstrate/apply your skills in your current internship. You will use PowerPoint or a similar tool to create your presentation.

Recording Directions:  record your completed presentation and upload it into the dropbox for Presentation #1 in D2L. 

Your recording options are:

  1. Panopto:  This option is housed in your D2L course shell and is a video-sharing platform supported by NLU.  Detailed directions for recording and sharing with Panopto can be found
  2. PowerPoint dictation:  Using this option, you would record a voice-over of your PowerPoint slides and share them with your instructor.  Directions for this option can be found
  3. Zoom: you may use zoom to record your presentation, walking your audience through shared slides.  You would use the record function in zoom and then save your completed recording and share it with your instructor in D2L.  Directions for using zoom to record a presentation can be found .  This option does require that you sign up for a temporary free zoom account or that you have your own account.

Presentation Content Directions:  In your presentation, make sure to:

1. Define your skills. (3 Slides-one for each skill type)

a. Using Sidney Fines Three Kinds of Skills (linked ), identify one Transferable/Functional skill (what you can do), one personal trait/attitude (how you conduct yourself), and one knowledge-based skill (what you know)  that best define the strengths you bring to your internship at this moment. (You are encouraged to identify one of these skills from your Strengthsfinder survey.)

2.  Determine how your passions, values, and interests connect to the skills you have identified. (1 slide)

  1. As you think about what you can do, how you behave, and what you know, its also important to think about what you care about and what you love.  Reflect on the connection and share your learnings in this slide.

3. Illustrate with a story.   (1 slide)

  1. Select an event  from your recent past where you have demonstrated 

your identified skills. You might revisit the SOAR  format to tell your story, revisited . You could also consider the storytelling suggestions offered by Katherine Hanson in your assigned readings, found  (Your story must contain: what you wanted to accomplish, a hurdle or obstacles you encountered, a description of what you did, a description of the result that is measurable.)  If you absolutely need to tell more than one story, you can. The goal here is to show your audience how you have demonstrated the skills you have identified.

4. Determine Next Steps.  (1 slide)

  1. Now that you have identified three current skills, identify ways that you might demonstrate  (or more effectively demonstrate) these skills in your current internship, job, or extracurricular activity.

Required Readings for Presentation:  

  •  Skillscan (2012) The Three Types of Skills Classification
  • Hansan, K. Use Stories to Prove Your Skills. LiveCareer.
  • Rivera, R. (2015, February 15).  Have S.O.A.R or S.T.A.R Statements Prepared for Your Next Interview. LinkedIn.

Just to let you know that I am Computer Science student so present it accordingly