Advantage Food & Beverage Sales Rep
What would you do?
• Detail your Action plan in a P&G-style analysis.
P&G- style one-page case study analysis memo is shaped to quickly distill the key drivers of a business decision. Your assignment is rich in content and analysis. You present new ideas in an in-depth and detailed manner. There is a clear connection between the material discussed in class and the case or your experience. The paper is well written and organized in a way that effectively and efficiently supports your general thesis.
• Background
• The Big Idea
• How It Works
• Key Benefits to the Customer
• Suggested Next Steps
Three course sources:
How Right Should the Customer Be?" (HBR reprint R0607D)
"Best Face Forward" (HBR reprint R0412B)
"Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing" (HBR reprint R0607E)