Archive for June, 2022

Compensation and Benefits

 Use the following link to access the article you will use to conduct an article critique.Beller, M. D. (2014, November 22). . Insurance Advocate, 125(19), 4243. reading the article, compose your critique by addressing the items listed below.

  • Explain the main topic/question of the article.
  • Explain and identify mandatory indirect benefits addressed in the article.
  • Discuss factors to consider in determining how to offer and select benefits according to the article.
  • Take what you have learned from the unit and article and apply the concepts to your life by explaining whether you support mandatory indirect benefits and describing how they can affect you.

8210 wk discussion

 Understanding descriptive statistics and their variability is a fundamental aspect of statistical analysis. On their own, descriptive statistics tell us how frequently an observation occurs, what is considered average, and how far data in our sample deviate from being average. With descriptive statistics, we are able to provide a summary of characteristics from both large and small datasets. In addition to the valuable information they provide on their own, measures of central tendency and variability become important components in many of the statistical tests that we will cover. Therefore, we can think about central tendency and variability as the cornerstone to the quantitative structure we are building.  

Week 6 Homework Assignment


Note: The instructions describe the preparation of four proforma forecast budgets for Facilities, Equipment, Manpower, and Operations Expense.  Attached below is an Excel file that contains templates for all of these four charts.

The following comments pertain to a business where you will be producing a product.  If your business involves providing a service or doesnt require manufacturing, you should customize the content of your operations chapter accordingly.  Describe the operating elements that are applicable to your specific business while following the template provided.

Use this outline for your Operations Plan.


6.1 Description of Operations Strategic Plan

6.2 Business Location and Reasons for Site Selection/Advantages of Location

6.3 Facilities Requirements, Costs and Acquisition Plans

6.4 Equipment Requirements, Costs and Acquisition Plans

6.5 Staffing Headcount, Cost and Hiring Plans

6.6 Operating Expenses and Working Capital Needs

6.7 Project Management Chart – Development Tasks, Implementation Timeline, and Status

6.8 Business Development Challenges and Risks

6.9 Intellectual Property Required by the Business

The first two sections are broad in nature.  Dealing with the company’s overall plan for executing its operations, and also its plan for where to situate itself geographically, the topics are wide spread and encompassing.

6.1 Description of Operations Strategic Plan

The Operations Strategic Plan section is the section where you describe how you will approach all the various activities included under operations.  Operations mean everything that isnt related to Marketing & Sales, or to Finance.   Operations can include Research & Development, Engineering, Materials Management, Manufacturing, Distribution, Maintenance, etc.

Set up your Operations Strategic Plan section as a list of the Operations activities your business requires.  For each activity, describe that activitys objective and then describe your strategy for how you will accomplish it.  

The key is to recognize that there is generally more than one choice for how you can execute each element of your Operations strategy.   Your company’s task is to decide which option to use in your business.

To produce a product, there are several choices.  You can establish your own factory, meaning you require facilities, equipment, manpower, and inventory.  Or you can enter into a contract with a manufacturer to have your product produced.  There are many contract manufacturers, both in-country and abroad.

To package your product and ship it, you also have choices.  You can perform the warehousing, picking, packing, and dispatch functions in-house.  You would require facilities, equipment, and manpower for this.  Or alternatively, you can contract with a fulfillment company, such as Amazon, whose role is to receive goods that their customers (you) arrange to have sent to them, and then to turn around and ship those goods against your customers orders.  The current buzz term for this is called fulfillment.  

6.2 Business Location and Reasons for Site Selection/Advantages of Location

This section is where you describe the area that you have chosen to locate your expanded business and explain the reasons why you selected this location.  It doesnt have to be the same location that you used for your initial startup.    To be fully complete, this section should explain your site selection not only in terms of its advantages but also in terms of how this site is superior to other sites that were considered.  If possible, focus the site selection to a specific address within a community.  Providing a specific address is tangible and will be very attractive to an investor, who can imagine the project completion with such specific details.

The next four sections, dealing with Facilities, Equipment. Staffing and Expense/Working Capital Requirements are very detailed.  These sections are the heart of your expansion plan.  Describe the details of what you plan to buy, build or lease to execute your expansion plan. And include the expenses you will incur and the working capital you will require to operate your business after the expansion plan is completed.  Dont include any existing resources these sections are to exclusively describe the net additions you will make to your business so that your expansion plan can be completed.  This gives the reader a good picture of the hard goods that the investment money will be spent on. Describe the items, their costs, and details of how they will be provided.

6.3 Facilities Requirements, Costs, and Acquisition Plans

Facilities mean the actual land and building.  Describe here the actual facilities you will either build, buy or lease.  Explain details about the facility and how much it will cost, where it is located, etc.  If you are leasing, include your leasehold improvements in this section. 

Show the cost of the Facility and the improvements to the facility in a spreadsheet that is timed over five years.  Your expansion project might involve all the expenditures and installation in the early part of the plan the first year or two.  Or you may have an expansion plan that just keeps growing, in which case the expenditures could be spread over the entire five-year period.

Use a spreadsheet to display your Facilities and Facility Improvements budget for the business plan period. The template is provided in the attachment below.

This cost information should be very helpful when developing the financial statements in chapter 7.

6.4 Equipment Requirements, Costs, and Acquisition Plans

Machinery and Equipment mean all the items that you require to be installed inside your facility so that you are able to produce your product.  This can include various factory machines such as presses, office equipment such as desks and computers, and any tools that you require in production.   Create a list of all the major machinery and equipment you need and show the cost, and your plan to acquire the equipment.  Indicate whether you have commitments or just estimates.

Show the cost of the Machinery and Equipment in a spreadsheet that is timed over five years.  Your expansion project might involve all the expenditures and installation in the early part of the plan the first year or two.  Or you may have an expansion plan that just keeps growing, in which case the expenditures could be spread over the entire five-year period.

Use a spreadsheet to display your Machinery and Equipment Budget for the business plan period. The template is provided in the attachment below.

6.5 Staffing Headcount, Cost and Hiring Plans

Staffing means all the manpower you will require to operate your expanded business.  It does not include senior management which was described previously in Chapter 5.  If you have existing personnel, the staffing is only the incremental requirement of employees needed to fulfill the growth strategy. 

Staffing should be identified by Operations Function, and the cost, as well as the anticipated hiring dates, should be indicated. Show the cost of the added staff in a spreadsheet that is timed over five years.  Your expansion project might involve all the staff to be added in the early part of the plan the first year or two.  Or you may have an expansion plan that just keeps growing, in which case the staff additions could be spread over the entire five-year period.

This section is about all the employees that you will require to staff all the functions in your operations plan.  This could include engineers, scientists, quality control techs, production workers, materials management workers, receivers, shippers, office staff, and any other functions that your specific business proposal may require.  

And you need to describe it as it is expected to change over time, from the beginning of the plan period through to the end of the plan period.

You previously described the business volume growth due to the expansion plan, in the Proforma forecast, you constructed in Chapter 3.   You need to describe your plan for adding people that corresponds to that growth curve.  You can start by describing your existing staffing pre-expansion.  Then proceed to lay out a timed analysis of the headcount additions you plan to make.   And, you need to then show how much this will cost.  That cost data will be used in Chapter 7 to construct Profit and Loss statements.  And if some of the manpower requirements will be outsourced rather than hired, you can show that as separate lines for contractors and retained professionals.

You can do this by constructing a chart that shows all your staffing needs over time.  The template is provided in the attachment below.

Be sure to add descriptions below the chart to explain the various line items you include on the chart.

6.6 Operating Expenses and Working Capital Needs

Describe all your operating Expenses at the levels you expect to incur after your expansion plan has been completed.  Carry forward the annual total amount developed in Section 6.5 for wages or salaries. Similarly, carry forward the Senior Management Team Compensation described in Chapter 5.  And carry forward the selling and marketing expenses described in chapter 4.  The resultant budget should represent a clear picture of your total expected operating expenses for your business. 

Describe your operating expenses by expense category and identify the amount by year, for each of the five business plan years.  Start by describing your current level of operating expenses.  In your explanations that follow the illustration, describe the reasons why the amounts change from year to year.   

In your Proforma forecasts, the expense amounts should correspond to the volume forecast you included in Chapter 3.

In addition to your operating expenses, describe working capital needs that will have to be met from new equity. Such working capital is generally to cover operating losses in the early years after launch, along with the build-up of Accounts Receivable not covered by corresponding increases in Accounts Payable.  Additional working capital needs can occur to pay for inventory buildup and for prepaid utilities and other expenses.  The amount to be shown is not the total working capital required, just the amount needed to keep the proforma Cash Flow balances from falling below a target minimum level.  Show this on the line titled Cash Reserves.

Time all of your expenses and working capital over the five-year business plan period using a spreadsheet.  The template is provided in the attachment below.

The last three sections relate to more general topics affecting the operations of the business.

6.7 Project Management Chart – Development Tasks, Implementation Timeline, and Status

This is where you describe all the various steps/activities that will have to be taken in order to complete your expansion plan. These activities might include such things as trademark product and business names, establish a board of directors, select advertising agency, select business site, design facility, construct a facility, purchase equipment, install equipment, test equipment, hire staff, train staff, pre-production test, production ramp-up, and full production achieved.  

The preferred display is a GANTT Chart.  There are numerous examples of GANTT Charts on the internet with instructions on how to complete the chart.   A simple list of activities with expected completion dates and status situation is adequate if you cant find an example.

6.8 Business Development Challenges and Risks

Identify any significant business risks that your company can anticipate, the likelihood of their occurrence, and what steps you are taking to mitigate the effect of such risks. 

Also describe risks associated with completing the expansion plan project on budget and on schedule, and what you are doing to ensure that occurs.

6.9 Intellectual Property Required by the Business

Identify any intellectual properties you may require so your product can be brought to the market.

Identify your own intellectual properties and what you have done (or are doing) to protect them


Make a reflection of chapters, Chapter 8: Sampling and Chapter 9: Reliability of the class Nursing Research and Evidence Based.





The reflection posts are your personal viewpoints regarding your reading assignments

FOR JUNE 7 ,2022

Hypothesis Testing using Inferential Statistics

Hypothesis is a term that is often used in many ways (for example, sometimes it means that you have a feeling that something is true), but it has a precise meaning in statistics. Hypotheses are the likely answers to our testable research questions. Hypotheses are derived from prior knowledge and questions that arise from previously conducted research they represent what people still need to learn about a particular area (Wagner III & Gillespie, 2019).

For example, you know that water is required to sustain life, and you recently discovered snow on Mars. Now, astronomers are exploring the research question, Can Mars sustain human life? Their hypothesis could be, If there is water on Mars, then humans will be able to survive. Notice that this is a testable statement! Through observation or experiments, you can determine whether this hypothesis is true or false. Notice, too, that the hypothesis indicates the relation between the independent variable (available water) and the dependent variable (sustaining human life). This week, you will learn to write strong hypotheses for statistical analyses.

You will also learn about statistical errors. Since it is not possible to be completely confident in the results of a study, researchers accept but try to reduce the probability of error in their conclusions. When testing a hypothesis, your first step will be to name the null hypothesis, which is typically the default state. This is done within this nations legal system all the time the default state, or the null hypothesis, is that any accused person is not guilty. Then, people test that hypothesis through the process of an investigation and a trial. The result of this test may be that people reject the null hypothesis or replace the default state (this person is not guilty) with something else (this person is guilty). If the result of this test corresponds with reality, then individuals made the correct decision to reject the null hypothesis. However, if the result of the test does not correspond with reality, then an error has occurred. There are two types of error that you will explore this week: Type I error, also referred to as false positive, when you reject the null hypothesis, but it is true (in this example, you claim that a person is guilty, but in reality, the person is not) and Type II error, also known as false negative, when you keep the null hypothesis though it is false (you find the accused person innocent, but in reality, that person did commit the crime). You can see that each type of error has consequences; you will be introduced to guidelines for statistical testing that can help you limit the errors in your analyses.

This week, you will also explore inferential statistics like T test, which will help in hypothesis testing and arriving at conclusions about the hypothesis. Inferential statistics use a random sample from a population to describe a population, thus being able to make inferences about the population as a whole. A T test is used to compare two groups of means to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the groups. The basic premise behind the T test statistic is to compare distributions based on the difference between means. In the simplest terms, the logic is to calculate the difference between means (Wagner III & Gillespie, 2019).

You will learn that there are different types of T tests like One sample T test, Paired Sample T test, and Independent sample T test that can be used depending on the research design. Importance is placed on calculating these tests by using statistical software, as well as analyzing and interpreting their results. In addition to manipulating computations, the conceptual basis of each test will be explored.


Wagner III, W., & Gillespie, B. (2019). Using and interpreting statistics in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Weekly Resources and Assignments

Review the resources from the Course Resources link, located in the top navigation bar, to prepare for this weeks assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.

0 %0 of 1 topics completeShow data table for This chart displays the number of completed topics versus the total number of topics within module Week 6..

List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Week 6


Download the assignment template and data file from this weeks resources and review the steps for this assignment. Once you have reviewed the steps, complete the problems and questions as presented. Show your work using your statistical program output. You may show manual/hand calculations only if the SPSS program cannot be accessed. There are two deliverables you must submit this week:

  • SPSS output file or manual calculations: Submit the SPSS output file in PDF form, or you can scan your work and submit it as a low-resolution graphic.
  • Word document: Submit a Word file answering the questions asked in the assignment. Describe the results in APA style incorporating relevant tables and figures formatted in APA style.

Length: SPSS output or manual calculations and 1 to 2-page Word document

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

  • Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due June 12 at 11:59 PMDownload the assignment template and data file from this weeks resources and review the steps for this assignment. Once you have reviewed the steps, complete the problems and questions as presented. Show your work using your statistical program output. You may show manual/hand calculations only if the SPSS program cannot be accessed. There are two deliverables you must submit this week:
    • SPSS output file or manual calculations: Submit the SPSS output file in PDF form, or you can scan your work and submit it as a low-resolution graphic.
    • Word document: Submit a Word file answering the questions asked in the assignment. Describe the results in APA style incorporating relevant tables and figures formatted in APA style.
    • Length: SPSS output or manual calculations and 1 to 2-page Word document
      The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

8210 wk2 assignment

 In this weeks Discussion, you determined the benefits of visually displaying your data. You also learned that different types of data require different visual displays to adequately tell the story of the phenomena. Although the Discussion was difficult, what is even more difficult and challenging will be deciding on how best to display the data for presentation purposes. As you move further along in your dissertation or doctoral study, you will find that displaying data will be critical component in presenting a robust and clear capstone project.  

Compensation and Benefits

 Netflix employees can choose from a mix of stock options and salary, and Whole Foods employees can vote on the benefits they want according to need and/or demand. How important are employee benefits to you? How do you feel about those options for Netflix and Whole Foods? Do you think you should be given the choice of selecting the benefits based on your personal needs? 200 words.


Name at least one nurse legislator (b) name the state affiliated (c) List at least one contribution (Policy) enacted since holding office





FOR JUNE 7, 2022

Debate This: Sarbanes-Oxley Act


Superior Wholesale Corporation planned to purchase Regal Furniture, Inc., and wished to deter-mine Regals net worth. Superior hired Lynette Shuebke, of the accounting firm Shuebke Delgado, to review an audit that had been prepared by Norman Chase, the accountant for Regal. Shuebke advised Superior that Chase had performed a high-quality audit and that Regals inventory on the audit dates was stated accurately on the general ledger. As a result of these representations, Superior went forward with its purchase of Regal.

After the purchase, Superior discovered that the audit by Chase had been materially inaccurate and misleading, primarily because the inventory had been grossly overstated on the balance sheet. Later, a former Regal employee who had begun working for Superior exposed an e-mail exchange between Chase and former Regal chief executive officer Buddy Gantry. The exchange revealed that Chase had cooperated in overstating the inventory and understating Regals tax liability. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

  1. If Shuebkes review was conducted in good faith and conformed to generally accepted accounting principles, could Superior hold Shuebke Delgado liable for negligently failing to detect material omissions in Chases audit? Why or why not?
  2. According to the rule adopted by the majority of courts to determine accountants liability to third parties, could Chase be liable to Superior? Explain.
  3. Generally, what requirements must be met before Superior can recover damages under Sec-tion 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and SEC Rule 10b-5? Can Superior meet these requirements?
  4. Suppose that a court determined that Chase had aided Regal in willfully understating its tax liability. What is the maximum penalty that could be imposed on Chase?

5. Debate This:

Only the largest publicly held companies should be subject to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

I’m working on this question and I need a sample draft to help me study

 Subject is Forensic Science

500 words minimum for each and 2 references for each.

1. A person has broken into a residence and subsequently died in the bedroom before being able to flee. The residence is now a crime scene. You are the Crime Scene Investigator. Describe the process that should be followed to recover the physical evidence at that crime scene.

2. Discuss the rules of evidence used by the courts to determine admissibility of evidence collected from a crime scene. 

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